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Extreme difficult missions

You should be able to press F2 right after landing and equip a Comanche Potion from your inventory without waiting even one second. If not, then this might be a bug in your game. They can occure from time to time and then it´s the best way to save your save folder and make a new instalation of the whole game. Also it´s my experience that this game runs best on Win7.
So you are sure I do not need Excellent health?
Because I have good, and that is the maximum for now.. been trying to improve health but good is maximum
That i don´t know because i always take care to have excellent health all the time, even if a have to use Tears of Ixchel for that. You should try to bring up your health back to excellent before you teleport, also to find out if your game has a bug.

BTW: I coincidentally met the Golden Fleet today while i was sailing to Blueweld with my little xebec and could push it to the fort of Beliz again just to show you that it´s possible. It´s a fantastic feeling and situation. But this time it was around the 20th of January, so the time of departure seems to be absolutely random.

Golden Fleet at Beliz.jpg
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As far as i know priests are better in improving your reputation than in improving your health. They are also far too expensive because you have to pay them a lot of times before you can see results. I have the experience that gypsies are faster and cheaper in improving health if you pay them the maximum amount of 5.000 pesos several times in several cities. I also think that sailing on the worldmap is a faster method to improve health than sleeping in taverns for month. You should try it out. And of course you have to avoid fights or stay out of them during that time but for shure you know that already. Good luck!
Yes I am trying the sailing for now to see how it goes.. but also will try the gypsies since I didn't know about it, thanks for all the info :doff
You are welcome! In my 7th playthrough of the game i reached Justice Island right now with excellent health and felt back to bad health. But normaly that shouldn´t be a reason to do die as my health already felt back to terrible when i got sunk by the ghostship in the previous playthrough´s and even then i had enough time to drink 3 bottles of Tears of Ixchel to recvover. Strange :confused:


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Yes I reached Justice Island.
I had to use gypsy.. it worked better than priest.
After 2 weeks of sailing excellent went to health then I entered Justice island without dying.

So now time for a big mission, will see how it goes :diomed
Where is the "squint deck" for Mystery of the Santa Lucia quest?
I tried all over the sea behind Sant Augustus but can't find anywhere for the smuggler to meet me @ 8am
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As i don´t know how you got the quest, i will repeat the single steps in a row:

1. When you meet Richard Shambon for the first time, you have to ask him everything about the island.

2. After that you have to wait for 3 days before you talk to him again.

3. Then he will ask you to join him to plunder the Santa Lucia and meet him the next morning at 8:00 AM on the squint deck of the San Augustine.

4. To reach the other side of the San Augustine, you have to swim around it. He will wait for you there already from 7:30 AM if you did everything in the correct order.

5. Make shure to have some Antidotes and Healing Potions with you, because you have to fight a lot of giant crabs there which will also try to poison you.

I did it today and everything was fine :yes


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Oh thats saint lucia... i was waiting around the nearby ships, so I must swim further.
Thanks again for info !
I hope you didn´t got me wrong. First you have to meet Richard Shambon at the backside of the San Augustine at 8:00 AM as i mentioned in point 3 and 4. Only after you spoke to him again there, you will have to swim together to the Santa Lucia at the outer ring as my Screenshot discribes. Please try to read my answers always carefully step by step.
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Oh well I did not wait 3 days, and apparently he is not showing up at Saint Augustine so I think I failed this since I did not wait.
I just ran by him on July 24, and next day July 25 is the deadline for mission...
I attached save file... apparently he doesnt't "be" there at 7:30 so I think not possible to do this quest anymore


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Which version of TEHO are you playing at the moment? If it´s 1.5.1 (which i don´t use because i don´t like the Jolly Roger DLC), i can´t check your save file because i´m using 1.4 but if you also use 1.4 or earlier then please tell me that and i will see what i can do for you. Also you should regularly save earlier saves to some other places for that you can always step back and repeat quests as long as you don´t really know TEHO.

Anyway you shouldn´t mind about this because you will break a lot of quests on your first playthrough, as you can´t know all the traps that the devs were including. Same happened to me the first two times till i found out every detail. Many people have a misunderstanding with this game (i don´t mean you, only speak principly) because they don´t know that it was originally created for the ones that didn´t find AoP2CoAS hard enough. But once you really know TEHO well enough, you could really like it and might even get addicted like me and many others. :)
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Well, i decided to install your version on another PC but that will take some time. I will report back as soon as i checked your quicksave. But i can tell you already that i will not play the Jolly Roger DLC for anyone. I can answer all questions about the mainquestline, the other 2 DLC´s and some sidequests, as i also don´t play all of them. I principly don´t like and play quests with slave tradery or piratery. It was already the same with AoP2. See you later.
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No problem you don't have to.
I have a old save file from july 24 the night before.. but I kind of forgot where I met this guy, could you perhaps remind me please? :rofl
I have news for you and can tell you that you didn´t break the quest:

1. Your quest has a unusual bug but i could find and fix it.
2. Instead of the squint deck, Richard is waiting for you in the tavern.
3. I could talk to him there but had to swim alone to Santa Lucia afterwards.
4. I had to change some stuff in your inventory to survive the crabfight (Elixir instead of little potions and Mixture added to Antidote) but didn´t take anything from your chest in the tavern. I took all needed things from chests of other ships and was only putting your little potions back to your chest.
5. After a very tough crabfight (because your health wasn´t good enough) Richard is appearing inside Santa Lucia automaticly.
6. I could play the whole quest without any further problems and the last save is infront the chest with all the gold for which you have only 2 days timelimit to bring it to your chest in the tavern.
7. I could also manage to restore your health completely after all, by using 2 bottles of Tears of Ixchel from other chests.
8. You can try to repeat everything that i did for you already and if you don´t succeed, you can use my save if you want.
9. I had to split the save folder to parts because the upload of filesizes is limited here. I have saved all my important single steps for you, so that you can repeat them if you want.
10. I can´t tell you were you met Richard because that is random (most of the times onboard of the ship Gloria, where the church is).


Your Monster reputation is one of the main reasons why i don´t play the Jolly Roger DLC. Must be a hell of a job to ever recover from that.

Did you know that the Caleuche DLC will be startet by a random lighthouse caretaker in Guadeloupe, Santiago or Cartagena?

It looks like you didn´t finish the Final Lesson DLC in Saint Pierre which is limited to level 14.

You also missed a very lucrative quest called A Chief of Redskins which starts at level 8 in a random city, like Falce Trace which you could catch. You receive thousends of pearls from the indians which is very helpful in the early beginning of the game.

Have a nice day :onya


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Thanks a lot for the support! I will surely also try myself to see how it goes, but thanks again for the help. :doff
Arrgh! this is crazy.. been trying to kill jackman for 2 days and can't seem to get anywhere close.. how the hell are people supposed to finish these missions?
I even went on a heavy frigate but it said that jackman is hiding, and have to come back in that stupid polacre.. so i am stuck now.
Even went to the rock area and he loses his sails but that doesn't stop his cannons from tearing my ship apart.

Any suggestions?


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