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By experience, i know that 70% of the new members dont ever try to see the FAQ, they come to a new place thinking that their questions are unique and that the FAQ wont answer them.....i know it...by experience.....
It sure as hell does. I've been on these forums for many years.
Those Frequently Asked Questions really ARE frequently asked.
It sure as hell does. I've been on these forums for many years.
Those Frequently Asked Questions really ARE frequently asked.

Maybe you should rename FAQ to something like 'How to get Pearl, Dutchman and other stuff ingame' huh?
i can see many people who had the dauntless with build13 how to get that
Dauntless you would have to take from Build 14 and put into Build 13 yourself.
There is a FilmShips mod for Build 13 in the Downloads section that includes some additional ships, but the Dauntless isn't included.
The Endeavour, however, is.
Because the ships are unique and dont show up I wouldnt really bother :shrug

And most people ask for them in 2s
- Dutchman/Pearl
- Dauntless/Endeavour
- Dauntless/Interceptor
I wouldn't mind if somebody makes a new FilmShips mod for Build 13, but I won't do it.
Indeed just putting all REAL special Build ships in one installer would be best.
We can't make seperate ship installs, because each one modifies ships_init.c.
Why don't people just get Build 14 Beta 1 though? :razz