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Solved Night-time


Professional questioner
Hi again :)

I've asked this question before and I know it's stupid but I would say I have OCD with these sorts of things:

Is there any way at all that I can edit a script or something so that the townhall doesn't lock at night? I'm going to sound crazy but having certain areas blocked off at different times of the day makes me feel restricted in the game and I'd love to be able to do what I want no matter what time of day.

If there is no way then I'll just have to accept it but I would really love to be able to enter at night time too! :D
If you look at PROGRAM\Locations\init\Redmond.c, you will find this code:
    Locations[n].reload.l13.name = "door_5";
    Locations[n].reload.l13.go = "Redmond_residence";
    Locations[n].reload.l13.emerge = "reload1";
    Locations[n].reload.l13.autoreload = "0";
    Locations[n].reload.l13.label = "Residence.";
    Locations[n].reload.l13.close_for_night = 1;
    if(iRealismMode>0) Locations[n].reload.l13.goto_disable = 1; // Screwface: Disable Go-To location
That "close_for_night" line is what you'll be wanting to remove. There and anywhere else that it occurs in those INIT files too.
New game required for the change to take effect. :doff
Thanks a bunch! If I were to start a new game, with a different character (if you see what I mean), would my old game be overwritten? :)
No, old savegames remain. If you start the same storyline again, you could lose all your savegames, but the game will ask you to confirm.
If you don't want that, just type in a different profile name.
When modding the "redmond" file, do I put
Locations[n].reload.l13.close_for_night = 1; to Locations[n].reload.l13.close_for_night = 0;
or do I just delete it all?
I know I always say it but I can't thank you enough! You've done an amazing job with the game and you guys deserve every bit of praise you get!
Setting to 0 and removing should have the same effect. I'd remove it.
Oh wow, another mod..nice!
:ahoyantonyzac! Thanks for bringing that up..and my compliments of course to you, you sire Pieter Boelen! as always. :bow:p
Oh wow, another mod..nice!
:ahoyantonyzac! Thanks for bringing that up..and my compliments of course to you, you sire Pieter Boelen! as always. :bow:p
I'm glad I'm not the only one wanting this! No problem. Pieter is my God.
That's all so far. I've got cheat mode on too (I feel like a right cheater with it on but oh well!). I'm reluctant to change too much because I only have basic coding knowledge so don't want to mess anything up!
I have the original, yes. I duplicated the original folder and overwrote it with the "new horizons" so I didn't lose it, but I don't play the original often now because the "new horizons" is so much more detailed! Plus the original one kept crashing for me because of the sea. Hopefully it's fixed once and for all...

REMINDING ME, Pieter, has the new build released the other day got a fix for the sea causing crashes on intel devices?
here's a fix for the sea.dll for the original game version.


  • sea.zip
    83.5 KB · Views: 102
They say the Build Mod 2.5 is a bit buggy. That's why I didn't install it yet(I already downloaded it). I only installed the 2.3.
REMINDING ME, Pieter, has the new build released the other day got a fix for the sea causing crashes on intel devices?
We've had a fix for that since Beta 2.3, but the new version has a better one.
See the bottom of the initial announcement: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/potc-new-horizons-build-14-beta-2-5-released.20645/

They say the Build Mod 2.5 is a bit buggy. That's why I didn't install it yet(I already downloaded it). I only installed the 2.3.
It is not. It's is a LOT less buggy than Beta 2.3. That doesn't mean it is bug-less though. Still room for improvement.

The only thing I am a bit iffy on are the quest cases not executing. I have the faint impression that is happening more frequently.
But at least we're doing some testing on that now: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/quests-not-executing.20670/