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Issues in the Angleique Moulin Quest


Storm Modder
A couple of small things

PIeter Boeln's Ship the Amsterdam is flying and English flag and the French officer who embezzels is dressed as an English officer.

Also I can't find the thing on Antigua. I follow the instructions and walk all over the place it is suppesed to be but nothing comes up. I wonder if this might be like the tresure quest icons and the spot is too smal to work?
Eh? I haven't done Angelique Moulin yet in beta 2.1, but in the past the Amsterdam had a pirate flag and that officer was French. I do know that in the Batholomeu side quest the soldier in the prison that you talk to is suddenly British instead of French the second time.

Lemmeessee now.....You leave the beach and walk straight through the first section, and then in the second section there is a trail to the left. You walk back and forth along the right side of that trail and it is there. But don't go too far past the bush or you will be trapped and will have to go back to your last save and start over. :excl:
Eh? I haven't done Angelique Moulin yet in beta 2.1, but in the past the Amsterdam had a pirate flag and that officer was French. I do know that in the Batholomeu side quest the soldier in the prison that you talk to is suddenly British instead of French the second time.

Lemmeessee now.....You leave the beach and walk straight through the first section, and then in the second section there is a trail to the left. You walk back and forth along the right side of that trail and it is there. But don't go too far past the bush or you will be trapped and will have to go back to your last save and start over. :excl:

I read the walk through, but so far nothing is comming up.
It has always been there for me. I walk right next to the trail to the bush, turn around, and walk back just a little farther out, back and forth like cutting the grass. Then bing! There it is not far off the trail. :treas
It has always been there for me. I walk right next to the trail to the bush, turn around, and walk back just a little farther out, back and forth like cutting the grass. Then bing! There it is not far off the trail. :treas

Yes I found it. And now fast travel has stopped working for me. I presume that is the bad luck refered to. If so how does one get rid of Drake's blade and restore the fast travel and anything else that doesn't work:

BTW reconfirmed english flag and English dress for French officer.
The locator for the sword is - goto citizen010 - on the the grass bank on the right hand side of the path - it appears to be the same size as most locators - (see the images - sorry they are not very clear)

I agree the walkthrough could be a bit clearer ( more detailed ) :yes



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Is Pieter Boelen your companion at that time? Check the Ships interface. Also, what character is the French officer? Maybe there's a nation mismatch in the code somewhere?
...... Also, what character is the French officer? Maybe there's a nation mismatch in the code somewhere?

The french Officer - Antoine Chamfort - from TempQuest.c

// Antoine Chamfort	
ch.old.name = "Antoine";
ch.old.lastname = "Chamfort";
ch.name = TranslateString("","Antoine");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("","Chamfort");
ch.id		= "Antoine Chamfort";
ch.model	= Nations[FRANCE].fantomModel.m0; // PB
ch.sex = "man";
ch.sound_type = "pirate";
GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC6");
ch.equip.blade = "bladeC6";
GiveItem2Character(ch, GUN_COMMON);
ch.equip.gun = GUN_COMMON;
//JRH ammo mod -->
TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
TakenItems(ch, "pistolbullets", 6);
//JRH ammo mod <--
ch.location	= "none";
ch.location.group = "";
ch.location.locator = "";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Antoine Chamfort_dialog.c";
ch.rank 	= 18;
ch.reputation = "None";
ch.experience = "0";
ch.greeting = "Gr_Antoine Chamfort";
ch.skill.Leadership = "8";
ch.skill.Fencing = "10";
ch.skill.Sailing = "1";
ch.skill.Accuracy = "3";
ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
ch.skill.Grappling = "1";
ch.skill.Repair = "1";
ch.skill.Defence = "3";
ch.skill.Commerce = "1";
ch.skill.Sneak = "1";
ch.money = "0";
LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 8.0, 20.0);
LAi_SetHP(ch, 180.0, 180.0);
ch.questchar = true;//MAXIMUS: identifier for captives
AddGameCharacter(n, ch);

He is in a red uniform & when you approach him the icon at top left of screen shows English Soldier.

Try adding ch.nation = FRANCE; to his character init entry.
I am going to speculate that any French soldier that you are supposed to interact with is being changed to a British soldier now. Where would the global rules be located?
Did you start a new game for that character init change to take effect? Since the character might be recognized as a soldier without a nation, I was thinking it might default to England.
Alternatively, what if you just change Nations[FRANCE].fantomModel.m0 to whatever it should be?
Did you start a new game for that character init change to take effect? Since the character might be recognized as a soldier without a nation, I was thinking it might default to England.
Alternatively, what if you just change Nations[FRANCE].fantomModel.m0 to whatever it should be?


All I did was go back to a save before talking to Moulin on the beach at Boca du Hubon and Pressed F11 to reinitialise.


Chamfort has always had a red uniform ( model ) as far as I can remember - it is just that now the icon top left of screen shows English Soldier. So perhaps the icon for the model being used has been changed ? - But I don't know which model is being used :shrug
Nations[FRANCE].fantomModel.m0 refers to PROGRAM\NATIONS\nations_init.c and depends on the time period.
He isn't the spy who is supposed to look like a British soldier to blend in, is he?
Anyway, I do think a new game is required for my suggestion.
Ah, right; couldn't remember. Anyway, I'm hoping that the nation line indeed does work. If not, change the ch.model line to whatever character model he should have without the whole nation-dependent line that's there now.