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Fixed dutchman custom start bug?


for reference:

when starting a new game (eg: black flag) and choosing the cursed dutchman as a ship, I recieve a full crew all with 0 cost and at least an 8 in their relevant skill as well as some really nice abilities they shouldnt be able to have yet. the problem is, upon landing in the pirate port as per the tutorial, I was unable to return to my ship. I had -30 to all reputations as per the dutchmans start I assume, and I couldnt fast travel anywhere. I didnt choose davy jones as my character, and I chose a custom start for the 10 points. "I am playing on arcade with skill point distribution as the chosen form of exp) I could however walk around the town and managed to follow some secret passages back to the shore, however i still couldnt fast travel anywhere within the pirate port nor could I travel to my ship. I even tried reloding the save i made straight after disembarking and could see the dutchman moored, but still couldnt travel there. I tried changing my ship via console but that didnt fix it. Also f11 didnt do the trick.

So I figure having exhausted all options post-event, it may be easier (just for my own playthrough) to recode the config files assosiated with starting the game with the cursed dutchman. I keep backups of all the original files so I dont break anything.


I thought it might be related to the tutorial (since you cant open certain doors until the tutorial npc directs you to) but whether i dismiss him immediately, or finish until he says hes retiring to the tavern, I still have the same problem. in fact upon finish the tutorial, I couldnt open the city gates to return to the port either, it was locked.

Im going to try different starts and see if that works. will update.

also, Im not sure where to find some of the things in the files. after enabling cheat mode in internal settings, what file holds the actual cheats themselves? like the code that adds skill points and ability points when you use the fake level up cheat through numpad?


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I see you have "Background Profession CUSTOM"? You play with Auto Skill System OFF then, right?
It could be that I didn't fully test that possibility. Will check.

also, Im not sure where to find some of the things in the files. after enabling cheat mode in internal settings, what file holds the actual cheats themselves? like the code that adds skill points and ability points when you use the fake level up cheat through numpad?
Most of that is in PROGRAM\seadogs.c and PROGRAM\NK.c .
thanks Ill have a look, Im going to be testing other backgrounds.
I dont know if I mentioned it, but I also had a full crew provided with abnormally high hp, no cost and good skills/abilities. Is that because of choosing the dutchman?
When you say crew, do you mean officers?
It doesn't sound quite intentional.

When you start Julian McAllister as Rebel, he is meant to get some good officers at the start.
And when you start as Cursed with the Flying Dutchman, you get a very interesting start as well.
Sounds like you might have gotten an unintentional combination of both. Somehow.
If I can replicate it, that should be easy enough to fix.
well I think its tied to the black flag. not sure how this could happen but I just start again without the dutchman, stock ship black flag, swordmaster background. as soon as tutorial starts, I tell the guy to go away. I check my crew and they all have 160 hp at lvl 5 with one of each role 0 cost lvl 8 in main stats, good abilities (all fencing abilities for fist mate, all defense for surgeon instant repair etc) they all have the same names each time too. emily, william, forget the rest. but im happy now. I followed your instruction, and now have a sick crew, the dutchman with navarones, neutral rep from cheats, I also modded the fake lvl up cheat twice to give hp and skill points seperately instead of ability points, so my lvl 5 captain is on par with my officers. I know it seems dumb, but I find kicking ass to be the most fun. and just hunt for treasures and person gear as I go and lvl up. I tried normal playing but I couldnt board for the life of me. even with the best gear for all my officers and boarders, and 8 grapple. it was such a mess to get a new ship... Id rather focus on my story :) thanks for all your help, but yeah the crew stats seems unintentional I think?
you get 2 skillpoints per level.
If I look at the characters I get when starting a new game and I add up all theire skillpoints it fits with theire level 5 character so I don't see your problem.
Could you show a screenshot of the character which you think is wrong?

the zero salary is only on lower difficulties. If you go to a higher difficulty they will have salary. This is done so for new players it is easier to start this way because else your first payment will be very hard :p.
Waaaiiit a second, @Infinight must still be on the Build 14 Beta 3.4 version directly from the ModDB.
Without the extra ZIP fix from here too: Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 3.4 Release | PiratesAhoy!

When I replicate his starting settings, my menu looks different:

So the issues Infinight reports are probably ones that we fixed already months ago, but of course those fixes aren't in the public release yet.
Best solution: Join us on the latest version: Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing | PiratesAhoy! :cheers
So let's see then:
- The -30 relations to all nations other than PIRATE is because you selected Pirate as starting nation
- The extra officers are because those are part of Brave Black Flag;
if you use those same settings in Beta 4, you don't get them anymore as those are now limited to "Rebel Julian McAllister" only
- The fast travel issue is probably because GetCurrentFlag() and GetServedNation() were still mixed up, which confuses the tutorial.
Should be OK now in Beta 4 as well.

I'm still glad I looked into this though as I found a slight error in the Select Storyline interface because of the "Castway" player type I added.
So at least now I found out and that has been corrected too. :cheeky
That makes a lot of sense. I still need to download the latest beta for testing purposes if Im going to be able to check anything to help lol.... well for now ill just play through the game at least once, and continue with my unity learning.

Thanks for helping clear that up.
I still need to download the latest beta for testing purposes if Im going to be able to check anything to help lol....
That does indeed make things simpler. While the latest Beta isn't quite ready yet for release, the amount of things that have changed is quite incredible.
And one of the things that is brand new are different custom starts for different starting professions in the new Free Play storyline that replaces Brave Black Flag.
So I wrongly assumed you were referring to that. :facepalm