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Escort Mission Broken - OG PotC


I was asked to escort a merchant to Conceicao: Leviathan Rock. But upon mooring there, the merchant is nowhere to be seen but I can see his ship in the background..
Anyone have a fix? Or do I just.. sink him and take the reputation loss :(

I've been looking around in the code and I feel like there's something not triggering or a locator not properly set for the shore, but I can't use the modding tools to check it out properly.
Any hacky fixes are appreciated!
Have you any quest officers with you? Not random officers from taverns, special officers such as Danielle Greene or Artois Voysey. They shouldn't affect the escort quest but as you're using the stock game, it may be possible to put a hack into the officer's dialog files. First I need to know if you have an eligible officer for the hack.
I could easily get one, but as of right now I only have Artois who probably counts as a special officer.

Thanks btw! Didn't expect such a quick response on a 2-decade old game forum
Artois Voysey is fine. Can you upload your version of files "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Artois Voysey_dialog.c" and "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\English\Artois Voysey_dialog.h"?
There you go, I'm very curious of what the fix will be

Edit: Forgot .c file


  • Artois Voysey_dialog.h
    3.2 KB · Views: 27
  • Artois Voysey_dialog.c
    4.3 KB · Views: 30
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I already had a bug where Danielle was locked in the "afraid" character state and had to edit the canDialogue function to always return true to get out of that one.. These bugs are a bit annoying but it's fantastic that you can fix almost anything with some programming skills
Thanks to the files you pointed to I've been able to fix the issue myself! Thank you very much though, I was looking for the right piece of code so you still helped me.
First I added a node to Artois's file, but it did break his sidequest a little bit, so I ended up going with an officers dialog instead.

Managed to change this node:
        case "hired":
            Diag.TempNode = "Hired";
            d.Text = DLG_TEXT[30];
            Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[31];
            Link.l1.go = "Exit";                                
            Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[32];
            Link.l2.go = "AsYouWish";
/*added this bit here for an extra dialogue option*/
            Link.l3 = DLG_TEXT[38];
            Link.l3.go = "complete_convoy_quest";

and add this node from the original merchant's dialogue:

        case "complete_convoy_quest":
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[35];
            Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[36];
            link.l1.go = "exit";

(Ngl it kept crashing because my font made l1 look like 11, so I kept typing 12, 13 etc.)

Then I added some corresponding lines in the .h file to keep the immersion real.

Now I'm looking into the quests_reaction.c and both_reaction.c file to see if I can make it trigger only when you're at the right location, as a backup for when merchants won't show up. I've had this bug more than once when I played it as a kid, I remember. (Something with the pchar.quest.generate_convoy_quest_completed.win_condition.l1 = "Location"; line

Weirdly enough I can't find the reason why the bug happens in the first place, but I think it's because the Leviathan rock location is missing some sort of locator/spawnpoint for the merchant to show up..
Have a look at case "convoy_agreeded" in "quests_reaction.c". Also look at functions 'GenerateDestination()' and 'GenerateConvoyQuest()' near the top of the file.

Could you upload file "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\outside\Shore_4\Shore04_l.gm"? You'll need to use 7-Zip to compress it first:
7-ZipI want to see if it has any "goto" locators because quest case "generate_convoy_quest_completed" tries to put the trader on any available "goto".
Here you go. I'll also take a look, although the tool that someone provided me to look at these is kind of.. broken for me

Currently looking at exactly those spots indeed, crying a little at how the entire game runs on if statements and case switches.. Oh well, I've probably done worse


  • Shore04_l.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 33
Hah! That file does indeed seem to be completely lacking in "goto" locators. Now try this one, which is the version used in the Build Mod and which does have "goto" locators.


  • Shore04_l.zip
    3.4 KB · Views: 34
I'll have to try next week, as I'm about to head out for the weekend. But I'll be sure to share the results then!
It seems to not fix the issue, but I haven't been able to test extensively due to somewhat limited saves I had from before completing that mission