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Fixed Levelling: Cannot Save Game During PostInit Process


Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
Now the game crash when I try to make a save!


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Now the game crash when I try to make a save!
Please remove ALL files and folders out of your SAVE folder and delete the file named "options" from your main game folder.
Need to make sure there are no left-overs from that terrifying previous game version.

From my side, I started a new game on Assassin, then made a save while in port and that worked just fine.
What exactly did you try? Then I can try to reproduce that as well.
I removed savegames and options files, still I can not make a savegame.
What storyline are you starting? At what point are you saving?
Any settings that you have different from normal? I cannot replicate the problem with my quick test. :(
Im still testing Standard storyline: the main quest. I am at the point where I have to find Silehards
Idols. Do you mean I have to start a complete new game?
Just to be sure, please move all your current saves OUT of your save folder (keep them as backup somewhere, maybe?).
Then start a brand new game and see if saving works.
Just to be sure, please move all your current saves OUT of your save folder
Starting a new game solved the problem. So what now, is all my work gone and have
I to start this testgame all from the beginning again?
Well it seems like I have to start this Test game from start again, it is the third time now:rumgone
I'm afraid there may be more times in the future.
But please do see how far you can get. It'll be good to know if something breaks again after a while.
Yes, this is a massively annoying time for us all.
I had rather hoped that we had the worst behind us. I was wrong.
Should have been more firm and refused to add too complicated new content into the game for a while. :modding
I'm calling this one "Fixed" as there are no huge code changes in the current update compared to previous ones that should cause this problem.

A clean install and a brand New Game should be started though to ensure there are absolutely NO left-overs from the previous bugged versions!
Now it's ME having this problem. When I try to make a save, I don't get to see the "screenshot" anymore.
And after I make the same, it is a corrupt one and I have error logs about "no memory".

Clearing the SAVE folder and "options" file does not help.
Now I did two tests. In both cases, I started a new game on Hornblower and tried to save immediately after getting into port.
When doing this on a backup of my game version from yesterday, it works fine.
But when doing it on today's version that includes @Levis' latest fixes, it DOES NOT!

What is especially telling is that when I continue playing and go into the Naval Academy, I CAN save there.
Which means that it could very well be linked to the number of characters (being initialized?) in a location.

This is BAD!!! But at least we now have a clue on what it is related to.
Sorry, @Levis; but it seems the Levelling system is a bit too much for the game engine to handle. :(
Huh...I dont have any problem saving...
More interestingly, not only CAN I save in the Antigua Naval Academy, I can ALSO save in Antigua Port after returning.
So at game start I can't save there, but the second time I can.

Maybe it is then OK once the characters have had PostInit executed for them, but not while that is still ongoing.
But I tried that as well by just staying longer in the location until I figured that process should have completed.
That didn't work though. Could it be that the process remains active in some way even AFTER it is done?

In any case, at least it seems we do have a very distinct testing case here as it seems I can replicate the problem every time.
Now I'll be curious if @Levis has the same issue in his game.
You can set the debug post init toggle in leveling to see if it keeps running. There shouldnt be any problem concerning the leveling
Start of Assassin storyline: No problem
Start of Hornblower storyline: Cannot save
Start of Jack Sparrow storyline: Cannot save until after a short time, when I then can
Yep, confirmed for Hornblower too. While it isn't a short time, eventually saving DOES start working again.
This seems to coincide with the moment when the "just entered location lag" ends.

Clear Sparrow and Hornblower are more heavily affected because there are a LOT of characters around in those opening scenes.
So there is also a good chance that in other situations with many characters around, you cannot save either until the PostInit process has completed.

It is clear that the Levelling system is putting a seemingly massive strain on the game engine.
But thankfully it is not as bad as I originally thought and we definitely know more about this issue than we did an hour ago.

Still, definitely something to keep an eye on as this is most definitely a real problem.