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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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New Ideas for the next Mod


ok i have been playing the game for awhile so i have been thinking of things to add......im no good at the modding thing so i wont be able to help in that area and i know that its easy to come up with this stuff and much harder to actualy do it, so im not to fussed if it cant be done.

i thought of something that allows you to jump from one island to another island....like in the elder scrolls IV: oblivion(if anyone has played it) but it allows you to jump from places that you have been.

this does get rid of the whole sailing thing, but it would be helpful when doing the missions were u have to constantly go backward and forward....it does get very annoying.

you could probly make it so that you have to buy some crystals and other stuff for it to work...kinda like magic....but im only throwing some ideas here just to see if anyone would like it or not.

but ye, if u dont like it or you think that it could be done a diferant way just post it, and if you have some other ideas.........
I think you could better add a coach or a horse as an item (really expensive) and if you have this equiped, you can teleport around the whole island. so from for example greenford to oxbay port. (And add a movie of a coach or horse riding, just before you get to your location)
that would be helpful specialy when you have to run from the pirates den and back constantly throughout quests.

another idea is to be able to drink bottles of rum/wine and food and they have positveaffects and neggative, or you could use a botlle o rum + coth and have a molive cocktail (i thik these were used back then, may hae seen it in the original POTC movie when the black pearl plunders the town for the aztec coin)

Edit: and make the items that you ilke crystals more interactive......

and you could buy food for the horse/coach etc....make it more realistic
actually, the guy throws a grenade through the window. those DO excist. however, it would seem reasonable that although rum heals you, it would temporarily lower your attack and defence by 1 or 2 per bottle. trust me, you are NOT very accurate after drinking a whole bottle of the stuff. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" />

i sure like the fast travel thing. should be quite possible, i think.
cool, its no that i hate sailing, i love it (i just sit around blasting pirates out of the water) but sometimes i want a quicker mean of travel
how bout drugs? Like from the opium den - becasue it is already set up and opium is a drug. but like we could have positive and negative affetcs like what i was talking about before

steroids - exra strength, faster etc negatives would be loss in health, get dizzy afetr a while etc...
I don't think that is a good idea. We already have booze, opium and a brothel, I don't think it is a good idea to put in more like those.
well couldn't you do a switch to be able turn it on and off.....but starts off, like the brothel and has the warning like the brothel...
Yeah get the EITC in game and their ships like the Endeavour. A playable Lord Cutler Beckett and you can join the military and have ranks up to like a Fort/Garisson commander or on sea an Admiral. And more deadly pirates wich attack your fleets and city's.
well, work IS being done on that. sort of. for those ranks, buy a letter of marque. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dunno.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shrug" border="0" alt="dunno.gif" /> but i guess you mean like a sort of cross-over between an RPG and an RTS? well, as you command your own fleet, and you meet pirates already, that's solved. being a governor has been suggested before, but nobody wants to do it for now.
I would like to see bigger fleets with multiple slots and when you join the EITC you can have a flagship. I suppose the game would crash on an armada (from what i believe is a naval attack force with a flagship and multiple fleets combined) lol. But atleast get a little more 16th century in the mods now its getting boring soon even tough you have much more to discover. Anyway just make bigger ships! Including the dutchman:)
you HAVE a flagship. that's your personal ship. it is, for as far as we know, impossible to make your fleet bigger than 4 ships (or at least for now), although the game COULD handle it. i've seen a fleet of 7 manowars and 5 battleships once, for example.

the game is set in the late 17th century, not the 16th.
OK and maybe its also cool to make a quest to get the Dutchman. Some guy is making a model of Davy Jones and someone else of a better Flying Dutchman i am trying a little of that myself i am searching for programs and posts wich can help me put models in game....anyway the Dutchman is a must in upcoming mods!
we're working on it, don't worry. the new main quest should almost be finished, and the CotBP, DMC and AWE parts will be eventually added to it. but that will likely take a few years. although it might take even less than one too, i don't know.
Short Jack Gold was working on a pre-CotBP mainquest (so the current mainquest will be turned into pre-CotBp) If that will work, we can go working on a second mainquest (CotBp et)
Still working when I can - a serious family matter does not leave me with much time at the moment - close to finished for "test players" to try it out.

Main Quest still intact as is - Game plays as we know it now.
. Added option 1: Meet Cutler Beckett (as suggested in films) work for him get Wicked Wench through to go for slaves.
Fall out with Beckett, Barbossa etc. loose ship. Meet Davy Jones, get ship back as Black Pearl - story ends here
Can continue on own for the moment till we decide what to do next.

. Added option 2: Go full time East India Company (ignore film story) Just a link at the moment till we decide what is wanted here
player can go off trading etc. but no specific quests for this part.
ah, i should have been more careful with the 'we' part. it's more 'we' as in 'the modders at the forum'. although i have done several little things which are now in the build.