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Solved Massive Morale Drop Upon Hiring Crew

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
Ok, I am still sailing the starting lugger with a crew of 28. Got caught in a storm and lost 3. Hired 3 more and the crew morale dropped from normal (42) to treacherous. I immediately gave the crew a bonus and thus avoided another mutiny. I need a bigger boat! :sail
Ok, I am still sailing the starting lugger with a crew of 28. Got caught in a storm and lost 3. Hired 3 more and the crew morale dropped from normal (42) to treacherous. I immediately gave the crew a bonus and thus avoided another mutiny. I need a bigger boat! :sail
What was the morale of the crew you hired? :shock
Well, the morale problem when hiring crew seems to have cured itself. I sold the hoy and bought a heavy pinnace at Havana thinking going from a 25 man crew to 146 would be a good test. So walked across town to the tavern and hired 121 crew and their morale dropped to treacherous, but this time I did not bribe them. Walked across town to the shipyard and spent a few days making upgrades but never got a mutiny. Went to the merchant and got a mission and checked and the crew morale was back up to normal. :cheers

Could it be a leadership thing? :nerbz At the beginning with leadership of 1 the crew was on me, but this time with a leadership of 5 they were ok.
But what was the morale of the sailors at the tavern where you got em from?
Using the latest version and I can't duplicate this.
I checked and the sailor morale code in the hire crew interface hasn't been touched since Beta 2.5, probably not since well before that either.
So it's weird. But fact is that I changed it from int to float, so this here should be better in any case:
I've run into that bug too. From a look at hirecrew.c, the problem is that nSumMorale is only set in ChangeHireQuantity. So if you change nothing and just accept the default quantity, nSumMorale never gets initialized and the crew morale drops to treacherous.
Interesting notion! That would probably make it a stock game bug!! :shock
But how come it hardly ever happens then.
Whenever I do play, I usually don't change the crew quantity and just hire the max. o_O
I've run into that bug too. From a look at hirecrew.c, the problem is that nSumMorale is only set in ChangeHireQuantity. So if you change nothing and just accept the default quantity, nSumMorale never gets initialized and the crew morale drops to treacherous.
You're absolutely right! I think I figured out how to fix it. Extract attached to PROGRAM\INTERFACE .

All I'm doing is to execute ChangeHireQuantity() as soon you open the "Hire" menu, which sets the resulting player ship morale.
Seems to be working as far as I can tell, but I would appreciate some feedback to be sure.


  • hirecrew.zip
    3.6 KB · Views: 164
Haven't looked at the code yet, but you said you do ChangeHireQuantity() when you open the interface. Would this mean my moral is changed as soon as I open the menu? What if I decided to close it and not hire people afterall?
The display morale is changed; but it is only activated when you press OK. So that shouldn't happen.
Ok, anyone able to confirm it works?
:facepalm I forgot to look when I hired some crew. Hired some awful crew, went to the store and did some trading and took off for the horizon with no problems at level 4.
Basically, this bug was ONLY triggered if you don't change the "crew hire" quantity from the default of "maximum".
I can confirm that when doing so, the morale does NOT drop to "Treacherous" anymore, so that seems fine.
Now the only question is: Are there any unintended side-effects?
Ok I was starting a new game anyhow so I saved right before crew hire and did some testing.
1. If you cancel a crew hire, bug not triggered
2. If you hire 0, bug not triggered
3. If you hire a few then hire the rest in all one shot, bug not triggered.
4. If you hire them all at one shot (over 3 game save loads), bug not triggered.
I then bribed my crew up to good moral and hired 12 new guys at normal moral to add to my 16 at good moral and no change.
I then bribed my crew to good moral , fired 6 and hired 18 new guys at normal moral to add to my 10 left at good and it dropped whole crew to normal.
Id say you fixed it Pieter!
Strange, never happened to me, my crew morale is always Excellent and when I hire new crew (most of the time theyr morale is low), the overal morale doesn't change.
Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I have a similar issue. My crew's morale drops from excellent to awful in just a few days... And when I have a ship with 550 members it's very expensive to keep paying the crew to have a decent morale.

- My leadership is at 9
- Most of my money is in the chest in the Captain's cabin - 5 million in the chest, 500k on my character
- I have loads of food and rum on board
- Food rations full, rum rations normal