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Looting Pearl Divers during Pirate Nation Quest Line


Hello all,

First of all: im playing ERAS 2.

after what feels like an eternity i finally managed to find Sharp and get a location for the pearl divers that you have to loot during the Pirate Nation quest line. I went to that location and found ~10 Tartanes with pirate flags. So far so good. I have the Sea Wolf and a heavy Merchantman in my squadron but cant figure out how to approach the tartanes in order to get the pearls from them. So far i tried going at them them straight from any direction, sailing next to them for extended periods of time, crossing in front of them, standing still and letting them sail past me. All that was done at basically touching distance.

I tried with both ships and various Flags (French, Spanish and Pirate), but never got any pearls from the Tartanes, eventually they would crash into me and sink.

Any advice on how to get the loot from them is greatyl appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Yes, an unfortunate result of improving efficiency of the AIShip.c file; the "Pearl Tartane" logic is hardcoded in that file and I was not aware of that until recently. Someone else informed of this same problem, found the issue in that file, and it was fixed just a couple weeks ago. Be sure to update ERAS to the most current.

You can open the Program\SEA_AI\AIShip.c file in a text editor and search for: #20191012-03

If that is not found, you don't have the fix.
Thanks for the response,

i do indeed not have the fix, any chance you can provide me with the fixed file as my internet is pretty slow and a new download would take me the better part of an entire day.
if (bUseAI && !CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "Surrendered") && !CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "speak.tax")  && !CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "speak.ransom.taked"))
        if (CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "SeaAI.Task.Target"))
            //trace("rCharacter.SeaAI.Task.Target:" + rCharacter.SeaAI.Task.Target);
            float fCannonRat = 0.0;
            float fPowderRat = 1.0;
            float fAmmoRat = 1.0;
            float fIShipCn = makefloat(iShipCannonsNum);
            if(sti(rShip.CannonsQuantity) > 0) {
                fCannonRat = fIShipCn / stf(rShip.CannonsQuantity);
            if(iShipCannonsNum > 0) {
                fPowderRat = makefloat(GetCargoGoods(rCharacter, GOOD_POWDER)) / fIShipCn;
                if(iNewBallType >= 0)
                    fAmmoRat = makefloat(GetCargoGoods(rCharacter, iNewBallType)) / fIShipCn;
            if(bStartRunaway || iNewBallType < 0 || fAmmoRat < RA_AMMO_DET || fCannonRat < RA_CANNON_RATIO || fPowderRat < RA_POWDER_DET) {
                //if (iNewBallType < 0 || iShipCannonsNum < (sti(rShip.CannonsQuantity) / 10))
                if(nTaskTarg == 0) {
                    if(nLastBallChar >= 0)
                        nTaskTarg = nLastBallChar;
                        nTaskTarg = nMinEnemyIdx;
                    if(nTaskTarg < 0)
                        nTaskTarg = 0;
                Ship_SetTaskRunaway(SECONDARY_TASK,iCharIdx, nTaskTarg);
                if(!CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "SinkTenPercent"))
            if (nTaskTarg > 0 && CheckForSurrender(rCharacter, GetCharacter(nTaskTarg),1))
                Ship_SetTaskRunaway(SECONDARY_TASK,iCharIdx, nTaskTarg);
                if(!CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "SinkTenPercent"))
That's that or try the attached file below. Just extract it to your main game folder.


  • Pearl Diver Fix.7z
    36.1 KB · Views: 175