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Unconfirmed Bug Issue with Danielle's dialogue at the Lighthouse during the quest to capture Bridgetown for rescuing Clement


Build 14; January 1st, 2022.

Hello there! As I was progressing through the main stock quest, I came to the point where I was to meet with Clement in order to decipher the tablets. I entered the lighthouse, defeated the soldiers, and left with Danielle's plan to capture the entirety of Bridgetown to rescue Clement.

Given that I'm supposed to attack the Fort, I decided to plan it out rather than attack immediately.

Fast forward a few months, I come back with Mefisto. Maybe it's enough to take on the fort, maybe it isn't. Whatever, that's not part of the issue.

The Issue is when I take Danielle to the Lighthouse, I cannot begin the attack as her dialogue is locked with her saying she's got nothing to say to me, and all I can respond is for us to "move along."

Here's another layer to the issue: When I speak to my Master at Arms (and presumably anyone else) who is also following me, Danielle runs off and fades into nonexistence.
After that, if I change the location (level? cell?); such as enter the lighthouse behind me, and immediately leave the lighthouse to reenter the shore area, Danielle reappears and begins talking to me with dialogue from just after I retrieved the Golden Idol from an English Ship and met up with her on San Juan. Dialogue that already happened before going to Clement in the first place.

After that line of dialogue, Danielle walks off and I am suddenly teleported to the tavern of San Juan, where I talk to Danielle about the tablets.

I was then teleported to the Port of San Juan and was frozen in place.

Even if I unfroze myself by saving at that frozen state and reloading... Danielle had a blank dialogue box with no responses, even when I bought a ship and sailed to the Lighthouse again.


  • -=Player=- Barbados. Barbados lighthouse.zip
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Something odd is going on. It appears as though the conversation between you and your officers when you arrived at San Juan before meeting Danielle in the tavern did not complete properly.

Do you have a savegame from before you enter the lighthouse? It doesn't need to be immediately before; any savegame from before you arrive at Barbados will do.
Unfortunately, my oldest save was *inside* the lighthouse, just after I killed the soldiers.

Though, could I load that save and fast travel to my ship to then sail to somewhere else and complete the dialogue?

I'm reluctant to start over from that save since that will set me back a lot of progress. But if that's the only fix, so be it.
I've had a look at the savegame you uploaded. And I still can't figure out how that could have happened! Starting from when you arrive at San Juan port, there should be a fixed sequence in which you have almost no control. Depending on how many officers you had in your party before you were washed overboard in the storm, three officers or crewmembers talk to you in the port. You teleport to the tavern, along with some of the officers or crew, and they talk to you at the table. Danielle appears, talks briefly, and disappears. You teleport upstairs to talk to Danielle, then teleport to the port and talk to her again. And at that point any officers whose dialog was changed for the port and table conversations have their dialog put back to normal.

Somehow that process was interrupted. Danielle is not set to say anything about rescuing Clement, and your officer is still set to use the dialog for the tavern.

Did you go to fight the Satanists and the Mefisto while you were still in the ship which you got from the pirate in Bonaire Pirate Fort? If you did, that could explain it - you'd dock at the port, the officers or crew would try to talk to you, then you'd teleport to the church to talk to Padre Domingues.

In any case, download this file and put it in your "PROGRAM" folder. Load the savegame which you included in your first post. Press F12. Danielle should then talk to you, and your officer should be set back to normal dialog.


  • console.c
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Alright, I'll test this out right now. Thank you very much!

Also, to answer your question: No I didn't. As soon as I commandeered that ship, I sailed straight to San Juan to meet with Danielle. In fact, I only started the whole Satanist questline *after* I killed the soldiers at the lighthouse.
Just came back here to say: Thank you! Worked like a charm. Now it's time to sock that fort with MeFISTo (get it?)

Either way I'm probably just going to sink. But sinking is very fun anyways. Thank you for being very welcoming, mate!
Ah, yes. The fort. The Mefisto isn't enough to take on the fort. You've given it 32lb carronades, which aren't as powerful as regular 32lb cannons but which can actually hurt a fort, unlike the 12lb cannons which are the ship's normal armament. But you need to be at short range to use them, and while you're closing range, the fort will be blasting you. The Mefisto is still just a frigate and not particularly tough. It won't survive the battle.

That's why you have the option to tell Danielle that you want to make more preparations. Mefisto can't take on a fort but you may be able to use it to board something bigger such as a 3rd rate battleship or a 4th rate "Centurion" class. And those can take on the fort. Leave Barbados, go to worldmap, and look for trouble with enemy ship groups, preferably warship groups.
Got it. After scratching my head trying to brute force it for 30 minutes or so, I see your words in action with my own eyes. Thanks for the tip!

I'll need a lot of money to manage a new ship, though. But selling captured ships has proven very profitable, so I've got it in the bag.
How to make lots of money with a 3rd rate or better:
Have (at least) 3 officers who can be spared as prize captains. Find a group of enemy merchants, preferably with at least a light escort because unescorted merchants are less likely to carry high value cargo. Capture three merchants; plunder and sink the escort unless there are fewer than three merchants.

Go to a friendly port and sell all the cargo from the merchants, apart from food and rum.

Go to an enemy port, bombard the fort, fight your way through the fort and town, then demand ransom from the governor. Then go to the store, where you can take as much cargo as you can carry, all for free. That's why you brought those three merchants - stuff them with all the gold and silver they can carry. You can also grab any items the storekeeper has, also for free.

Return to a friendly port, sell the merchants plus their looted cargo, and sell any items you don't want to keep.

Looting a town also earns you a lot of points to your Letter of Marque if you have one. It also earns you a lot of experience. And it's useful training for the attack on Bridgetown.