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Need Help Nigel Blythe Quest Bug


Storm Modder

I need some help

I started Nigel quest but i couldn't get Artois Quest because Artois Wasn't there

1.(Choosing Killing Nigel,after killing him game softlock)

The problem i have is i can't ask Shopkeeper about Clauss,why?

1.(Come to Pirate settlement is hostile to you so pirates can't talk)
2.(Even then you Attacked Pirates by landing Still i can't do that)


I have latest upgrade 21st May 2018

I need some help

I started Nigel quest but i couldn't get Artois Quest because Artois Wasn't there

1.(Choosing Killing Nigel,after killing him game softlock)
I'm not sure I understand the first bit. Did Artois never appear at all, or does he not appear after Nigel has joined you?

What is supposed to happen is that, when you enter Pirate Settlement for the first time, you see Nigel attacking Artois. Nigel breaks off the attack and talks to you. You have the choice to kill Nigel and save Artois, or to let Nigel kill Artois. If you save Artois, he offers to join you as an officer. If you don't kill Nigel, he finished Artois off and then offers to join you as an officer.

Nigel first talks to you after he has done enough damage to Artois. He talks to you again when he has killed Artois. If Artois isn't there for any reason, none of that can happen so the whole scene should get stuck.

If you've started the "Nigel Blythe" quest then Artois won't be there when you next visit Pirate Settlement because he's dead!

The problem i have is i can't ask Shopkeeper about Clauss,why?

1.(Come to Pirate settlement is hostile to you so pirates can't talk)
2.(Even then you Attacked Pirates by landing Still i can't do that)
If the pirates are hostile, it may be because you or one of your officers accidentally killed one of them. They ought to stop being hostile if you sail away from the island and then return.

But the problem with the shopkeeper is real. Originally the shopkeeper was Peter Blowhorn and his dialog files contain the necessary code to talk about Clauss. But someone changed the shopkeeper to Kate Blowhorn and failed to copy the code to Kate's dialog code file, though the text about Clauss is present in Kate's dialog text file. Peter Blowhorn has now been taken over for the "Woodes Rogers" storyline so I can't put him back.

It just so happens that, to test something else I was working on, I've been playing a FreePlay as an evil character and have been playing through the "Nigel Blythe" sidequest. The bug with Kate Blowhorn isn't the only one. Hopefully I'll have the quest working in a few days.
Roger Problem is there about Artois

1.First arrive in Nevis Artois wasn't there
Have you been doing any other sidequests? In particular, have you been doing "Mysterious Plants"?
It just so happens that, to test something else I was working on, I've been playing a FreePlay as an evil character and have been playing through the "Nigel Blythe" sidequest. The bug with Kate Blowhorn isn't the only one. Hopefully I'll have the quest working in a few days.
Ooh, nice! :woot

First arrive in Nevis Artois wasn't there
What storyline are you playing? If you started the tutorial on Nevis, neither of the characters would be there.
They appear after the tutorial though.
No i started Standard Game and then British Governator ask to look around where find Reims That was my first Arrive and Artois wasn't there
Yes I did complete Mystyrious Plants
Thought so. Here's why:
       case "Accept Collectors Offer":
           AddQuestRecord("smuggle_collector", 5);
           AddXP(pchar, SKILL_COMMERCE, 1000, XP_GROUP_OFFIC);
           PChar.quest.smuggle_collector.collect_bows = true;
           PChar.quest.smuggle_collector_expire.win_condition.l1 = "Timer";
           PChar.quest.smuggle_collector_expire.win_condition.l1.date.day = GetAddingDataDay(0,2,0);
           PChar.quest.smuggle_collector_expire.win_condition.l1.date.month = GetAddingDataMonth(0,2,0);
           PChar.quest.smuggle_collector_expire.win_condition.l1.date.year = GetAddingDataYear(0,2,0);
           PChar.quest.smuggle_collector_expire.win_condition = "possible_for_resque_artois";
In the normal "Artois Voysey" sidequest, case "possible_for_resque_artois" is where he's been captured on La Grenade, and you didn't go out into the jungle in time to save him. The pirates do whatever it is they're going to do to Artois, he disappears, and the quest closes. It would appear that if you play "Mysterious Plants", Artois is removed - I've no idea why someone thought that would be a good idea.

Actually, looking a bit further down the code, I think I can see what happened. Whoever wrote that bit probably copied it from the code which sets the timer for Artois' removal and forgot to change the name of the quest case triggered. Because right after case "Accept Collectors Offer" is case "Failed Collectors Offer" which looks like the consequences of failing to do the collector job in time and which isn't triggered anywhere.

@Jacob: do you have a savegame from before you first go into Pirate Settlement? If so, I may be able to knock up a console file which will put Artois back in place.
In the normal "Artois Voysey" sidequest, case "possible_for_resque_artois" is where he's been captured on La Grenade, and you didn't go out into the jungle in time to save him. The pirates do whatever it is they're going to do to Artois, he disappears, and the quest closes. It would appear that if you play "Mysterious Plants", Artois is removed - I've no idea why someone thought that would be a good idea.

Actually, looking a bit further down the code, I think I can see what happened. Whoever wrote that bit probably copied it from the code which sets the timer for Artois' removal and forgot to change the name of the quest case triggered. Because right after case "Accept Collectors Offer" is case "Failed Collectors Offer" which looks like the consequences of failing to do the collector job in time and which isn't triggered anywhere.
Ouch, that would explain a lot!
Is "Failed Collectors Offer" referenced anywhere? If not, it sounds like that would be a good thing to swap around! :rofl
Not as far as a Windows Search can find. At the very least, it should stop "Mysterious Plants" from fouling up "Artois Voysey".
So now Artois Disappearance is a glitch?

Gimme 10 min and i'll give you what i mean
If you're still planning to do the "Nigel Blythe" quest, let him kill Artois but do not hire him just yet. He should stay in Nevis Pirate Settlement and wander around, and if you return, you should then be able to talk to him again and hire him. That means you can wait until I've finished debugging this quest.

If you're planning to save Artois and then hire him instead, don't do "Mysterious Plants" until I've finished debugging and uploaded a new version of the quest file. Otherwise you may find Artois disappears even after you've hired him.
Extract this into the top level of your PoTC installation folder. Windows should then merge "PROGRAM" and "RESOURCE" into their respective folders. Nigel Blythe's quest should then work. It does work for me; I've played it through to completion, ending with me getting the treasure. It should also prevent "Mysterious Plants" from making Artois disappear.


  • blythe_fix.zip
    90.7 KB · Views: 203
Damn, I don't have the save before I hired him, only stuck at the Clauss part, any ideas how to fix manually?