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Gag Reel?


Why is the rum always gone?
2D Artist
Storm Modder
Has anyone ever thought of making a compilation of all our random technical screw ups and goofs? As modders, we've all had them at one point or another. It might be fun to make a gag reel of the most notable goofs that have plagued us during the modding process. I could put it onto one video and post it for some comic enjoyment for ourselves as well as non-modders.

I'd be happy to handle the project on my own. I just need material. Mostly screens and vids. It could be funny and would also show the non-modders the grueling work we sometimes go through.

Idk. Just a random thought. What do you think?
I lost the content that I had for this; used to be posted on the ModDB in the "Need a Laugh" article series, but the pictures went the way of the dodo and I don't have anything similar left.
Actually, this sounds like a good idea. I've certainly encountered some weird things over the past year, and I do still have a few screenies which reflect some of that. For example, Pieter might remember when I was experimenting with graphical effects for the Capsize mod, and at some point ended up with the ship literally throwing crew off the side like mad! xD:
I'll have a look through my screenies and see what I can find. ;)

There might also be ways of replicating past experiments, to recreate some of the old 'Need a Laugh?' images.
I do vaguely remember what I did for those "Need a Laugh" things, but it goes beyond my enthusiasm to redo it for the sake of getting back the pictures.

Indeed I do remember your "crew everywhere" pictures. That was pretty funny too! :rofl
Exactly; that was really funny! And would actually work pretty well for the World's End "Dead People in Boats" scene too.
Well, it was on the ModDB. Still is, except the pictures disappeared from our FTP. :facepalm
don't forget these:








just take your pick. i don't even remember where most of them come from, but at least half of them are mine.
I know we shouldn't spam a thread but some of those are pretty good! :)) An all woman crew and the nude mod....... :nerbz


  • bad day.jpg
    bad day.jpg
    207 KB · Views: 167
I know we shouldn't spam a thread but some of those are pretty good! :)) An all woman crew and the nude mod....... :nerbz

Ah these will do nicely. You know, I actually have a thread for the gag reel. Pieter how do I re-direct these to that thread?
oh ye gods, how did you get a tartane in the middle of that? xD: the funniest part is the status radar. also, the women are actually one of the old boarder models, believe it or not.

that topic wouldn't be in the modders only section would it? i've never seen it.
A year ago when an island fell out of the game I would get a CTD every time I sailed past it. Then it changed so that every time I sailed past it 20+ hostile ships would appear and attack me. That tartane is my lifeboat. Now when an island drops out the ships that are supposed to be hostile are friendly, so the quest is broken.

Yes, that thread is in the modders forum.
I moved some posts into this thread and moved the thread out of the Modders forum.

So Morgan, do you happen to have any others of those pictures lying around?

I think that flying Flying Dutchman was an experiment of mine; messing around with the waterline value to see if I could get her out of the water completely. :razz
Now that's what you call a 'loose cannon'! :blink:
These screenies are great! They show a different and quirky side of the Build Mod, which is really interesting to see.

flying Flying Dutchman
It seems silly to have to emphasise the 'flying' part doesn't it? Stupid submerging film version... xD:
i'm pretty sure the cannon screenshot was of petros experimenting with visual caliber representations, but he placed the model for the gun in a rather thoughtless place, causing the ship to spawn on top of it in-game. it's a shame that i lost a lot of my old screenshots. there was some seriously wacky crap in there. i do have this funny example of alien abduction though:


i also got a screenshot of when the entire town of tortuga started laying into each other, but the situation was a lot funnier than the screenshot. all that was left was a single NPC, the people who were actually supposed to be fighting, and NONE of the guards. xD: also, they seem to have fallen into a perfect circle for some reason.


i also sometimes have my officers go on a rampage. it's quite common for some thug to attack me, my officers try to shoot the thug, hit someone else, everyone else getting angry at my officers, and if we're really unlucky, the quards decide to have a little fun as well since i accidentally skewered a merchant. i have seriously managed to crash the game with guard corpses. typical convos between me and my officers go "is that it? are you done now? oh, you've got to kill that guy too, allright, him too. well, allright, just one more then. are you done? are you happy now? good. but just for the record, you're an ass. ASS I SAY."