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Hook's Mod version 1.0 for TEHO 1.5.2


Staff member
Storm Modder

The file has had 1476 downloads.

Please do not attempt to install this mod over the new update as it may overwrite updated text files. If you have done this, go into your steam client and verify integrity of game files to fix it. This is also described in the Readme file.


Final official version of Hookmod 1.5.2 for TEHO.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems. There are only a few changes from the previous BETA version.

Please note that this version will not work, and cannot be made to work, with the 1.5.1 version of the game. A 1.5.1 version of the mod no longer exists. Sorry.

IMPORTANT: If you have an older version of Hookmod already installed, you MUST delete the PROGRAM folder before installing a new version. If you do not, there will be older versions of files that will cause problems.

This is a version of my mod updated for the 1.5.2 release of the game.

The recent Steam patch to 1.5.2 did not fix the Regatta, so I'm including my fix in the mod. See the readme file for important notes on Regatta bugs.

There are a lot of bug fixes, enhancements, proper translations and a few new features.

The most popular changes seem to be the cannon aiming crosshair being hidden by default and removing the camera swing on doorways. You can use auto-aim from the deck the same way you do in third person view by simply pressing the left mouse button, or turn on the crosshair for manual aiming by pressing the C key.

My favorite changes are increasing the wind speed (you can set this up many different ways or use the stock game wind speed) and changing the fore-and-aft rigged ships to use a more reasonable sailing model where they sail fastest with the wind on the beam.

I have included a copy of the Active Map from @kb31 with a minor change to display the direction to a colony if you are displaying the distances in nautical miles. Press the N key to display a map of the Caribbean and right click and hold on a colony to get information about it. This also displays the most profitable trade goods going in either direction if you are at a colony. The map displays the island region borders and the position of your ship. Press ESC to dismiss the map.

Note that the mod may be installed or removed at any time without affecting the game. It does not require a new game. You may also temporarily disable the mod without uninstalling it by editing the file tehomod_hookmod.ini and changing the line "Enabled=1" to be "Enabled=0".

Please post and let me know what you think.

I will update my mod as new patches or versions are released.



  • Hook mod v1.5.2 README.txt
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Great mod, is there a way to decrease even more the time speed in world map?

No code states explicitly about it, there's one about "apparent speed in world map" but it already has the maximum value reccommended (3).
You are still faster on the world map if you are sailing with the wind than against it, but you'll be taking 1/3 the time you would normally. The mod only slows down the time.

The time could be made even slower, but it would allow cheating. An early version of the mod had the time set at 6 and someone won the regatta sailing the whole race on the world map.

So the code was correct? I'm talking about this one

#define WDM_SHIP_SPEED 3.0 // FLOAT - 3.0 - ship's apparent speed on world map, 1.0 is default game

and it recognizes values above 3?

I don't mind "cheating" since otherwise I would have to replay a couple of months of gameplay, and that ruins the immersion for me. Also it's my first run on the game, so I'm more on a "see what's new" mentality.

Thank you for the amazing work.
Every place in the code that uses a value from hookmod_settings.h tests that value to make sure it's within the proper range. Even if you set it above 3, it will still use 3 in the code. Having a value of three doesn't change the game balance very much. Having it at six does.

The mod isn't intended to be a cheat, just an enhancement to the game. It still has to be a game after all. Even the increased wind speed. It only doubles your speed and affects everyone, and was primarily intended to replace the need for time acceleration, which I never use while playing. The worldmap speed was intended to keep from wasting a game hour on the world map just to reset the lighting which doesn't change automatically at the proper time, and the sounds after loading a save, for example, or waste an hour or two to cross an island region boundary. I use the worldmap as little as possible.

New version 0.7 as of 10Aug17. The Readme file linked above does not include the new date but is otherwise unchanged.

I have used a different variable to mark your ship as a Regatta ship. This needs to be tested by either loading a save from before you started the Regatta or by simply starting it if you haven't already. The previous variable I used would be changed if you accepted the new sails during the race. The new variable should not change. If you have already started the Regatta, you will not be disqualified if you have upgraded your sails.

If you started the Regatta under version 0.6 but could not complete it because you upgraded your sails, let me know and I'll tell you how to get around the problem. I already had to do this for the tester who found the problem. You just need to load a save from any time before you talk to the official at the end of the race. Thanks to Steam user ZZZzzz for finding and reporting the problem.

Version 0.6 and 0.7 are otherwise identical except for a slight change to the font scale for the log (where it says House or Room or Shipyard or whatever when you are near a door) if you have used a different interface scale.

Everything else has been thoroughly tested, just needs people to make sure the Regatta works from start to finish.

Hey Hook, am very interested your nodding work for TEHO and the game itself. If you are looking for testers or even someone to help with the mods I am willing to help.
Thanks, @Havok1o1 . The mod is there for people to download and use, so feel free. Except for some minor changes that I've made since I posted version 0.7, that will become the release version 1.0 pretty much any time now. I just need someone to test the Regatta from start to finish in version 0.7. One person reports winning already but I don't know for sure if they started the Regatta with version 0.6 or 0.7.

At this point, just play and let me know if anything seems out of place. I suggest reading everything in the readme file and the hookmod_settings.h file to see what is possible. There may be a lot of people playing the mod, but not many have talked about it. At least no one is reporting severe problems. :)

Keep in mind that you can put the mod in or take it out at any time without problems.

There is some experimental stuff in hookmod_console.c if you want to have a look. I think it's documented well enough, but some of it hasn't been tested very much so if you're playing with the experimental functions in the console, be sure to archive a save from before you tried it in case you need to go back.

Good luck!


PS. The Regatta can be a pain in the butt. In my last game it left a Dutch attack squadron at Curacao. I don't know if this is ever cleaned up, and I ended up writing some console code to get rid of it. I'd like to know if you go through Curacao on the way from Barbados to Jamaica on the last leg of the race if the attack squadron is still there if you go back to Curacao after the race is over. If it is, I'll add code to remove it at the end of the race, and I can tell you how to get rid of it if it's still there.

Unfortunately, the NewStartKit mod is going to be incompatible with Hookmod. Do not try to install both at once as they will overwrite each other's files.

If you want to switch between mods, you must completely uninstall the one you currently have installed before installing the other.

For Hookmod, delete the PROGRAM folder and tehomod_hookmod.ini files, then verify your game's files in the Steam client. Right click on Sea Dogs: To Each His Own in your game list, select Properties, click on the Local Files tab, then Verify Integrity of Game Files. This will restore your game to its original state.

For NewStartKit, delete the PROGRAM folder and whatever the current name of the ini file for that mod is, then verify your game files as above.

If you do not verify the files, you will have some files that do not match your game. This is almost certain to break something.

Note that Hookmod was specifically designed so that you could install or remove it at any time without affecting your game. The only problem you might have is if you're in the middle of running the Regatta, and as long as you have a save from before you removed the mod (or installed NewStartKit with Hookmod still installed) you should be able to reinstall Hookmod and continue the race without problems.

Woot! I've been looking through version 1.5.2 code and have found several of my fixes! :D You're welcome, Blackmark. :D :D :D

I have mentioned in forums that they were free to use any of my work, without pay and without credit, so I'm very happy to have helped the community.

"Sаntа Сathеrina" <-- mangled ship name in 1.5.2 code, not mangled in every place where it's used.

It looks like unless they are ignoring the ship name, the Regatta is still broken. My mod will still have my Regatta fix.

It turns out that I removed 11 files from Hookmod because they used my changes in the 1.5.2 version. Two of my changes even still have my initials on them, a couple of translations. They used some bug fixes but missed one, and none of the enhancements. The regatta still has one file with the wrong name so I'm leaving the regatta fix in the mod.

Version 1.5.2 alpha is ready for testing. The code is as good as I can get it but I haven't polished the readme file yet. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you the link in a private message. One person is testing this already, but more would be helpful.

Updates are slower than they would normally be, not because of the holidays but because I'm playing Vehicle Simulator. I've often mentioned that for me, TEHO is a sailing simulator with the quests giving a reason to sail somewhere. Vehicle Simulator does this better. Aside from modern ships I've got a freeware 8 gun topsail schooner, a xebec and the USS Constitution, all very good. I've also got a payware 14 gun brig, 38 gun frigate and a 74 gun ship of the line, all excellent. All but one have working guns and I'll eventually add them to that last one; the guns models are already there. All of these ships have had some number of my changes in them. Once a modder, always a modder. :)

First post edited and link posted for Hookmod v0.1 BETA.

This download contains the older versions of tehomod and Active Map. If you have newer versions, simply install them over the ones Hookmod installs.

The readme file in the download has been updated but not the one linked in the first post. There aren't many changes.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

IMPORTANT: If you have an older version of Hookmod already installed, you MUST delete the PROGRAM folder before installing a new version. If you do not, there will be older versions of files that will cause problems.

Note: Micro update to TEHO 1.5.2 for 1-12-17 is not affected by the mod so you can continue using the mod from the link in the first post without problems.

The Regatta is still broken in the new 1-12-17 update. Only a few things were changed. No mod files were changed.

Great mod :)
But could you add to fast travel to enemy ships ?

And some option to fast travel days in open sea because sometimes we need to some days or even months for another quests...
Could somebody reupload the mod somewhere else than mega? Maybe mediafire or something, because I can't download it due to some kind of mega.nz error.
Looks like we're getting close to a version 1.0 release. You probably won't notice any changes. Give it a couple of weeks.

I'm going to explore an alternative to Mega.
