• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Solved Lets Get Down to Basics

The installer EXE does do this though:
; Request application privileges for Windows Vista
RequestExecutionLevel highest
I had hoped that would help against stupid security crap. STILL not good enough, though. :modding
I would still like to know what kind of user you are on your computer (admin or not) and what kind of windows you are running. Also in which folder you installed the game.
And which permission are shown for that folder.
I'm running windoze 7 ultimate....as an administrator...I went to user accounts and checked...must be 2 different kinds...the one where windoze lets you think you are, (and you really aren't) and the real one that wondoze won't let you into anyhow..aahahah...I'll try to get a screenshot of the folders....POTC Carribean Tales and COAS work.....Carribean locks up now and again, but I think thats because of the graphics thing....
The folder is located on the desktop, as suggested earlier by Mr. Bolden.

It appears that I have full control....but you never know with this OS.


  • desktop.jpg
    272.4 KB · Views: 91
Well the desktop is in the document and settings folder and judging from the pictograms in the tray you got at least 1 protection program.
My advice would be to install potc just on C:\ and make sure you run the setup as administrator. Then install the mod also to C:\ and make sure you run the installer as administrator. Make sure you got both the large cabinet and the installer in the same folder (doesn't need to be the potc folder, they just need to be together) and make sure you select the right path to the potc location.
Also make sure you the right options during the install.
If you want to be extra sure I would recoment disabeling all kinds of security programs you have running before installing the mod. They might block things because sometimes they are just stupid ....
Hehe, the thing is....this computer was built in china (for my wife's work there).....there are several progs running that are in chinese and I have no idea what the heck they are...but since my wife works at an international school, I have access to Chinese kids that may be able to translate.....
hmmm.....I sugest using ctrl+alt+esc and locate the processes :p thats probally easier and just stop those processes. Install the mod and restart the computer.
Another trick that might work: Move your unmodded game folder onto an external HD and install the modpack using a different computer or something.
The game runs even FROM an external HD, so once you've got a working install, you can transfer it wherever you want.
As long as it is big enough, eg. 10 GB of free space or something.