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Fixed Jack Sparrow Storyline: Shaypen doesn't show up on jetty...


Storm Modder
Jack Sparrow storyline. Finished the part with the Brin girls. Shaypen told me on the pirate settlement jetty to meet her in Barbados. I went to Speightstown, but she didn't show up on jetty. Then Annamaria didn't aproach me in the town to give me the piece of Kortez treasure map. In tavern, there was no Cutler Beckett.
I have marked with green color my storyline progress. With red color I marked the part which I haven't finished and am not able to finish cause Shaypen doesn't show up.

From the forum wiki:

A) - Leave Brigetown Tavern and Sail to Nevis Pirate Settlement.(top)
Shaypen talks to you on jetty at Nevis. - Fight – Kill her (Knocked out as per QB)

Go to tavern – talk to tavernkeeper – says you are brave slayer of Excise agents – Go to Pirate Leaders house

Skull talks to you

- offer to buy Brin sisters & Shaypen ( for Gold & 2 diamonds )


- Ask to be paid to take them away <- Fight

Offer accepted by Skull ( gives you piece of map– Bottom Left ) – go to port Brin girls & Shaypen on jetty – autowalk to jetty – Shaypen walks up talks to you and leaves – then Annabella Brin talks to you

Sail to Port Royale, Jamaica – Go to Town Hall – Enter – Brin Girls run to father – John Clifford Brin talks to you – offers reward ( money or Ship)

Sail to Speightstown, Barbados – on jetty Shaypen talks to you & leaves - gives you items found on Brock (diamonds & part of map – Top Left) – QB Update

Enter town – QB Update – inside port gate Annamaria runs up and talks (Must Hire her to get piece of map – Top Right ) to you & leaves – QB update

Go to Tavern - Cutler Beckett walks up and talks to you - he hires you to escort him to Port Royale Jamaica. - QB Update

Go to Port - Sail with Cutler Beckett ship to Port Royale Jamaica

At Port Royale Cutler Beckett talks to you on jetty - says come to EITC offices for payment for escort.( tells you where they are) – QB Update


  • Savegame.rar
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Tried this using the Save - No Shaypen

This is the case in quests_reaction .c that is not working

case "Bye_Shaypen_Oxbay":
       Locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_port")].reload.l1.disable = 0;
       ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterfromID("Susan Shaypen"), "Oxbay_port", "goto", "goto3");
       characters[GetCharacterIndex("Susan Shaypen")].Dialog.Filename = "Susan Shaypen_dialog.c";
       LAi_SetActorType(characterFromID("Susan Shaypen"));
       LAi_ActorDialog(characterFromID("Susan Shaypen"),PChar,"",1.0,1.0);
       Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Susan Shaypen")].dialog.currentnode = "Part_company_at_Oxbay";

I get these entries in the system log.

Island Set
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Warning: NPCharacter -> trace node not found
Can't load texture resource\textures\.tx

It is not - too many people - as there are only 20 in the port :shrug

It is not Thomas the Terror ( although he should not be there - missed code to make him disappear somewhere ) - since he is not occupying the locator. - see image :facepalm

There is no error log.



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Please execute this through console:
ch = CharacterFromID("Susan Shaypen");
Before you do this, delete your compile.log .

Do this TWICE, once before you are supposed to meet her and once afterwards.
Inbetween both times, be sure to rename compile.log to a name that indicates before/after.

That should give us all character attributes at both points, which may indicate why it goes wrong.

Did you actually use the "killing her" route? Could it be YET BLOODY AGAIN that the game considers her dead and refuses to resurrect her when needed?
That never ever used to be a problem before, but seems to throwing a whole bunch of separate parts of the game out of whack these days.
Not happy about that. :no
Did you actually use the "killing her" route? Could it be YET BLOODY AGAIN that the game considers her dead and refuses to resurrect her when needed?
That never ever used to be a problem before, but seems to throwing a whole bunch of separate parts of the game out of whack these days.
Not happy about that. :no

Yes - it is after you "kill"her - but after that ( after you talk to Skull ) - you talk to Shaypen on Nevis Pirate Settlement Jetty - Shaypen tell you to take Brin guirls back to Port Royale then come and meet her in Speightstown. - all of which @Mirsaneli has managed to play through successfully.

Please execute this through console:
ch = CharacterFromID("Susan Shaypen");
Before you do this, delete your compile.log .

Do this TWICE, once before you are supposed to meet her and once afterwards.
Inbetween both times, be sure to rename compile.log to a name that indicates before/after.

That should give us all character attributes at both points, which may indicate why it goes wrong.

Here are the compile logs - hope they help.:drunk


  • compile_Shay_Before.log
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  • compile_Shay_After.log
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do you have any earlier Saves e.g. - just after you leave Skull - or before you talk to Governor Brin.

So I can try and play it through from an earlier start point.

If you only have a Save earlier than those 2 that will be OK.


Did you actually use the "killing her" route? Could it be YET BLOODY AGAIN that the game considers her dead and refuses to resurrect her when needed?
That never ever used to be a problem before, but seems to throwing a whole bunch of separate parts of the game out of whack these days.
Not happy about that. :no

She is dead yes.
Where should the ressurection happen?
Which function should make someone ressurect?
If someone is loaded in a location but is dead should he or she not be loaded? I actually think the character is loaded now but at the death coördinates.
deathx = -1.6721991
deathy = 3.6250198
deathz = -17.0518761
deathay = -2.6839571
I cannot answer those questions right now because I don't know either.
Also cannot promise when I'll be able to investigate. Maybe next week....
        if(hp < 1)
            if(CheckAttribute(chr, "location.norebirth") != false)
                if(sti(chr.location.norebirth) != 0) return false;
            //Надо возраждать персонажа
            chr.chr_ai.hp = hpmax;
            hp = hpmax;
            func = chr.chr_ai.type;
            chr.chr_ai.type = "";
            chr.chr_ai.tmpl = "";
            if(func != "")
                func = "LAi_type_" + func + "_Init";
                call func(chr);
    if(hp < 1) return false;
This is what should do the rebirth I think. but the HP is just okay for the character. so this won't trigger.
I need to look into it more


do you have any earlier Saves e.g. - just after you leave Skull - or before you talk to Governor Brin.

So I can try and play it through from an earlier start point.

If you only have a Save earlier than those 2 that will be OK.



This one is before I talked to the pirate leader and after I knocked out Shaypen. I also have one save before I went to fight Shaypen.


  • Save.rar
    583.6 KB · Views: 95
Please execute this through console:
ch = CharacterFromID("Susan Shaypen");
Before you do this, delete your compile.log .

Do this TWICE, once before you are supposed to meet her and once afterwards.
Inbetween both times, be sure to rename compile.log to a name that indicates before/after.

That should give us all character attributes at both points, which may indicate why it goes wrong.

Did you actually use the "killing her" route? Could it be YET BLOODY AGAIN that the game considers her dead and refuses to resurrect her when needed?
That never ever used to be a problem before, but seems to throwing a whole bunch of separate parts of the game out of whack these days.
Not happy about that. :no


  • Compile.rar
    5.8 KB · Views: 91
She is dead yes.
Where should the ressurection happen?
Which function should make someone ressurect?
If someone is loaded in a location but is dead should he or she not be loaded? I actually think the character is loaded now but at the death coördinates.
deathx = -1.6721991
deathy = 3.6250198
deathz = -17.0518761
deathay = -2.6839571

In the story - you "kill" (knock out) Shaypen on Nevis Pirate Settlement jetty - go and talk to Pirate Settlement tavernkeeper - then talk to Skull (pirate Settlement leader) - then go back to Pirate Settlement jetty and Shaypen is there and talks to you. :yes

Then sail to Port Royale and go and talk to Governor ( Brin)

@Mirsaneli - has managed to play through all of this OK . :yes

Then Sail to Speightstown and Shaypen should be on the jetty to talk to you. -- this is where it breaks.

So I assume that if what @Levis says is correct then if I sail to Nevis ( instead of Speightstown ) - Shaypen should be on the jetty there - will check this .:checklist

so @Talisman with the savegame posted here: Unconfirmed Bug - Shaypen doesn't show up on jetty... | PiratesAhoy! (post 10) I only have to go to spleightstown right? And the character should show up there?


From Post #1

Shaypen talks to you on jetty at Nevis. - Fight – Kill her (Knocked out as per QB)

Go to tavern – talk to tavernkeeper – says you are brave slayer of Excise agents – (Think Save in POST #10 is Here ) Go to Pirate Leaders house

Skull talks to you

- offer to buy Brin sisters & Shaypen ( for Gold & 2 diamonds )


- Ask to be paid to take them away <- Fight

Offer accepted by Skull ( gives you piece of map– Bottom Left ) – go to port Brin girls & Shaypen on jetty – autowalk to jetty – Shaypen walks up talks to you and leaves – then Annabella Brin talks to you

Sail to Port Royale, Jamaica – Go to Town Hall – Enter – Brin Girls run to father – John Clifford Brin talks to you – offers reward ( money or Ship)

Sail to Speightstown, Barbados( This is where the Problem is ) on jetty Shaypen talks to you & leaves - gives you items found on Brock (diamonds & part of map – Top Left) – QB Update

Enter town – QB Update – inside port gate Annamaria runs up and talks (Must Hire her to get piece of map – Top Right ) to you & leaves – QB update



Tried using the Save you posted in Post#10 - Skull does not talk to me. :mad: I think this is the same game as the save here:- Fixed - Jack Sparrow: Cannot Talk to Nevis Pirate Leader | PiratesAhoy! ( same companion )

So I tried using the Save here:- Fixed - Jack Sparrow: Cannot Talk to Nevis Pirate Leader | PiratesAhoy! Post # 11

- Skull talks to me OK - and quest continues all OK - sailed straight from talking to Governor Brin to Speightstown - Shaypen on Speightstown jetty & talks to me OK.

@Pieter Boelen @Levis

A while ago there were problems with quests - where they would break if the player went and did lots of things outside the quest ( e.g. attacked ships at sea while sailing from one island to another in the quest) - these caused the game to loose track of where it was in the quest. (@Mirsaneli - has done some things between talking to Governor Brin & going to Speightstown - could these be causing the problem - see the Save game in Post #1 ) - But I thought that problem had been resolved. :yes.



  • PotC JS Shaypen_Speightstown.jpg
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Last edited:
A while ago there were problems with quests - where they would break if the player went and did lots of things outside the quest ( e.g. attacked ships at sea while sailing from one island to another in the quest) - these caused the game to loose track of where it was in the quest. (@Mirsaneli - has done some things between talking to Governor Brin & going to Speightstown - could these be causing the problem - see the Save game in Post #1 ) - But I thought that problem had been resolved. :yes.
I don't even remember that problem existing at all. That simply shouldn't happen.
It should either be completely random or linked to very specific acts (or lack thereof) that break it.

Anyway, I do want to investigate this one. I just won't be able to until next week.