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WIP ENB replacer

Nothing as far as I can see.
Just take a look at it I'd say and tell me if it works in W10.
I will try to have a nice set of settings soon which you could try. Playing a bit with it and it looks nice :).
I still need to test this. But all the different calls are included so this means it would be possible to change shaders during the game with the right call.
So for example you could make the screen go to black and white for a moment. This might be interesting for questwriters like @Jack Rackham and @Bartolomeu o Portugues
Nice find mate! :onya

This one has some serious potential, and should also work quite well with AOP, CoAS and possibly even Sea Dogs! This actually couldn't be better timing, with POTC hopefully nearing a release on GOG.com soon, this could really give us a big boost.
I tried it out last night and am not really sure if it is working or not. It says that when starting a game a little hello thingy pops up but I have not seen it.

In game it seems that there are small differences. The character seems to run at full speed now and the scrolling menus run faster too. In the store, blacksmith, shipyard, and hotel room movement is less slow except that the hotel room is still completely hopeless.

I went running in the jungle and got into some fights and they were mostly at full speed. There were a few times where the game completely stopped while fighting. Just a momentary freeze but it is still a big shock when it happens.

I must say here that the speed up and slow down is game related in that it is totally random. A character can speed up and slow down from one step to the next. This makes melee difficult as you can not time your strokes. This happens everywhere and is in addition to the overall slow down in certain locations.

At sea there is no difference that I could tell. Still the same frame rate and still the same stop-start-stop-start.

Overall so far it is a slight improvement that is nibbling at the edges of the real problem.
That is it!!!!!
Hylie I was trying to do this, but I dont think I was doing it the right way, dont
se the hello popup. Could you maybe tell me how to do it right, Please.
PS, this is how it looks in my folder


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This is how it looks in mine.reshade in potc.jpg Note that the engine cab is the one I use to run the game and the other engine.exe is just there so that if I update it the installer will find it and work properly.

This is how reshade looks just before I push either the orange bar at the bottom or the "apply" button on the top right. reshade in potc.jpg Also note that before any changes are made that any previous settings must be deleted by choosing the setting in the box and then using the "delete" button on the left.


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I have not tried a manual install and see no popup but am now convinced that this gizmo is working. Don't worry about that popup.

There should be a log file in the reshade folder showing what it did. The one in mine describes what it did when I attempted to run DX10. It didn't work. :wp
I am noticing small things that I didn't notice before and the texture setting in my control panel is on "performance" instead of "quality".

I now notice the green stern enough to change to a green flag, and the swords like the Polish Szabla look a lot mot detailed.
POTC CAB 2015-10-03 17-46-07-25.jpg POTC CAB 2015-10-04 13-51-32-93.jpg
@Hylie Pistof . I think I got it using this link ReShade.
For now the performance is most better, but I have to test some
more to be absolute sure. Take a look at the pictures, its acting
different now:dance


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I looked at you log file and compared it to mine and the only differences are on the bottom where some numbers are different. Then I saw that you now have a Reshade folder in your POTC install. I do not. Did you make that or did Reshade make it?
Then it must not be working for me. That must be the placebo effect.
It dont work for me to with the link Levis posted. Whit this link ReShade it work for me, maybe it is a newer version, or the
other link work incorrect. The Game looks better now I guess .
Both links seem to go to the same place as far as I can tell. :shrug

Anyway I tried it again and did get a folder in my POTC folder, so I played the game. Wandered around and then sailed to another island. It seems the same to me. But I did not get any popup.
But I did not get any popup.
About this popup thing: I think it could come up if you use some of the other features like
SweetFX per.ex. Havent tried it out yet, it is just a suggestion. But you could try I dont dare
to do it now, know to little about it. Maybe when I learn more about the program.
Holy smoke! I smash the hole game. The problem I think or what we are doing wrong
most be the"Preset settings" I cant figure that out, maybe you can:(