'hoy guys. I've came from multiple game and i'm actually reinstalling POTBS as we speak cause I can't get my pirate fix with the games i've played lately.
I'm new to this community. I'm 22 and I'm huge fan of the golden age. I do go to some pirate festivals and I'm also a pirate hat maker. I'm really happy i found this. I've playing dumb games like pirate clan on facebook to preoccupy my need to sail.
Some older hats i've made. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd...._=1412867575_797a277a9073d70f88223fd5e79ba454
I'm new to this community. I'm 22 and I'm huge fan of the golden age. I do go to some pirate festivals and I'm also a pirate hat maker. I'm really happy i found this. I've playing dumb games like pirate clan on facebook to preoccupy my need to sail.
Some older hats i've made. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd...._=1412867575_797a277a9073d70f88223fd5e79ba454