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Fluyt update

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
My allergies cleared up for a bit so I decided to see if I could see well enough to do anything in TOOL. The victim chosen was the old small fluyt for two reasons.
1) The sails on it have always bothered me.
2) It happened to be the ship I am sailing today.

It turns out my eyes are working fairly well today, so here is one days progress. Is the mizzen too small?

small fluyt-1.jpgsmall fluyt-2.jpgsmall fluyt-3.jpgsmall fluyt-4.jpg
Very nice! That sail layout already looks much better. :onya
It's already mostly done. It just needs the rigging cleaned up and some sails fine tuned. That mizzen still looks too small to me but the only replacement is the one off the Rossiya, and it is the wrong color. Then comes exporting to all the other fluyts.
Found out that the two small fleuts had very different sailing qualities with fleut1 being very fast and fleut2 being very slow. This fix in the shipsinit.c should make them the same. Fleut2 also had the wrong walk file.


  • small fleut shipsinit.c.7z
    1.3 KB · Views: 182
First pic of a big fleut. The flags/pennants need work. Is the jib too big?
Big fleut-1.jpg

Yah. Much better.
big fleut-2.jpg
Oops! :oops:

This is a small update for the big fleuts. Only the camera is changed as I accidentally left it too low.
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Wow, that's cool! I especially like your idea of making everything a bit different! :cheers
It wasn't intentional to make them a bit different. The ships themselves are all a little bit different so I had to make little changes here and there to make everything fit ok. The small fleuts are the most different.
I don't know how I missed it but I got 4 ropes wrong on the hull of fleut2. :facepalm I didn't notice until a bit ago during a boarding battle. That did not end well either. :ko

Anyway, this is the fleut2 GM with 4 locators repositioned so it is a straight drop in replacement.


  • Fleut2.7z
    77.3 KB · Views: 189
I am working on the PO_Fluyt50 and have run into a problem I can not fix. It now has 4 anchors. It has the 2 old ones and now also has 2 giant ones. I can remove the smaller ones but can not remove the large ones. Personally I think the smaller ones fit better.
How do they look to you?
beta3 2014-05-10 09-40-04-74.jpg