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Need Help I want immortal officers


Hi guys. I am new to the forum so forgive me if I write in this section and it is not the correct one, since I need help in the base game and not in the MOD.
I have seen that many of you are skilled with the game code and I would like to ask you something.

How can I make the mission officers (Nigel Blythe etc) immortal like Danielle is? The little I know is that the command "LAi_SetImmortal(ch,true);" it's entered in some character line in the Officers.c file, but I've tried several places to enter it and Nigel still takes damage. My tests were: enter the code in the different lines of the "LAi_" group and also under the "makeref(ch,Characters[0]);", but none worked in official.

Edit "PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h". Go right to the bottom and find this:
#define ENABLE_CHEATMODE                0        // Cheats can be triggered with numpad buttons
Change the 0 to 1. In the game, press numeric pad 0 to make yourself immortal. Press 1 or 3 to toggle between your officers, then press 0 to make the selected officer immortal. (You can press 0 again to make yourself or a selected officer mortal.)

Nigel Blythe does not need to be in your shore party. Even if he's just a passenger, the next part of his quest should trigger when you reach Port Royale port - this is different from Artois Voysey, who must be an active officer when you arrive at Sao Jorge port. So if you don't want to risk Nigel being killed, don't take him into danger. ;)
There's a problem, Roger. I don't have the "InternalSettings.h" file in PROGRAM, I am attaching a photo. The game I have is the basic game. Could it be that "InternalSettings.h" in the basic POTC is not in PROGRAM?

I also searched for the "#define ENABLE_CHEATMODE" command in similar files and couldn't find it.


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If you're playing the basic game, there is indeed no "InternalSettings.h" file and no cheat mode.

But if you are playing the basic game then you will probably not be able to complete the "Nigel Blythe" quest. The original game programmers did not finish checking this quest for mistakes.

Do you have a saved game from before you met Artois Voysey and Nigel Blythe? If so, you may want to go back to that, then kill Nigel Blythe and hire Artois Voysey. His quest does work in the basic game.
Ah, but I don't want that. Ok, they didn't understand me. What I want is for any officer (Artois, Nigel, Lucas Da Saldanha or other) to be immune like Danielle is, because I want to get through the game with them without them getting killed in a boarding game, but I also want to level them up and not keep them stashed. That's why the matter of modifying your codes with the "LAi_SetImmortal" command, is it understood?
Nigel Blythe and Artois Voysey are probably made mortal by the quest code after their fight. You certainly do not want Nigel Blythe immortal because he does not remain your officer forever - if you do manage to get to the end of his quest, you will not get any further if he is immortal!

I'm not sure where in the basic game you will find the code for Artois Voysey's quest. Possibly in "quests_reaction.c" or "both_reaction.c". See if you can find a section which starts with:
case "Voysey_listed":
If so, there may be a line:
LAi_SetImmortal(characterFromID("Artois Voysey"), false);
Change 'false' to 'true'. There should also be:
case "Voysey_listed_2":
If that also leads to a line 'LAi_SetImmortal(characterFromID("Artois Voysey"), false)', change it to 'true' too.

For Lucas da Saldanha, look in the quest code for:
case "Lucas_return:"
That may have a line which makes Lucas mortal - change it to make him immortal.

Adding "LAi_SetImmortal(ch,true);" to the character's entry in "officers.c" should protect some others such as Rys Bloom (you should find him wandering around Redmond port) and Jaoquin De Masse (you'll meet him during "Strange Things Going On").
Thank you very much Roger. It is very good information. I'm going to try all this and write to you in a few days if it worked. Maybe it will help another noob like me. Thanks again, captain.