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HMS Surprise

Hi guys, and sorry about my recent lack of activity here. College work has got a bit tight lately. :facepalm
Still, I don't have a huge amount left to do to the Surprise. Here's a nice screenie to keep you interested:


As you can see, I still need to add the staysails and some more rigging here and there. I actually redid the whole rigging, based on real images, using AOP-style rey models, so that they could be textured using the RN black texture of Victory and Bellona etc.
Any thoughts so far? :shrug
Well that's not my department, it's related to modeling. I just do the locators.
Hi, very good works! Now i'm changing some things to make her a bit low polier for example changing the guns, soon new photos ;)
what program do you use to do the locators?
Just Inez Diaz' TOOL. It's a bit of a temperamental program, but it does the job.

I tend to use GM Viewer to see the positions of the new locators, too.

@Jack Harrison: all your recent changes look nice!

When you're done, can you please upload them so I can merge my work with them?

Here some ingame photos, whit damaged masts, what do you think?

Experienced Captain, tomorrow i'll upload it, but now on the ftp... :keith


Very nice ship. I see, you use now the low polygon guns with low polygon takel. Now have a better polygon count. 160.000 Faces before is a little too high. ;)
Thank's :keith

For the rlease you have to ask Experienced Captain, i'm uploading it on ftp now (Jack Harrison\HMS_Surprise_film\HMS_Surprise_V2.rar), who want can download it and see on gm viewer...
Again, I apologise for not being able to fully release it just yet.
I need to add the staysails and some more ropes, plus merge Jack Harrison's new work with mine.
But I think I will put what I've done so far on the FTP, so that it doesn't get lost... my PC was acting weird a few days ago, so I'm being cautious.

But please note that this will be for back-up purposes only, and is not an official release complete with code.

I think the ship also needs a proper sailorspoints file made (notice the guy's legs through the deck in a screenshot above

I can't do that one, though, so is anyone else able to?
But she will be released as soon as I have finished the locator work, with or without a walk file, so don't worry about that one too much.

And if anyone asks, I can't give you a specific release date yet; my workload is too unpredictable and tightly packed right now.
But it will be before Christmas, definitely.
I've downloaded and merged my work with your latest model work, Jack, and everything's fine, except that TOOL won't read the new mast 4.

It needs to be able to load it, so I can add locators work to it.

For now, I'm just using the older mast. Any idea why this mast is so odd?
Yes, it, what the english word for "accidit"? I can't remember, during the conversion, i have only to rexpor it, no problems... Can you post a photo? I'm a bit curious :rolleyes:
Yes, it, what the english word for "accidit"? I can't remember, during the conversion, i have only to rexpor it, no problems...
I don't know an exact translation (I only speak French and German, other than English), but the closest I can think of is it "had an accident", but I'm not sure.

Here's the error message produced by TOOL:

The model itself looks fine when seen with GM Viewer.
I think this is the same thing which happens with Poseidon_mast1, so could you please fix that one too, while you're at it?

By the way, nice job with the new textures, but the main yellow texture, for the stripe across the hull, looks a bit low quality to me.
Yes, i have noticed that too, i'll upload tomorrow or the day after they, really i meant a photo of the ship ;)
Thanks, that'll help.

really i meant a photo of the ship ;)
I knew that...

Well, not much has changed except your new hull and masts; I'll post another pic when I've done the staysails.
