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Kraken Tentacles and Plane of Sand

I've been messing with Maya and got some interesting results. However this still needs to be tested with storm 2.0

I might need the kraken attack code to do some more tests.


  • tests_on_kraken.jpg
    432.6 KB · Views: 193
That looks pretty cool, IRF! Not sure if Storm 2.0 would support such fancy effects on simple floating goods though.
Because code-wise, that's what the tentacles are. It's the simplest way I could come up with that might actually work. ;)

Nice screen shot Pieter, although, that dude looks pretty calm for having a kraken tentacle plowing through the deck! xD:
Whahaha! I'll handle the Kraken tentacle generation, YOU handle the panic! :razz
I wasn't very clear in my post above. Sorry.

The picture attached above was not taken in maya. It was taken in GM-viewer, so one or another storm engine should support these features (according to readme attached to maya plugins). However I'm still trying various combos of attaching both lightmap and bumpmap next to base texture to get the best visual appearance of the ingame rendered image. I also want to know if game engine can really see the difference between lambert and phong materials, or does it simply treat them both the same.

I'll run some more experiments and post the results later.
Despite having some modeling knowledge, I have NO idea about lambert/phong materials or other fancy stuff.

That third picture, can't you achieve such detail with a simple texture?

One question: could you make the tentacles more green-like?
I think the film Kraken is a green creature, rather than grayish.
The kraken code and all that is avaiable on a download for MODDERS only so you do have access to it :yes

It turns grey when it dies but I do think its more green (like the Dutchman) during its rain of terror on the seas :yes
Those effects do look really good IRF ! i wonder if it would work on ships too... should if it does in gm viewer... how are you cooking the bumps anyway ? from a higher res model or it's just texturing ?
It should not only work with ships but with buildings, islands even characters
However it seems that the bumpmaps aren't supported (real shame)
The color of bump's pixel is simply added to the pixel color of the base texture (the readme wasn't lying).... At least that's what I get in GM-viewer. In worst case the two textures can be merged to add some more 'detail' for the surface.

I never really made any of maps. They came with the models from a different 'source'

As for the greenish textures: will work on it in couple of weeks - too busy with RL
from what i know storm 2.0 dosent support bumpmaps (already tried that for the cursed dutchman)

thou it works for storm 2.5+
One day... :rolleyes:

Thanks for looking into the green tentacles.
It's not priority issue for now, but it would look nice. :cheeky
Captain Maggee, please try this code:
void KrakenTentacle()
if (!bSeaActive) return;
aref rCharacter = GetEventData();
case  0: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle1_0",  0.0,105,20+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(135.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  1: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle1_90", 0.0,105,20+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(225.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  2: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle1_180",0.0,105,20+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(315.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  3: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle1_270",0.0,105,20+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(45.0) -stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  4: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle2_0",  0.0,105,10+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(70.0) -stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  5: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle2_90", 0.0,105,10+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(160.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  6: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle2_180",0.0,105,10+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(250.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  7: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle2_270",0.0,105,10+rand(20),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(340.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  8: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle3_0",  0.0,105,20+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(90.0) -stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case  9: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle3_90", 0.0,105,20+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(180.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case 10: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle3_180",0.0,105,20+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(270.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case 11: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle3_270",0.0,105,20+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(0.0)  -stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case 12: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle4_0",  0.0,105,10+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(90.0) -stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case 13: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle4_90", 0.0,105,10+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(180.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case 14: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle4_180",0.0,105,10+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(270.0)-stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
case 15: Direct_AddGood(rCharacter, "Oil", "tentacle4_270",0.0,105,10+rand(10),Degree2Radian(rand(20)-10)+Degree2Radian(0.0)  -stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y)); break;
The distribution of the tentacles is better now and I added splashing particle effects where they appear.
I'm not quite happy with it yet, though, but am not quite sure what to change now.
The tentacles, when not hit, remain at sea far too long, but I already set their time to 0.
And the particles continue on the generation spot even when the tentacle was hit and thus disappeared earlier.
Looks fantastic Pieter! Nice work mate! :cheers
Ok I tried the code Pieter and it does look 100% now, I mean the tenticles are:
a) the right way
b) all around the ship

I agree that the tenticles are there too long in some cases of missing, and when moving I seemed to miss quite a few of them... do you think we need to force a players ship to stop?

What I think we should do is... once hit by a tenticle your ship will stop and (speed = 0) which would mean your likely to keep on getting hit, therefore if your in a smaller vessel if you dont get hit (which would be easier than a bigger vessel) you could still escape the attack :yes
Actually, if your ship is stopped, you won't hit anything, because they're all generated around you.
You only hit something if you move into them yourself. Tentacles behind your ship won't be hit either, of course.
I don't know what to do about the time the tentacles appear; the time already IS set to 0.
So what do they look like ingame !? :cheeky
Pieter, sometimes 0 means infinite, have you tryed 0.1 ?