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Solved Fixing the Build Mod Ships

Let me know when you've got the correct ones on there and I'll stick them in Beta 2. :doff
Ok, Barque 1 and Barque 2 are on the FTP in my "after patch 7" folder. There was nothing really wrong with them before, I just added some more details. These are the ones used in some quests.

Barque 3_50 is the Jackass Bark. I haven't looked at it yet, but I believe it is ok.

I am working on the lateen for barque 4_47. That is the English bark.

EDIT 3 hours later: barque 4_47, the English bark, is on the FTP. It has a new lateen that is almost too big,but it works well.

Barque3_50, the Jackass Bark is good to go.
Ok I got the Lyon Hoy into my game last night. :beer

Now I have some questions about this ship for the "shipsinit.c".

It is listed as a lugger type ship but it looks more like a sloop . Anyway I made some changes but want some input.

I changed it from a class 6 ship to a class 7 ship, lowered the crew from 85 to 24, and dropped the cannons from 12 pounders to 4 pounders.

It doesn't seem to sail into the wind as well as its rigging type suggests it should, but I found no way to adjust that.

Here are the inits for comparison. First is the COAS version, then the one I ended up with so far. All three versions of the Lyon are identical.

//// Lyon Hoy
refShip.Name = "Lyon";
refship.Soundtype = "lugger";
refShip.Class = 6;
refShip.Cannon = CANNON_TYPE_CANNON_LBS12;
refShip.MaxCaliber = 12;
refShip.Weight = Tonnes2CWT(170);
refShip.Capacity = 800;
refShip.CannonsQuantity = 8;
refShip.rcannon = 4;
refShip.lcannon = 4;
refShip.fcannon = 0;
refShip.bcannon = 0;
refShip.MaxCrew = 85;
refShip.MinCrew = 5;
refShip.BoardingCrew = 40;
refShip.GunnerCrew = 10;
refShip.CannonerCrew = 32;
refShip.SailorCrew = 60;
refShip.SpeedRate = 14.8;
refShip.TurnRate = 39.0;
refShip.Price = 20000;
refShip.HP = 1900;
refShip.SP = 100;
//refShip.AbordageLocation = "Boarding Deck_02";
refship.CanEncounter = true;
refship.Type.Merchant = true;
refship.Type.War = true;
refShip.fWindAgainstSpeed = 8.5;
refShip.sea_enchantment = 2.0;
refShip.lowpolycrew = 8;
refShip.buildtime = 20;

refship.Rocking.y = 0.45;
refship.Rocking.az = 0.02;

refship.WaterLine = -0.0;

refship.SpeedDependWeight = 0.2;
refship.SubSeaDependWeight = 0.3;
refship.TurnDependWeight = 0.3;
refship.WindAgainstSpeed = 8.0;//boal
refship.CabinType = "Cabin_Medium";

refship.InertiaAccelerationX = 8.0; refship.InertiaBrakingX = 8.0;
refship.InertiaAccelerationY = 8; refship.InertiaBrakingY = 8;
refship.InertiaAccelerationZ = 8.0; refship.InertiaBrakingZ = 8.0;

refship.Track.Enable = true;
refship.Track1.ZStart = 0.20;
refship.Track1.LifeTime = 9;
refship.Track1.Width = "2.0, 2.5";
refship.Track1.Speed = "5.2, 6.2";

refship.Track2.ZStart = -0.05;
refship.Track2.LifeTime = 7;
refship.Track2.Width = "3.0, 4.0";
refship.Track2.Speed = "0.15, 0.25";

// Lyon Hoy3 By Rider88
// <SWS - Willemstad Builders' Trials Winter 09 S/N 056> (WBT3H)
refShip.Name = "Lyon3";
refShip.All = "Lugger1";
refShip.SName = "Lyon";
refShip.id = refShip.Name;
refShip.Class = 7;
refship.Walk = "Lyon"
refShip.Cannon = CANNON_TYPE_LONG_LBS4;
refShip.MaxCaliber = 4;
refShip.Weight = Tonnes2CWT(170);
refShip.Capacity = 800;
refShip.CannonsQuantity = 8;
// NK cannon qtys 05-04-18 -->
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonf.qty = 0;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonb.qty = 0;
// NK <--
refShip.MaxCrew = 24;
refShip.MinCrew = 5;
refShip.Price = 14600;
refShip.HP = 1000;
refShip.SP = 200;

refShip.BigPicTexName = "SHIPS4"; //Armada
// KK -->
refShip.BI.Tex = 10;
refShip.BI.Pic = 8;
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck4";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 0;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin_small";
refShip.Flags.Mast2.Flag1 = FLAG_PENNANT;
refship.Flags.Mast3.Flag1 = FLAG_ENSIGN;
// <-- KK

refShip.period.0 = 0.5; //
refShip.period.1 = 1.0; //
refShip.period.2 = 0.9; //
refShip.period.3 = 0.9; //
refShip.period.4 = 0.8; //
refShip.period.5 = 0.7; //
refShip.england = 0.5; //
refShip.france = 0.5; //
refShip.holland = 0.5; //
refShip.portugal = 0.5; //
refShip.pirate = 0.5; //
refShip.spain = 0.5; //
refShip.america = 0.5; //

refShip.Model = "Lugger"; // KK
refShip.Type.Trade = true;
refShip.Type.War = true;
refShip.CanBuy = true;
refShip.CanEncounter = true;

refShip.WaterLine = 0.0;
refShip.SpeedDependWeight = 0.3;
refShip.SubSeaDependWeight = 0.5;

// LDH changed 12Sep06
refShip.Height.Bombs.Y = 1.0; refShip.Height.Bombs.DY = 0.5;
refShip.Height.Grapes.Y = 2.0; refShip.Height.Grapes.DY = 1.0;
refShip.Height.Knippels.Y = 10.0; refShip.Height.Knippels.DY = 8.0;
refShip.Height.Balls.Y = 1.0; refShip.Height.Balls.DY = 0.5;

if (!bArcadeMode){
refShip.SpeedRate = 10.0;
refShip.TurnRate = 95;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationX = 4; refShip.InertiaBrakingX = 0.4;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationY = 3; refShip.InertiaBrakingY = 0.5;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationZ = 2.5; refShip.InertiaBrakingZ = 2.0;
refShip.SpeedRate = 15.3;
refShip.TurnRate = 55;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationX = 0.2; refShip.InertiaBrakingX = 2.0;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationY = 10; refShip.InertiaBrakingY = 6;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationZ = 4.0; refShip.InertiaBrakingZ = 3.0;


// cute lil ship - loves sailing against the wind. Very agile but slower than a square rigger downwind.
// <SWS - Willemstad Builders' Trials Winter 09 S/N 056> is henceforth complete
// on this day and date Sunday Dec 26 2009, 1030h
Doober, do you reckon you could post a list of the troublesome ships along with what would need to be fixed?
thank you soo much pietter for hearing my suggestion of submerging the dutch man its really epic and the cursed pearl is soo frieking awesome i love you man! i hope the next build 13 will have the kraken called by the dutchman :)
thank you soo much pietter for hearing my suggestion of submerging the dutch man its really epic and the cursed pearl is soo frieking awesome i love you man! i hope the next build 13 will have the kraken called by the dutchman :)
Build 14 Beta 2 will have the Summon Kraken ability; that's already coded in and works as fine as we can expect it to. :doff
I just bought the new Caravela Redonda, and was surprised by her stats. Mainly her crew size. Here is a ship with 3 lateen sails, 10 guns, and a small hold the size of a Lugger and it has 209 crew and 30 officers?

The real Revenge had a crew of 250 men and she had 40 guns and 3 times the cargo capacity. The Apostol Felipe had 400 men and 30 guns and over 4 times the cargo capacity.

Maybe I'm just used to unrealistically low crew numbers, but it seems when looking at the ships that the merchant class ships like these and the East Indiaman had a crew of about 100 men per 1,000 cargo capacity.
It doesn't surprise me that the stats don't look 100% correct. I never did check them thoroughly when I ported the ship ages ago. :facepalm
Feel free to adjust the crew numbers to something more reasonable, as long as Pieter takes note of the change too.
Yep, you'd be welcome to change it to something more reasonable for sure. You post it, I'll include it. :doff
I've been doing some reading and the crew size depends on how it is used. COAS ships have huge crews because they also include a boarding crew. POTC does not.

Anyway, Columbus had a total crew of 120 for 3 ships. The Nina had a crew of 20. A replica of the Nina today sails with a crew of 11. So. Counting gun crews I set a total crew number of this:

refShip.MaxCrew = 80;
refShip.MinCrew = 25;

Comments welcome!
As long as it's enough to keep all guns firing on the ship, that looks fine to me. :onya
Yep, as long as we're taking this into account: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/13282-some-notes-on-setting-the-ships-crew-numbers/
An it makes sense relative to the other ships.
According to that post by Hook, if you do the math and round off a bit it takes 18 crew to sail the ship and 25 to reload the guns. That is 43 total crew. Call it 50.

If you use his rule of thumb the numbers would be 100 max and 20 min.

So, how about this:

refShip.MaxCrew = 50; for a merchantman. With its small hold it would not be worthwhile to have a larger crew.
refShip.MinCrew = 20;

The other caravels are:

refShip.MaxCrew = 64; but they have 30-4 lbs guns VS 10-9 lbs.
refShip.MinCrew = 13;
Armada: Could you take a look at NL_Pinnace? This class 5 pinnace has a lot of potential but currently is hobbled by no crew, and the flagpole view bug.

What does she have? A unique figurehead and soldiers. This is probably more historically accurate than the stock pinnace and maybe one stocker could be lost and this one kept.
Hmm, that ship also has a huge capstan and an octagonal wheel. Shame about the texture quality, too.
So if she's going to replace a stock pinnace, she needs a crew and a separate flagpole at least. Have you tried using 'Edit Scene' to remove the flagpole component?

I guess a crew walk file can be made using the normal Pinnace file as a starting point. I'll have to get that done before Beta 2, same with all crew-less ships.
I managed to Shanghai a crew from GOF, so she has a crew now. :j2 I tried to break her down in TOOL but the GMs got corrupted, so that still needs to be done.

She has very interesting masts. I will be looking for other ships to install them on. And, since I already have her in my fleet she will be getting new rigging sometime after the corvettes are finished.

Yeah, there is a lot of low quality parts on her, but those can be cleaned up later.

Here are the needed files to give her a crew. Just copy and paste the relevant parts.
Brilliant; she's got crew! Great going, Hylie! Now I'm wondering if there's any other ships that do have crew in GoF, but not in PotC...
It seems the Batavia walk file doesn't match the ship properly. The crew walk through the deck a bit and then they climb into imaginary masts. :(
I have only seen her through a spyglass and the crew looked ok then. It's a shame the crew isn't correct but most ships are like that, including the newest ones. :shrug