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Fixed Jack Sparrow - Lucas gets name wrong


Storm Modder
After rescuing Lucas - sail around for 3 Months - then he asks to see Justine Le Moigne again.

Except he calls her Miss Moore :rofl - my advice to Justine is to dump Lucas NOW!!

The thing is in the Lucas Da Saldanha_dialog.h - the name is given as "Arabella Silehard", -- How many governor's daughters is this guy messing with :woot

"Excuse me captain, may I have a word?",
"Yes, ",
"Lucas Da Saldanha",
", what is it?",
"I was wondering if I could go and see Miss ",
"Arabella Silehard",
" again?",
"I don't see why not, we will sail to #sisland_Falaise De Fleur# soon.",
"No, you sail with me now and I won't have one of my officers running off like a love sick puppy",


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As far as the game code is concerned, she IS "Arabella Silehard".
So she gets the last name of the governor of Jamaica in the Colonial Powers period, which is set as "Sir Henry Moore".
Have you encountered her already in the game? I would expect her to be named "Arabella Moore" or perhaps "Justine Moore".

To rename her, try this manual override through console:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Arabella Silehard")].lastname = "Le Moigne";
That isn't actually a nice solution though. Unfortunately this wouldn't work right either:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Arabella Silehard")].lastname = Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Joseph Claude Le Moigne")].lastname; // Name after actual governor
She'd be called "Justine Le Moigne II" because the Martinique governor is "Joseph Claude Le Moigne II".

Perhaps this would work in Periods.c:
  if (Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Arabella Silehard")].lastname == TranslateString("","Silehard"))
     Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Arabella Silehard")].lastname = Characters[GetCharacterIndex("John Clifford Brin")].lastname; // Name after actual governor
Since she's being set to "Le Moigne" in the storyline code anyway, hopefully that will stop her from being renamed again.
That last one would require a new game though. And may affect other storylines, even if obviously it should not.
As far as the game code is concerned, she IS "Arabella Silehard".
So she gets the last name of the governor of Jamaica in the Colonial Powers period, which is set as "Sir Henry Moore".
Have you encountered her already in the game? I would expect her to be named "Arabella Moore" or perhaps "Justine Moore".

Why is she called "Arabella Silehard". in the first place.? - in the Original Lucas quest there is no link between it and the Elizabeth Shaw's disappearance Quest. And any way Elizabeth Shaw is the daughter of the Cayman Governor, or was that quest moved and in the Original game it was Arabella Silehard's disappearance ?

Since this bit of code in Lucas Da Saldanha_dialog.c and h only appears in the Jack Sparrow Story version it is probably best just to put Justine Le Moigne where Arabella Silehard is in the Lucas Da Saldanha_dialog.h file in the Jack Sparrow version and accept that she may be called Miss Le Moigne II occassionally.

And we do want something that will link her to the Martinique Governor whatever the time period the player may use. :yes

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@Captain Maggee linked the Lucas sidequest (which used to feature Arabella Silehard) to the First Contact one (which used to feature Elizabeth Shaw) and made them both appear to feature miss Le Moigne instead.
That is a special Jack Sparrow change.

Taking into account the period shouldn't be that important because you can't change that for Jack Sparrow anyway and you won't get his special versions of the sidequests outside his storyline.
I just did a simple check using my proposed fix above, starting a new game and calling these lines through console:
  ch = CharacterFromID("Arabella Silehard");
   LogIt("Name = " + GetMySimpleName(ch));
She's now called "Arabella Silehard" in the Standard storyline, "Arabella Ayscue" for Assassin and "Jusine Le Moigne" for Jack Sparrow.
This seems to have done the trick, so "Fixed" it is.