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Looking for the 1st/3rd person crew mod


I've been seeing here and there a description on a mod that enables you to see crew in 1st person on the ship as well. Its listed as included in the CMP (but i cant connect to the ftp server - or i can but it opens up as empty). Its also listed as included in a merchant mod in the "CoAS Mini MODS" thread, but the link is dead.

Can anyone help me out here, I would really love to get my hands on that mod :D
If you download the smuggler mod final, it is in that mod. I can't remember exactly wear but i know it is in there.
its in this forum on page 3 or 4 of the thread list...

go to game folder/program/sea_ai

open file AICameras

find line

Sailors.IsOnDeck = 1

change it to

Sailors.IsOnDeck = 0

all ships that have sailorpoints will now show sailors in 1st person (including downloaded ships.. only if they had sailorpoints though)