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Solved Engine crash and something amiss

I think I have had as many as three prisoners in the hold at a time. I never had them appear elsewhere though. My biggest problem is that I keep forgetting they are there until I get the message that they have jumped overboard and escaped.

If it is going to crash that is about the most likely place for it. The other place is after it is all over and you are trying to sail away. Save often!
Another crash. The same, during loading screen after boarding. damn. i even got a lot of gold from that ship and i didn't have the opportunity to save it.


  • compile.log
    143.6 KB · Views: 117
  • error.log
    692 bytes · Views: 110
  • system.log
    719.3 KB · Views: 112
Seadogs again. Pieter will have to look at it, but it seems to be a lot like how it was for me a year ago. I stopped boarding ships because it would CTD more often than not.
I stopped boarding ships because it would CTD more often than not.
That's just sad:( I don't want to do the same 'cause I get good weapons on them enemy crew and a chance to have a free-of-charge officer, hehehe, they ask zero gpcs if you lock them in the brig first, plus a chance to loot a lot of gold and silver. well i hope sire, pieter, can check it.
That seadogs problem has been there since the stock game. Not sure why, but never saw it doing any harm.

We'll have to see once I've got the first Beta 3 Full Test installer done.
In this case, there was some weird flag error in there too. I don't like that, I'm afraid. That code is SO far too complicated. :modding
AGH, where does this keep coming from?
Can't load texture resource\textures\INTERFACES\FLAGS\FLAG_PIRATE.TGA.tx
That's not the reason for the crash, but I keep seeing it and I don't know why.
FOUND! Turns out it was used as default filename in the interface INI files. Did a search-and-replace on it, so you won't be seeing this one again.
Probably will make no difference to gameplay, but it's still a fix and hopefully will help with game performance at least.
Plus less worrisome-looking system.log files! :cheeky
Those pirate flag ones will be fixed with the next update. Not sure why I keep seeing "cannot load sound" stuff in people's files. o_O
Okay, I have a new biggie here. Now, I can't play the game:boom:. I didn't add or edit stuff since the last time I played it like 5hrs ago.
Problem: Everytime I click one of the icons in the beginning of the game screen Clipboard01.jpg , it freezes. :cool
Then comes the regular game sound but screen is still not moving. :facepalm

I don't get en error.log.

EDIT: I forgot to mention: at first I clicked new game(i just deleted all my saved game), and the storyline selection appeared but when I clicked 'New Game', then that's where the screen freeze occur. For the second try and so on, I only get to the main screen[thus my problem as stated above]


  • compile.log
    1.5 KB · Views: 93
  • system.log
    882 bytes · Views: 101
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Whatever is THIS?
Can't load texture resource\textures\LOADING\OPTIONS.TGA.tx
Not even the stock game had that file. Have you been doing weird stuff with your code files again?
no..like I said, i haven't touch the game..
aw crap!:facepalm well, I'll just have to re-extract the wip18 I suppose. Oh god, forgot what threads i've got of some of them fixes:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm
Nothing out of the ordinary there, I'm afraid. Until those crash logs, that is. o_O
well this is out of the ordinary. i cant use the cheats. i have it activated and all and numlock is on but the cheats wont work except the 9 cheat. and what is this?


  • error.zip
    207 bytes · Views: 78
You have ENABLE_CHEATMODE to 1 at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h?

Which storyline are you playing? Cheats are disabled in Woodes Rogers.
In that case I don't know why Numpad 9 would work, but not the others.
Unless Windows Security Stupidity is doing the whole "suuuure the file is changed, but in secret we've got another file that isn't changed and we'll use that instead" thing. :shock
// ======================================
// Testing toggles
// ======================================
#define DISARM_MODE 0
#define FREE_CAMERA 0
#define UNLIMITEDLOOT 0 // Prevent morale from plummeting if you have 1000000 gold over the estimated salaries and are not sharing with your crew
#define SIDESTEP_ENABLED 1 // You can use sidestep during the game (NOTE: No collision detection!)
#define ENABLE_CHEATMODE 1 // Cheats can be triggered with numpad buttons

Now im getting that C++ runtime error again