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Solved How can Import a AOP2 Sword to POTC:NH

@Jack Rackham Look here now are the all Swords Files from AOP2:GOF
which can by used. It would be nice if you can make this.
You can change the Bladenummer!
Ather Details can you read in the Readme Datei!
Hello Guys!

Pleace can import the Katana Sword from AOP2: GOF to POTC:NH for me.
How can make the this for me, pleace.

Here are all the Blade Files from AOP2:GOF

Pleace Help me!!!!
Here are all the Blade Files from AOP2:GOF

I hope anyone can help me! :(


  • Pirate Katana.7z
    1.5 MB · Views: 76
Is anywhere a Tutorial for adding new Weopons, i only found for Items.
Weapons are items.

Step 1: Open PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c and search for "blade1"
Step 2: Open RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\English\ItemsDescribe.txt and search for "blade1"
This will show you the kind of code that is needed to have a blade show up in the game.

Step 3: Look at the RESOURCE\MODELS\AMMO and RESOURCE\Textures\AMMO folders
This will show you where to put the model and texture files.

Come up with a new "blade ID" that is not already used, then add the GM file with that name and add the needed sections of code to the code files.

"Tricky" bits:
- If the texture filename already exists, you may have to do some HEX editing
- You need the interface screenshots in a format that matches PotC; I think @Grey Roger or @Jack Rackham already offered to help you with that
I have promised to help you import that blade but was away from home over the weekend. Now I got sick :sick
and did manage to drive home first today. Just got home so please be patient or try yourself.

What have i to doe that the Sword can only be bought in Pirate Stores?
Not sure myself. Is it enough to set the blades nation to PIRATE?
@ All and @Peter Blood
I need someone how can help me a littel bit with:
a.) The Interface Pic:
The Picture for 3 diffrent Katana Swords that
you can use for the Interface Picture you can find in me Dropbox Folder: Dropbox - Pirate Katana

b.) Sword Texture
Pleace can you make two diffrent Sword Texture One with a black Sword handle
and one with white Sword handle.
You can use the Basis-katana Texture.tga.tx File in Dropobox Order Dropbox Folder: Dropbox - Pirate Katana

It would be nice if anyone can help with that Work, because i am not so goood in Grafik work.
I use Photoshop CS4

Today or Tomorrow i uploade the new Picture for Interface Pic for the Katana Sword 1,
it has a Blue Sword handle and is the Katana Sword from AOP2:GOF Mod.

Pirate King

PS: In the 7zip File is the old Interface Pic from the Main Game AOP2:COAS
That Picture i change it to the new One!


  • Katana Sword 1 - Beta.7z
    1.5 MB · Views: 71
You do know "Peter Blood" is somebody completely different, right?
He hasn't been around in a while and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to help.

Anyway, if it is me you need to respond, I tend to respond whether you tag me or not. ;)

The Interface Pic:
@Grey Roger already did that for you. See a couple of posts above.

Sword Texture
Again, one thing at a time. First get the existing one working properly.
After that is fully functional, that would be a good time to start thinking of adding an extra variation.