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Discussion Lighting mod?


Recently with the help of a modder, I have managed to port the storm from PotC over to CoAS. To my surprise, not only does it make the storm look better but it, only during storms, changes the lighting to that of PotC! As you can see in the picture below. So if that is possible, can the light textures from PotC all be ported over to CoAS. I'm only targeting the lighting for evenings and nights. Much help would be appreciated.


  • CAS Game 11_12_2020 10_13_17 PM.png
    CAS Game 11_12_2020 10_13_17 PM.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 221
What do you need to do to get the result like in the screenshot?

Let me explain: I have long dreamed of transferring the weather view from Pirates of the Caribbean to COAS.
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The storm really looks better. But that's not what I want to achieve. For example, check out what the nights look like in Pirates of the Caribbean. There is a nice blue light. And the shine of the models during the day.
The storm really looks better. But that's not what I want to achieve. For example, check out what the nights look like in Pirates of the Caribbean. There is a nice blue light. And the shine of the models during the day.
Evenings are the best