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HoO Stories

Sand 2 Go

Mythical Pirate
Storm Modder
Public Relations
As per the idea of this comment on my story, I am making this thread for there to be a place where my stories are together.
c.png (Also, am I right thinking that Pieter wrote this?)

(Track number 8) You are in a heated battle, and your odds of beating it are almost none. The best you can do is to slow the enemies down and then try to escape, but the navigator had died a while earlier. You decide to grab the wheel yourself, hoping you can at least save some of your crew. The enemies fire their cannons, and then the ship starts to take in water. You order your crew to fire the cannons in an attempt to sink one of the enemy ships and manage to hit a gunpowder reserve, blowing the ship to smithereens. A little later, the enemy flagship fires her cannons again, now making the ship sink rapidly. As the ship is sinking, you know you will go down with it, and your life is flashing back on you.

(Track number 9) You order the crew to abandon ship, telling them that they will have a painful death if they do not go now, as the enemies you are fighting are not just normal pirates, they are some of the most furious pirates. The Nameless Pirates. They torture anyone who doesn’t agree to come with them. All of the crew has abandoned the ship, except one person, your first mate. He tells you that if you are to go down with the ship, he is going to do so as well. The pirate flagship fires one last salvo, this time filled with bombs, and you get blown into the sea.

(Track number 1) You wake up on a beach. Next to you is the only thing remaining of your ship. It is the helm, and it seems as a piece of it has broken off. As you slowly regain some of your strength, you get up and look for anything that could help, and find nothing. The beach that you had landed does seem familiar though; it has a lighthouse atop a hill, and it reminds you of the lighthouse bay on Barbados. For your sake, you wish you are correct with your assumption, as you know the island very well, and you have people that could help you. As you are trying to make your way to Spleightown, you encounter a bandit, and then you notice that you have lost your weapons.

(Track number 12) The bandit is going to kill you for sure if you do not do anything, so you throw a quick punch to the face and he drops his pistol, but by the time you manage to grab it, he has already managed to unsheathe his sword. You somehow manage to grab it off his hands, and then, you slash him into pieces. You seem to have gotten out of this one pretty easily, but you know it is not going to be like that all of the time. Before long, you have gotten into the harbor of the city.

(Track number 2) A person you know tends to spend their day on the docks. You find him, and tell him what happened. Then you ask him for help, and he gives you some decent equipment, as well as a Tartane. He tells you to go to Trinidad, which is where many of the Gall-Gaidhel (Which are NOT a tribe) in the Caribbean are settled.

(Track number 3) As you set off, you know you must not take any detours, as the waters in the route are filled with pirates, including the very ones that sent you on this journey. The voyage passes and nothing interesting happens. As you arrive at Trinidad, the people are greeting you like you are one of them, as a few years ago, you had helped them fend off some pirates around their homeland.

(Track number 10) When you step off the boat, they invite you to the tavern to sit and have a drink. A little after you sit in the tavern, they ask you why you came with a Tartane, and you explain the whole story to them. Without yourself asking, they tell you that they can give 2 ships. They may not be big, but they are well made, and crewed with some of the most experienced sailors in the whole Caribbean.

(Track number 3 again) You now set off with the two ships, with the goal of this journey being to capture some bigger ships, and then capture an originally Dutch city that had been captured by pirates back for the Dutch people. After a few days on sea, you fall into a storm.

(Track number 6) As the storm is at its most intense, you are securing everything, so there are as little casualties as possible, and then you stay on the deck, steering the ship so it is parallel to the waves as possible for as long as possible. A few hours pass, and the storms seem to have stopped and a pirate galleon seems to have appeared in the distance, so you start chasing it.

(Track number 7) You get close enough to the galleon, and then fire the first two salvos of grapeshot, one from each ship, on each side. As some of the crew is reloading the cannons, much of the rest of it is firing muskets. Your two ships fire again, and that seems to cause the captain to surrender. He joins your crew, and while walking on the newly captured ship, you see a familiar face among the crew. It is your first mate.

(Track number 4) With the newly captured ship and the other two, you now set off to San Juan, Puerto Rico, in order to get everything ready to retake Philisburg, Saint martin for the Dutch. Nothing interesting happens throughout the 3 week journey to San Juan, and you arrive safely, and get the ships repaired from the battle.

(Track number 5) You then head off to the tavern for a few nights, spend some time with your previously lost first mate. He tells you that he had somehow ended up on a pirate settlement that was on an unrecorded island. He said he heard some people calling it Isla de Muerta. You tell him about the legends of that island, and the fact that only one person knows the exact position of that island, and it was the captain of your ship. The captain of the ship had drowned himself intentionally the night after we captured the ship, so the island is basically unreachable now.

(Track number 11) A couple days later, you have approached the fort with a pirate flag raised in order not to be attacked, and then you fire bombs at the fort. The first salvo managed to destroy 10 cannons. There were only about 35 cannons at the time, because the pirates had only just captured the place less than a month ago. A few salvos later, all of the cannons had been disabled, and then, you and your crew go on land to take care of pirates guarding the city. In the next day, the city had been cleared of pirates, and because that had been organized with the Dutch, they had already come onto the city.

(Track number 13) Now that you have helped the Dutch in such a big way, you ask them for some help in order to take down the Nameless Pirates, and they send a Frigate, and you thank them, just before you leave.

(Track number 7) About a month has passed, and you have found the fleet of the Nameless Pirates, and a huge battle ensues. You shoot chainballs in order to stop the flagship, and succeed. Then you sink the other, smaller ships. Once you were done with the smaller ships, the attention switched to the flagship, firing salvo after salvo of grapeshot. Then, you board them. You and your crew manage to kill every crew member on the ship. After that, you go into the captains cabin, and he said that he shall go with us.

(Track number 13) Some say that this is the reason The Nameless Pirate is with us now, and why he is even called a pirate. Between saving a whole different world from the dark forces of evil and today, he was a furious pirate, but now, he is a good man.

(EDIT: If a track were to be in the credits, it would be the newly released PA! Theme.)


  • HoOSF Story 1.doc
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Ten whole soundtrack Fridays have passed, and it was about time that I made my next story.
This one is doesn't "have" two of the tracks because I have been working on this for 4 hours today, and I am a bit tired. (The two missing ones are #10 and #23)
(Track 6 “In the Storm”) You were on a journey, but you had gotten caught up in a storm. Day in, day out, you had passed three days there and it is starting to clear up, and in the horizon, you see a few ships. At first, you you you thought nothing of it, but as the rain stopped and visibility increased, you saw what those ships actually were… They were pirates, and no normal pirates, they were the Nameless Pirates. They are known to be some of the most powerful pirates there ever have been. You hope they don’t want to attack you, but they seem to be getting closer and closer… And then, they fire their guns at your ship.

(Track 20 “Conquest”) You call all hands on deck, and order the crew to load and fire the cannons. One of your spotters shouts that there are even more ships coming, and that one seemingly was creating fog. You thought to yourself “This can’t be… It can’t be the Black Pearl!”, so you get up on a mast with a spyglass, and what you see only confirms your fears. All you can do now is to sink as many of their scout ships as you can and try to escape, so you order the crew to fire at all of the scouts and set course for land, as you know you are doomed. Your crew manages to sink three of the 4 scouts, and the other one flees, but the Black Pearl has managed to close in on you.

(Track 8 “Devil’s Chase”) In a hopeful attempt to maybe slow the Black Pearl, you order the crew to load the stern guns with chainballs, which would maybe break a few lines. Unfortunately, the attempts were unsuccessful, as the black pearl is now less than a hundred yards away, and then, you get an idea. You tell your crew to put a fuse on some gunpowder barrels, light it, and throw them off-board. If the explosions don’t damage the ship, then they will at least slow it down, or so you thought… The Black Pearl manages to go straight into the barrels, and it was unphased by the explosions.

(Track 9 “Abandon Ship”) As you are sure that the pirates are going to board you, in order to prevent the worst possible thing, which would be for the pirates to sell you as slaves, you order the crew to abandon the ship, and after all of the crewmembers get off, you light the gunpowder storage, and hope you survive.

(Track 1 “Hearts of Oak”) You wake up with a view of the sunset, and you start looking around for anything to act as a shelter for the night. Washed ashore you see what is possibly the only thing that still exists of your ship. It was the helm, and a piece seems to have broken off. You continue searching for dry twigs and branches in order to make a fire. You also find a bottle with a map inside it, and it seems to match the island you are on. On the middle of the map, there is a cross mark, but you are only going to get there if you get through the night, so you light a fire, and make a shelter and sleep in it for the night.

(Track 21 “Dawn at the Bay”) You slept the night well, and wake up just as the sun started rising, and while you are getting ready to go to the marked spot, you spot the Black Pearl on the distance… All you can hope for is that they are not searching for any of the survivors from your ship. You set off inland, both because you might be able to hide if they actually are searching for survivors, and because you want to make your way to that cross mark.

(Track 22 “Jungle”) Leaving the beach you enter a jungle, and aside from a few weird monkeys and other animals, nothing really interesting happened, until you spot a few tents, and realize that you are circled by bandits

(Track 12 “Mano y mano”) You draw your sword and your pistol, and before they even react, you manage to take one of the 5 bandits down, and you manage to get out of the circle they had formed, then, like the useless fighters they are, they come at you one by one, making it really easy to kill all of them.

(Track 22 “Jungle”) You now are near the edge of the jungle, and as you check the map, you see how close you really are to the mark. Looking into the distance, you see a settlement in a cave. You look at the flags that are flown on the poles, and you see something you didn’t expect… The flags are the same as the ones on the ships that attacked you. You decide that you still want to go in there, and what you see is… Interesting.

(Track 17 “Pirate Cove”) When you go in, you see some of your crew. Surprised, you ask them what they are doing there, and their response somewhat breaks you… They said that they rescued them. The Nameless Pirates were known to be savage people who killed anyone in sight, but they didn’t. The people who survive their attacks or surrender can join them, and the reason why people think they kill everyone is because they don’t ever actually use their real names. Their true goal is to bring equality over the world, not to bring fear. Once you learned the Nameless Pirates’ true goal, you ask your crew if it is possible to join the Nameless Pirates, and they take you to the Nameless Pirate himself. He tells you that if you are going to join, you need to act as captain and smuggle some medicine into Barbados, and you agree, so you you go onto the black pearl with the Nameless Pirate, and then you sail to Barbados.

(Track 3 “The Adventure Begins”) Sailing was quite uneventful, except that one time when you came across a merchant, who immediately surrendered, and was scared to death when you came up to his ship to tell them that he can join them if he wanted to, even though he would have been dead already if you wanted them to be. In the end, you arrived a day early, so you wait on the shore until the people you are supposed to meet came.

(Track 15 “Swashbuckling and Smuggling”) The sun is setting and the people that you are meeting have just arrived, and it is time to transfer the goods. A few hours pass, and a patrol comes around, and catches you doing the transfer, and they attack you. Thankfully, it is not a sea patrol, so there are only 6 guards, meaning it is the easiest fight you’ve had In a long while, or was it… It turns out that it was not just those 6 guards that were there, but there was a whole ship behind the mountain, but it only was a schooner, so it would be no match for the Black Pearl, if it didn’t just surrender like that merchant had also done.

(Track 14 “Pair of Hearts – Greensleeves”) A few days later, you are now back at the settlement and the Nameless Pirate has gone on a walk with you to talk about this band of pirates they are and he is also talking you about if you are sure that you want to join them, and you tell him that you are sure, and so he invites you and your crew to the tavern.

(Track 19 “Tavern Song”) In the tavern, the Nameless Pirate welcomes you to the Nameless “Pirates” and gives you a very, no insanely special ship. Instead of brownish wood colored, it is white, instead of being as big as possible, it was tiny, and only had one mast. Instead of being wooden, it was made of some really weird substance, its exterior was really slippery, and her name was “Black Diamond”, but you decided you wanted to rename her to “Atlantis”, in order to be able to blend in. The Nameless Pirate told you to meet him at the dock when you are ready to embark on the next mission.

(Track 2 “The Docks”) “You have arrived!” Said the Nameless Pirate. You ask him what our next mission is, and he tells you that Jamaica is the center of inequality here in the Caribbean, and that you must stop that, so you are going to capture the island and free all of those slaves. “But before we leave, you have to install some cannons on your ship or it will be useless” the Nameless Pirate said, and pointed to some really weird looking cannons. Those cannons weren’t a bit like what normal cannons were. They could rotate, and fired some cartridges unlike any other ammunition you’ve ever seen.

(Track 11 “Hoist the Flags”) A few days later, the cannons were fitted, and you were outside the outside the Port Royale fort when the time to attack came. You ordered the crew to load the cannons and then shouted “Hoist the flag!” . You fire the cannons and when they hit, they instantly lit half the fort on fire. The first gunfire was a signal for the Black Pearl to come in and get ready to fire her cannons as well. A few barrages later, almost all of the cannons on the fort were broken, which will allow the ships to moor and capture the fort when the island’s fleet is destroyed.

(Track 7 “Conquest of the Seas”) The fleet of the island has reached the fort, but it is too late, now they have to somehow beat the Black Pearl and Atlantis without the help of their fort. You fire at one of the 5 ships and hit its’ powder reserve, blowing it up to smithereens, and because another small ship was next to it, it suffered the same fate. The Black Pearl fires at one of the other ships, damaging it heavily, and you finish it off, and then, the other two ships scuttle.

(Track 20 “Conquest”) You anchor the ships and make your way over to the governor, who is at his residence in the center of the town, fighting through the waves of guards trying to protect their governor, and then, one really big guy came up. He thought he could win a whole crew with nothing but his fists, so you just shoot him and go on.

(Track 13 “Defeat & Triumph”) You are now in the governors residence, and he is terrified of you. The Nameless Pirate talks to him and tells him that the only way he is getting out of there alive is if he gives the colony to you, and he doesn’t agree, as he thinks that you’ll just kill him no matter what he does, so you give him one last chance, and put him at gunpoint. “If you do not agree, I will definitely kill you. If you do, then you will be spared. This is your last chance” you tell him, but he still does not agree, so you shoot him.

(Track 16 “Lands of Hope”) You and the Nameless Pirate go to to the plantations and announce that the slaves are all free, and have the same rights as any citizen. All the slaves were insanely happy, and, surprisingly, a few of them kept working, except they were actually doing their job happily now. The Nameless Pirate calls you over to the beach where he tells the crew to make a bonfire for to sit around and celebrate the liberation of so many slaves.

(Track 18 “Out of Rum”) You go get some barrels of rum from the ships when you notice that there are none. You go to the store and buy 30 barrels, and the problem is now solved, so, you can have a good time around the fire drinking some rum.

(Track 5 “Rum Bonfire”) You and the Nameless Pirate decide that you should throw an all out party and allow anyone to come, so you invite the ex-slaves and all citizens to have fun. The night went nicely, with everyone having fun.

The End.
Oh and friendly reminder for The Nameless Pirate if he reads this: Make the post before you forget.
(I know I could just tag him, but I intentionally didn't. Unless it has already done so.)


  • HoO Story 2.doc
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With the end of the Hearts of Oak Soundtrack Friday comes another story.
This one, if anyone of you'd like me to do so, could be continued just without it trying into any music tracks.
OR, I could make a second story, not on the pirate's side, but come on.... This is Piratesahoy! after all!
(Track 6: In the Storm) One day, you, a privateer were on a voyage from Barbados to Cuba, when one day, roughly at the middle of the voyage, you end up stuck in a storm. That storm was no ordinary storm, as you would figure out. It was a hurricane, and as you had been stuck in it for over a day, you order the crew to just open the sails and try to continue as you would normally. A few hours after that, you encounter some pirates.

(Track 20: Conquest) When you can finally see the flags properly, you realize that you’ve come across no regular pirates… You had come across the Nameless Pirates. Legends say that surrendering to them is certain death, so you don’t even think of surrendering, and you order the crew to leave gunpowder barrels behind, in an attempt to slow their ships down, seen as they have the fastest ship known to man, but the explosions do nothing to slow them down. Their ships seemed to be unphased by the explosions.

(Track 8: Devil’s chase) A little while later, almost all ships put their sails up, except one, tiny single masted boat. At first you thought you were saved, and that that boat could do nothing, but then you start worrying, as it seemed to be closing the gap between you and it really fast, you think they would board the ship, so you order the crew to abandon ship.

(Track 9: Abandon Ship) After all the crew had left, you were getting ready to scuttle the ship, when you saw what could very well be the last thing you would ever see… You saw the weird boat fire its cannons… At first you thought it would have some tiny swivel cannons, but it was much worse. The cannons it fired were as powerful as the ones you’d find on forts. As soon as the shots landed on your ship, it was blown to smithereens, and you got knocked out.

(Track 1: Hearts of Oak) You got washed up on a beach, and wake up to someone taking you to their home, but then you seem to black out again. When you finally wake up for good, you see the man who took you waiting next to you. “Where am I, and who are you?” you said, and the man tells you that you are in the isle of Nevis, inside the pirate settlement, and that he is the Nameless Pirate, and you immediately freak out…

(Track 16: Lands of Hope) The Nameless Pirate tells you not to worry, and he explains to you that they are not normal pirates. He tells you that the reason they are so widely feared is that people who surrender to them never get called their original name again, and so, everyone thinks they disappear, when they are very much alive. Their goals are to be able to bring freedom to all slaves, and bring equality to all. He then tells you that they need people to achieve that goal, and then he asks you if you are interested. Considering that you could have died if it wasn’t for him, even though he put you in such a difficult situation in the first place, you decide that you want to join the Nameless Pirates.

(Track 17: Pirate Cove) To join the Nameless Pirates, you have to show that you are trustworthy, the Nameless Pirate tells you. You ask him what you have to do, and he tells you that you have to go all the way to Ireland, and bring two very specific people. Specifically, he tells you that you have to Bangor. At the port there, you should find an inn called Turtar Cois Farraige. There, he tells you to ask the innkeeper this: “An bhfuil a fhios agat cá bhfaighidh tú an mac tíre bán agus an nightingale dubh?” which he tells you is Irish for “Do you know where to find the White Wolf and the Black nightingale?”.

(Track 24: Porto Pirata) Now, at the port, he tells you if you recognize some people. Those people turned out to be your whole crew, and they couldn’t believe it, neither could you. He then tells you to choose between three ships. The one is a schooner, the other a sloop, and the final one, is that tiny ship that blew yours apart. You of course choose the third one, as you had already seen what it can do. The Nameless Pirate comments on your choice, saying that if you saw it before it blew your ship up, then it probably needs some upgrades, and then sends you off on your way to Ireland.

(Track 3: The Adventure Begins) You sail off for what would normally be a month and a half of sailing, but in your case, with such a good ship it is going to only be two weeks. The ship you chose is really out of the ordinary. It slips through the water like a hot knife through butter, due to its really weird hull material, which is white, and has no wood grain in sight.

(Track 2: The Docks) The journey was finished in no time, and now, it is time to find the Turtar Cois Farraige. It is somewhere in the port, so you shouldn’t have to do much more than just having a walk around to find it. And find it you did.

(Track 10: The Tale of the Gall- Gaidhel) You go inside and ask the innkeeper what you were told to, and she leads you to a room upstairs, where you find the two people. They were expecting someone to come to take them, so the first thing they asked was if you were sent by the Nameless Pirate, to bring them back to Nevis, and as indeed you are, so you told them to follow you onto the ship, and you sail off.

(Track 4: Far Away) You ask the two people why they were in Ireland, and they told you that they were sent there on a mission, and they had decided to stay there for a while. They then went on to ask you why exactly the Nameless Pirate needs them, and you tell them you don’t know either.

(Track 14: Pair of Hearts-Greensleeves) You arrive back at the pirate settlement, and go with the two people you brought back to the Nameless Pirate, where he now officially welcomes you to the Nameless Pirates. He takes you on a walk around the settlement, explaining the Nameless Pirates’ next expedition. It is to intercept a Spanish gold fleet…

(Track 25: Spanish Gold) “A Spanish gold fleet is scheduled to go past Nevis in a week and we have to intercept it.” Said the Nameless Pirate, and indeed, a week later, words have arrived that it had left port, which meant that you, and all of the Nameless Pirates have to get ready to sail off and attack them. In the second day of searching, you spot the fleet, and combat now ensues.

(Track 7: Conquest of the Seas) The Nameless fleet shoots all the chainballs they have, and dismast the ships carrying the gold, and then they have to fight against the Man ‘o War that was protecting the cargo ships. The Nameless Pirate knew a trick in fighting them. It is really easy to take a ship and stick to the back of one of those.

(Track 26: Man ‘o War) The Nameless Pirate tells you to stick to the backside, and do what had previously been done to you. You fire your front cannons, and the gunpowder in the ship explodes, basically finishing the battle off, as the cargo ships had already surrendered.

(Track 13: Defeat and Triumph) You’ve won the battle, get all people and cargo off the Spanish cargo ships, and then sail back to the settlement, where the Nameless Pirate will finally explain why you went through this all. “We’ve had a good battle today lads! I hadn’t told you the reason why we fought this battle. The reason is that we’re going to use this gold to buy weapons, which we’ll smuggle into plantations to cause an uprising of the slaves, but for now, off to the taverns!” Said the Nameless Pirate.

(Track 19: Tavern Song) You go off to the tavern to have a drink and celebrate this humongous victory. There, you sit with the Nameless Pirate, and you ask him about how you are supposed to smuggle those weapons into a plantation. He tells you that we need to first buy those weapons, and so here comes your next assignment. You need to go into the city of Sprieghtown with a cargo ship, and use that gold we got from the battle to buy out all the weapons the store has to offer.

(Track 18: Out of Rum) “Also, you should go get loads of rum. The settlement is running out, and if that doesn’t get fixed soon everyone will leave.” The Nameless Pirate told you before you went off to Sprieghtown, Barbados. You now arrive at Sprieghtown, two weeks later, and head off to the store, buy the rum and the weapons.

(Track 22: Jungle) You then decide to go to the jungle and just have a walk around. Initially you find a few monkeys, nothing else worth noting, but a little while later, you find a few bandits. Instead of going back whence you came from, since they hadn’t seen you, you decide to continue as you wanted to have a little fight.

(Track 12: Mano y Mano) The fight went as per the following. You immediately slice one of the bandits’ head, shoot the genitals of another, and just stab the last two.

(Track 23: Native Encounter) A little later, you come across a camp of natives, but as they saw you, they immediately jump up to attack you. You didn’t want to kill any of them, so you run away, which ended up being quote a successful choice, as you didn’t even get scratched by their weapons.

(Track 21: Dawn at the Bay) You decided to stay the night in the Sprieghtown port instead of leaving, and now you wake up, and get ready to go back to the settlement. When you arrive, you head to the Nameless Pirate in order to tell him that you can start executing the plan. He tells you that he hadn’t told you the entirety of that plan. Once the uprising is kick-started, we’re going to take over the isle of Jamaica.

(Track 15: Swashbuckling and Smuggling) The Nameless Pirate sends you and the people you had brought from Ireland to each act as a worker at a plantation, and smuggle the weapons into there. After enough weapons are put there, you start the uprising. This causes guards to gather at the plantations, and leave the fort undermanned. The Nameless Pirates are able to rush in and take all the remaining guards out. They then proceed to split up and go to the plantations, and finish all the guards there.

(Track 11: Hoist the Flags) The ships near Port Royale will have made their way there, and they have to be eradicated, so you and the Nameless Pirate order the crew to hoist the Nameless Pirate flags, and open fire to all English ships that come by. And open fire they did. There was a Man ‘o War there, fully armed sitting near Port Royale, but that broke no sweat for the Nameless Pirates.

(Track 5: Rum Bonfire) Now that the town is taken, you decide to throw a party for the day, and a big one at that! Big bonfires were lit, and everyone on the island had fun, and all the slaves got happier than they’d been in years.

(Track 27: Sailing into the Sunset) The party had ended and it was time for the Nameless Pirates to sail into the sunset, and go back to their settlement. What they had done recently was an amazing achievement, and it will be remembered by their descendants for multiple generations to come.

(Track 28: Post Captain’s Lullaby) The Nameless Pirates Enjoyed their victory for the remainder of the year, taking a break from the battles, so they can be fresh next year for their following battles… But that is another story.


  • HoO Story 3 Pirates.doc
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