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Need Help Lost in the Maltese crypt

Kara Korsan

Hello there!

Quick question: Do we have maps for the Maltese crypt which actually show where the entrances/exits are? I do have the Kingston dungeon map and the Cozumel temple maps, but they don't help much since they lack the part that actually matters: door locations.

Rest assured, I've spent a full hour searching the site before bothering y'all with this post.

Thanks in advance.
Nope, we don't have such maps.
We only have the ones from those other locations that use identical location models...
Aw, man... You know, I'd actually done the Church Protection quest months ago, on another playthrough. Wish I drew my own maps back then. Can't even get to the second part anymore. All I can find is a door to the Speigh... Spe... Oxbay dungeon. Don't even remember if it was a door or a hole on the ground that takes you to the second part.

From what I read while searching, there's supposed to be a trap door in the church proper that takes you straight to the second level of the crypt, but that one doesn't work at all. My character screams when he stands in the middle of the room, and a message says he fell through the trap door, but nothing happens.
In Speightstown dungeon, from the entrance near the shipyard, go down the stairs. There's a grating in front of you; I believe that's one way to the crypt. Otherwise, go down the next flight of stairs to the lowest level. From the stairs, directly across is a short passage leading to a treasure chest; to right is a longer passage leading eventually to the exit to the sea; and to left is a short passage leading to what looks like a dead end. If you go all the way to the end of that left passage, you'll be in the crypt. (I left out the bit about fighting the bandits in the dungeon. If you can't deal with them easily, you don't want to go into the crypt. :D) If you've ever played the "Assassin" storyline, one of the earliest missions is to find a spy in this dungeon - he's at the end of the passage which leads to the crypt, so don't go past him!

The Maltese Abbey does have a trapdoor to the crypt. It's not in the middle of the room, it's off to one side. About a year ago, @Jack Rackham put a visible trapdoor there:
Side Quest - Church Protection (Stuck)
Thanks! That's the first level of the crypt, though. The Jamaica dungeon part. I'm trying to get to the second level, the part that looks like the Cozumel temple.

I'll check that trap door next time I'm back in Bridgetown. At any rate, you might consider removing the screaming and the message when you run to the middle of the room inside the church.
I've played around with this a bit to see what happens.

You get to the part which looks like Port Royale dungeon through the back door to the Maltese Abbey in Bridgetown. One of the passages which is a dead end in Port Royale leads from the Bridgetown version to the temple.

There is no screaming and message in the middle of the church. After wiping out all the monks so that I could wander around without being disturbed, I walked up and down the length of the blue carpet along the whole middle of the church, round the altar, several times, and did not scream once. The only place where anything happened was the trapdoor near the wall. This dropped me into the crypt.

Where I did have a similar experience was in the crypt itself, so I saved game, changed "InternalSettings.h" to make locators visible, then loaded the game to see which locator was causing the trouble. It's supposed to send you to that dungeon which looks like the one in Port Royale. So I loaded another savegame in which I'm outside the Maltese Abbey, went round the back and into the dungeon, found my way from there to the crypt, and was indeed back where I'd had the scream, the message about a trapdoor, but no teleport to the dungeon. This time, when I moved away and went back to the locator, it did send me to the dungeon.

The problem is probably this, in the definition of the crypt:
   Locations[n].reload.l3.name = "reload12";   // circle to reload25
   Locations[n].reload.l3.go = "Greenford_M_crypt"; // KK
   Locations[n].reload.l3.emerge = "Reload25";
   Locations[n].reload.l3.autoreload = "1";

   Locations[n].reload.l8.name = "reload25";   // circle to reload12
   Locations[n].reload.l8.go = "Greenford_M_crypt"; // KK
   Locations[n].reload.l8.emerge = "reload12";
   Locations[n].reload.l8.autoreload = "1";
What that does is send you from one part of the crypt to another part of the same crypt. This sort of loop has caused trouble before, in the jungle on Antigua, which was fixed by making a new location and linking both exits from the troublesome area to that new location. In the real Cozumel temple, "reload12" and "reload25" link to another part of the labyrinth. So to fix this one, someone would need to define a new location, possibly another level of the crypt, and then link "reload12" and "reload25" to there.
Thanks for the insight. I've been meaning to make a fresh start today; maybe I'll just reinstall the game altogether. Doesn't seem right that you couldn't reproduce the false reload that kept happening to me in the middle of the church. Maybe it's a residue that'll go away with a clean installation.

What I'm definitely taking away from your comment is, wow, so there's a setting for showing/hiding the locators? That'll surely come in handy!
there's a setting for showing/hiding the locators? That'll surely come in handy!
Yep; there is. Bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:
// ======================================
// Testing toggles
// ======================================
#define RANDOM_LOCS_TOGGLE               0
#define DISARM_MODE                       0
#define VISIBLE_LOCATORS               0
#define WITH_BRIGHT_COLOURS               0       // VISIBLE_LOCATORS must be on to change this
You can also enable that last one; to make them stand out even more.

Makes the game look quite festive. Balloons everywhere. :cheeky
Which church had the dodgy reload? The only one I checked, as it's the only one I know to be involved with the crypt, is the Maltese Abbey in Bridgetown. Did you save and reload the game while you were in there? That can sometimes mess up auto-reloads as well.

Also, which storyline were you playing?
You can also enable that last one; to make them stand out even more.

Makes the game look quite festive. Balloons everywhere.

Definitely trying this out. The installation is almost complete.

Which church had the dodgy reload? The only one I checked, as it's the only one I know to be involved with the crypt, is the Maltese Abbey in Bridgetown. Did you save and reload the game while you were in there? That can sometimes mess up auto-reloads as well.

Yup, that one. I was trying to get to the long rifle, you see. Tried the back door and cleared out the first level of the crypt (based on the Jamaica dungeon), but couldn't get to the second level (the Cozumel temple) so I went back and tried the front door. Cleared out the room, walked to the center of the room, and was able to repeat the false reload numerous times before I got bored and returned to my ship so I could take my frustration out on a poor deckhand under the pretense of "practice sparring."

Also, which storyline were you playing?

Free play.
Definitely trying this out. The installation is almost complete.
Setting both "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" and "WITH_BRIGHT_COLOURS" to 1 does this:

Yup, that one. I was trying to get to the long rifle, you see. Tried the back door and cleared out the first level of the crypt (based on the Jamaica dungeon), but couldn't get to the second level (the Cozumel temple) so I went back and tried the front door. Cleared out the room, walked to the center of the room, and was able to repeat the false reload numerous times before I got bored and returned to my ship so I could take my frustration out on a poor deckhand under the pretense of "practice sparring."
That shouldn't be possible, the reason being there is no reload locator in the middle of the Abbey! That screenshot came from this thread:
... about a year ago. In this picture, green locators are "reload" - one by the door and one at the side of the church for the trapdoor. Red locators are "goto", which can be used for various things but not generally for trapdoors except possibly in quests. Cyan locators are "camera", don't generally do much, certainly aren't for trapdoors, and are often high up so you can't tread on them.
Well, for some reason, my character kept screaming whenever he ran past roughly where that cyan ball is. Plus the trap door message. I don't have a save from that playthrough anymore, but if the same thing happens in this one as well, I'll upload a save. This is a fresh installation (plus @Pieter Boelen's map files and your dialogue file for the Assassin storyline; no way I'm parting with them!) but who knows. It may take a while before I get there, though. Still level 11.
The same thing happened to me when I was playing with giving a cross to the corpse.

characters_events has this

case "Greenford_M_church":
                if(locator == "Goto2")
                    group = "reload";
                    if(mc.sex == "woman") PlaySound("OBJECTS\VOICES\DEAD\female\dead_wom1.wav");
                    else PlaySound("OBJECTS\VOICES\DEAD\male\dead6.wav");
                    Log_SetStringToLog(TranslateString("","You've dropped through a trapdoor into the crypt..."));

and the goto2 locator is where described by @Kara Korsan
EDIT - I guess it should be changed to reload2
Last edited:
Well, I drank my milk, ate my eggs, got to level 20-something, and visited the abbey. The false area transition didn't happen this time. What's more, the trapdoor was there, so I didn't even have to bother with the first level of the crypt. Got harassed by an immortal skeleton once, but then I discovered that you can actually kill it with the scope rifle! Fun times.

Either I've done something different this time, or it was the fresh installation, but it seems like the whole thing works the way it's supposed to. The bit @pedrwyth mentioned is still there in the file, though. No idea what's going on.
Hmm... I'll need to put "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" back on, go into the Abbey, look specifically for "goto2" and see what happens if I tread on it. And check if I get the scream before dropping through the trapdoor. It may very well be that I didn't get the scream and that "goto2" should be changed to "reload2" to make that work - certainly the trapdoor is "reload2".

Useful hint: before going into the crypt, go to Port au Prince, where you're now high enough level for Angelique Moulin to show up. Do the quest to find her father, who will offer you an old journal - make sure to accept it. Then get Francis Drake's sword from Antigua. None of this is in any way directly connected to the crypt or the "Church Help" quest. But Francis Drake's sword has pretty good stats and never wears out, so it's perfect for slicing your way through hordes of skeletal monks...
Useful hint: before going into the crypt, go to Port au Prince, where you're now high enough level for Angelique Moulin to show up. Do the quest to find her father, who will offer you an old journal - make sure to accept it. Then get Francis Drake's sword from Antigua. None of this is in any way directly connected to the crypt or the "Church Help" quest. But Francis Drake's sword has pretty good stats and never wears out, so it's perfect for slicing your way through hordes of skeletal monks...

Will keep that in mind. Never noticed that Drake's sword is indestructible; I'm too much of a casual to bother with upkeep. Which incidentally means I'm playing the game without any blacksmiths, but you can't win them all, can you.
Several entries to abbey.
Tried all (it seems to be).
But the question is where is the rifle?
Yes I did find it but that was 3/4 years ago. And only once.
Later I get less enthusiastic to fight with same kind of ghosts (even twice with one) all over.
Hmm... I'll need to put "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" back on, go into the Abbey, look specifically for "goto2" and see what happens if I tread on it. And check if I get the scream before dropping through the trapdoor. It may very well be that I didn't get the scream and that "goto2" should be changed to "reload2" to make that work - certainly the trapdoor is "reload2".
Confirmed. "Goto2" is not in the middle, which is why I didn't trigger the scream and message when I tried earlier. It's off to the left and some way to the front (from the point of view of standing by the door looking towards the altar). With "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" and now knowing where to look, I did indeed get the scream and message. On the other hand, when I went to the trapdoor, I dropped into the crypt without any sound or message.

After changing "goto2" to "reload2" in "characters_events.c", I tried again. Treading on "goto2" no longer produces the scream or message. Treading on "reload2" does, briefly, before I drop into the crypt.

Put this file into "PROGRAM\characters". You do not need to start a new game for it to take effect.


  • characters_events.c
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