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New Look for Yoho`s Convoy-Ship


Prussian Corsair
Storm Modder
Here is my new design for the old "Wappen von Hamburg", sticked with some famous german city/land signs! I'd like to here your thoughts, mates!! :cheeky


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It's gorgeous! :onya Please Please Please Please upload it!!! :will Yo Ho Ho did another ship that resembled a Pinnace but was more akin to a mid seventeenth cent Dutch Frigate with a single full cannon deck. I would die to get ahold of that one as well! :b: MK
i'll add my name to the request list.i love ships,and big ones are my fav.i honestly wouldn't mind having over 200+ ships in game :will but that's probably just me :razz
though 200 diff kinda ships be nice,but from what i see on wiki,i doubt there was ever that many ever made lol
eh far as color schemes go,i like all black,but since that's not realy even close to accurate for most ships i deal :razz probably why i like the black pearl so much,and the Dutchman too,but the potc pearl is bout perfect for my color tastes. :shrug
I am sorry but I really dislike the colour scheme yes :p

Do the colour scheme's need to be hinstorically correct because if so then the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchmen are fantasy ships and should be removed and the Black Pearls colour scheme is out of place. I personally think a ship is a ship and i alway's thourght an admeral could choose the colour of his/her ship i'm sure i read some where that Lord Nelson chose the colour of the Victory and he had his fleet the same colour. Anyway thats my opinion anyway. Come to think of it pirates use to change there ships, removing things that wasn't needed to make the ships lighter so they could sail faster and have more cargo storage space and some pirates would add more sails, did they also paint there ships too?
Forgive me for the dissertation, but I did quite a bit of research on this a few years back for both my own model building efforts as well as a grad paper I did toward my MA in History.

Marine Paint has three primary functions: 1) First and formost, preservation. 2) Identification. 3) Decoration.

15th and 16th century marine paints would have been mostly very dark. During the late 16th up to the mid 17th century you would have seen the dark in southern European(Spain and Mediterranean countries) and lighter in Northern European/Baltic countries. By the late 17th and 18th centuries, you would have seen mostly light paints.

Why?: The elements will completely destroy a wooden vessel in a matter of a few years if it isn't properly painted, especially in the tropics. The earlier compositions were made primarily of pitch, tar, volcanic sands, broken glass(darker earlier) and pumous. This mixture was boiled together and put on hot in layers. On the bottom they would often put hair and rope shreddings/cloth fragments between layers. If they didn't do this (careening) in the tropics a couple times of year, the bottoms would become so hairy with marine life that it would cut their speed (wetted surface) down to nothing. The Portuguese and Spanish would often use the same mixture to paint the upper hull. Historically this gives the reasoning behind the Portuguese being called the "the black ships" or "the black fleet".

Why the gradual whitening? In the north, sulphers, ox tallows, and clear or lighter broken glass were used in the mixtures. As whaling became very prominent in the mid 17th century, whale oils became an essential ingredient to all marine paints. The Dutch developed cold mixtures that could be put on without the boiling which saved lots of time. So you would have now seen lighter and yellower paints. For ships that spent a lot of time in the tropics I'm sure you would have seen much less decorative and colorful paints and whatever they had out of necessity. Dark monoschemes would have been likely just as most pirate vessels are portrayed with. As standardization became more the norm in the late seventeeth cent naval vessels would have kept barrels of their colors aboard. There are historical anecdotes of naval vessels being abandoned because they were forced to patrol too long without careening and couldn't catch a fly and so eaten with worm after only two or three years service.

I won't go into identification and decoration so much as to say it was more of a nationality/naval tradition. Lots of changes in "style" over the years. Difficult to research. Lots of bright colors on southern vessels and Flemish vessels (I think personnaly to contrast the dark). The north leaned towards common mono or bi-color schemes of less brightness.

Lastly, the black on the upper clinker built area portrayed on the Wappen Von Hamburg is accurate. Earlier ships of the Hanseatic League (they also liked colorful white and red and yellow chevrons down the hull over the black), Lubeck, Brandenburg, and the other Norther German states of the time often painted the upper works of the vessel black or the Dutch green.


One other thing I was just thinking about that I haven't seen in our games is that most mid seventeenth century navies adopted red as the color of the inside gun-wales and often the decks as well for the obvious reasons of hiding blood and preventing panicked sailors.
well eventually maybe something like the build mod could be done as in,a choice on which mods you have active.if it wasn't too complicated i'd suggest a ,mod that allows you to choose which ships you want in game.that'd satisfy both the history nuts and the ship nuts.
i no longer have a computer that can run the game or i'd think bout doing it myself,but if anyone else wants to or whatever i'd love to see it or something similar.
So what about it Takeda old boy, are ya gonna FTP that beauty for us??? :will pleeeeaaaase!!! :b:

Do you need more input? Folks please chime in..... :whipa

Ok, I will put it into my folder, but first I need to solve a little problem. Some weeks ago I had to clean my system due to maleware, which ruined my browser and I was forced to reinstall everything so I lost the connection setting for our server...
Bad luck fella, :cry Same has happend to me in the past. I Hate Malware. We wait patiently mate for your most awesome offering. :bow
