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Fixed Jack Sparrow - Justine Le Moigne


Storm Modder
Jack Sparrow Side Quest - Justine Le Moigne completed sucessfully :cheers

Only major problem here:- http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/jack-sparrow-capt-magee-not-appearing-in-havana-port.25873/

Some small "cosmetic " problems - see images

1) when rescuing Justine from Davy Jones ( on his ship Deck ) her dialog refers to "Cayman" rather than Martinique ( I think this is because she is using the same dialog file as Eliz Shaw )

2) - the small chest you are given when you talk to the body on Baie d'Orient on St Martin - the item description text F2 - items - Quest Items refers to Eliz Shaw version of Quest --- also the chest is still in players inventory when quest ends - perhaps the Martinique governor could take it when you give Justine back to him - or the Havana Port Admiral earlier on.

3) - In the final big fight between Davy Jones' crew and the St Pierre soldiers - Davy's crew obviously got bored after they had killed them all so they started fighting among themselves :rofl - not sure if this is supposed to happen - I just looked round when I was running away to see who was chasing me and saw this . :D



  • PotC Justine Dialog.jpg
    PotC Justine Dialog.jpg
    262.9 KB · Views: 73
  • PotC Justine Chest.jpg
    PotC Justine Chest.jpg
    298.4 KB · Views: 79
  • PotC Justine Davy Crew Fight.jpg
    PotC Justine Davy Crew Fight.jpg
    313 KB · Views: 68
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1) when rescuing Justine from Davy Jones ( on his ship Deck ) her dialog refers to "Cayman" rather than Martinique ( I think this is because she is using the same dialog file as Eliz Shaw )
Copy the Elizabeth Shaw dialog.h file to PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\dialogs\ENGLISH and change this line:
"In this case, it will be your father. But we must not waste time, we need to sail to #sisland_Falaise de Fleur# as quickly as possible. I don't think your «lover» will desist from you so easily.",
There are some references in that file to Philipsburg too. Is that correct for Jack Sparrow?

2) - the small chest you are given when you talk to the body on Baie d'Orient on St Martin - the item description text F2 - items - Quest Items refers to Eliz Shaw version of Quest --- also the chest is still in players inventory when quest ends - perhaps the Martinique governor could take it when you give Justine back to him - or the Havana Port Admiral earlier on.
That is this description, isn't it?
itmname_small_chest   {Small Chest}
The documents in this chest prove that the ship that sank at Baie d'Orient was indeed the British frigate 'Lightning'. It says: 'The ship is sinking. We are being dragged down. Now we will never find Miss Shaw. My governor will be so disappointed.' - Captain Thomas Boulden Thompson.
Do you have any proposal of what needs changing? Obviously the "Miss Shaw" part and possibly make it a French frigate with a French captain too.
Probably should be a completely different item so it can have a different description.

Is the chest taken from you in the normal Sidequest version?

3) - In the final big fight between Davy Jones' crew and the St Pierre soldiers - Davy's crew obviously got bored after they had killed them all so they started fighting among themselves :rofl - not sure if this is supposed to happen - I just looked round when I was running away to see who was chasing me and saw this . :D
Not intentional and VERY weird because all of them are being moved into the SAME AI group! :shock
Copy the Elizabeth Shaw dialog.h file to PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\dialogs\ENGLISH and change this line:
"In this case, it will be your father. But we must not waste time, we need to sail to #sisland_Falaise de Fleur# as quickly as possible. I don't think your «lover» will desist from you so easily.",
There are some references in that file to Philipsburg too. Is that correct for Jack Sparrow?

:yes Philipsburg - is correct

That is this description, isn't it?
itmname_small_chest   {Small Chest}
The documents in this chest prove that the ship that sank at Baie d'Orient was indeed the British frigate 'Lightning'. It says: 'The ship is sinking. We are being dragged down. Now we will never find Miss Shaw. My governor will be so disappointed.' - Captain Thomas Boulden Thompson.
Do you have any proposal of what needs changing? Obviously the "Miss Shaw" part and possibly make it a French frigate with a French captain too.
Probably should be a completely different item so it can have a different description.

Is the chest taken from you in the normal Sidequest version?

Miss Shaw - Ship Name & Captain are all that needs changing I think --- as far as I know it is from the normal side quest

Not intentional and VERY weird because all of them are being moved into the SAME AI group! :shock

They are Fish People - they don't have any brains :rofl

Miss Shaw - Ship Name & Captain are all that needs changing I think --- as far as I know it is from the normal side quest
If anyone has any clever or funny suggestions for a doomed French ship and her captain....
Justine's name and dialog should be fixed now and I made a custom version of the "Small Chest" item for Jack Sparrow:


So I think this is "Fixed" too.

I don't know what's up with Davy's crew, but I'm inclined to just leave that.... :wp