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Fixed FPS Dropping on land after time


Storm Modder
Ok, I have done some testing about this new patch, and I would like to make some comments:
  • First, the overall perfomance at sea has been drastically improved. It doesn't have for me those lags of second good and second frozen.
  • Second, on the other hand, the perfomance at land works ok at the early games, but then after a short period of time, the game massively droped out of FPS. It's unplayable as it is right now.
  • Third, now no longer crazy officers with super high levels appear on the taverns.
Does anyone have a clue why the game drops out of FPS on land? Besides these things, the game looks very stable and cool :)

EDIT: On my second comment, if you quit the game and you enter again, the FPS restarts to normal values, but in five minutes or so, it drops out again massively.
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  • First, the overall perfomance at sea has been drastically improved. It doesn't have for me those lags of second good and second frozen.
  • Third, now no longer crazy officers with super high levels appear on the taverns.
Two out of three are good; I'll take that score! :dance

  • Second, on the other hand, the perfomance at land works ok at the early games, but then after a short period of time, the game massively droped out of FPS. It's unplayable as it is right now.
EDIT: On my second comment, if you quit the game and you enter again, the FPS restarts to normal values, but in five minutes or so, it drops out again massively.
Do you have a save that is affected by the performance issues on land?

The only cause I can think of right now is @Levis' post-event for skill initialization that now occurs after loading rather than during. :oops:
Do you have a save that is affected by the performance issues on land?

The only cause I can think of right now is @Levis' post-event for skill initialization that now occurs after loading rather than during. :oops:

I can't imagine that Happening. It's only affecting the first few secconds of gameplay on land and should become less overtime
Here you have a save. Please, try to stay in the jungle for at least 5 minutes and see what happens. Go to other parts of the jungle and explore it. Eventually, you'll find that the FPS is dropping slowly but steady. I think Hylie Pistof mentioned once in other thread this problem.


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Are you using Windows X?
Do you log the FPS is the FPS dropping or the game Speed?
Odd it is! My performance on land is very god 59 to 62 FPS, But on sea I lost
20 FPS, before the update it was up to 62 FPS, now its only about 42 FPS?
How odd this is. For me performance at sea is fine now and performance on land has been messed up ever since I installed Win X in all three of my POTC installs. It is worst indoors and especially in the room with the bed overnight. It is best on the waterfront. In the jungle is is constantly speeding up and slowing down, often from one step to the next.

When I got Reshade to work the speed on land was excellent plus the game video settings started working again and the fps was capped at 60. But it looked terrible at sea to me.
Well this is indeed odd! Suddenly every things drops down to about 22 FPS,
on land and sea too:shock
I wandered around Cuba for a while and indeed the frame rate drops off quite a bit. Instead of my usual 150-300fps in the jungle it started out at 62 and there were no NPCs. As I ran around it slowly dropped lower and lower until when I quit it was at 29fps.

I had monitoring software running and it showed no unusual memory, GPU, or CPU loads so I can not explain this. In town the fps is fine.
Are you using Windows X?
Do you log the FPS is the FPS dropping or the game Speed?

No, I'm not yet using Windows X. I'm still on Windows 7 for the moment. And is the FPS dropping; the game speed doesn't influence it at all.
It seems strange the way that FPS drops out on land. In some parts, like for example the city of Kralendijk, the FPS is very high (around 60), but in pirate settlement on Nevis, the FPS droped to 15, and they didn't increase. In a store or a tavern, the FPS goes to normal values.
This definitely sounds like a brand new problem unrelated to the Windows X slow down.
This is indeed new and is very serious. I played some more and frame rate drops steadily on land and at sea. Oddly going into a building like a store or tavern causes the fps to jump to the old 200-300fps rate with slower animations. After leaving it slowly drops again. As fps drops the game gets choppy. At high fps I see "microstutters" and as the fps drops they get larger until by the time it gets into the low 20s the game is hard for me to look at and is unplayable. It hurts my eyes.

This is with Win X. Does this sound similar to what others are reporting?
I just tried Reshade to see if it would help and it did not. Frame rates eventually fell to 14 before I quit.
Just started notice much improved performance.:cheers . Very early stages only issue so far is my officers had no images at the game start. I selected three and then went to their f2 page and chose their images from there. Then when we went ashore the appeared to unarmed. They acted as if they were unarmed, as in taking no part in combat. When go the exchange screen, they have weapons. I took them and then gave them back. Problem solved.
This is with Win X. Does this sound similar to what others are reporting?

Well, not exactly as you describe, but more or less, yeah. What I found is that the FPS can drop a lot. In Pirate settlement, I activated the Artois Voysey sidequest, and this significantly droped a lot of the FPS, making it almost impossible to play.

And in sea, I took a look about the FPS. In some parts, it just didn't go up from 15 FPS but it was at least stable and didn't have cuts. On other parts, the FPS could go to 25 or even more, but that was not usual.
So you get big drops in certain situations.

What I see is when I enter an arena the fps hits a certain speed. I can run around and do whatever and it stays at that speed. When I go through a door, gate, or enter another section of jungle the fps drops some and stays at that new level until I move to the next arena, where it drops again. It continues like this, dropping in steps until the game becomes unplayable.
This update is very odd, gives me nerves, looking forward too the next one.:nerbz:walkplank