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La Creole

Another update, what do you think?

Dunno; looks weird to my unprofessional eye because of the weird shape of those cannons. :facepalm
Why? http://www.stvincent.ac.uk/Heritage/1797/Victory/images/carronade.jpg

Those aren't cannon, those are carronades :keith
I know it's probably fully historically accurate, so don't listen to me! :razz
thank's:) i've got a question, why in some of the newer ship models the blot doesn't appears in the right place but on the air? In the packet boat doesn't appear any blot...
The carronades are spot on, Oskar, good job :) The ropes could be a bit thicker, though, they´re hard to see.

Oh, and whats a 'blot'? :keith
The blots are the tetured dameges that appear on the hull where a ship get hitted...
Ah, I see. The 'blots' are a texture with an alpha channel, right? AFAIK the packet uses texture tiling for the hull, so my best bet would be that the game engine simply doesn´t know where to put the damage effects as this texturing technique isn´t used in vanilla PotC. :shrug
The texture is smaller than the UV map and multiple copies of the texture are simply copied and pasted side by side until they 'fill' the map. And as far as I can tell, its the technique you used for the Creole. xD:
Alternatively, it could have something to do with the collision detection.
I think the Packet Brig was exported with the TOOL, which might've messed that up.
Hopefully any ship exported with Maya will not have that problem.
Hm...I think had a discussion with Inzane about this very topic (tiling, collisions, etc.) last year. I´ll dig through my private messages and see if I can find anything usefull. :)