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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Fixed Perk object gets removed somehow

This is the character causing the problem:
old = 
  name = Marius
  lastname = Yberville
  chr_ai = 
name = Marius
lastname = Yberville
id = Grand Turk Commander
model = 50Grey1
  entity = NPCharacter
  animation = man
  height = 1.8500000
sex = man
act = 
  type = pirate
location = Turks
  group = reload
  locator = reload1_2
  from_sea = 
  stime = 6.0000000
  etime = 21.9833298
nation = 3
rank = 20
reputation = 65
experience = 0
skill = 
  leadership = 6
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 6
    ship = 6
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  fencing = 9
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 9
    ship = 9
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  sailing = 1
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 1
    ship = 1
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  accuracy = 9
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 9
    ship = 9
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  cannons = 7
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 7
    ship = 7
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  grappling = 1
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 1
    ship = 1
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  repair = 1
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 1
    ship = 1
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  defence = 4
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 4
    ship = 4
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  commerce = 1
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 1
    ship = 1
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  sneak = 1
    charmod = 0
    modifier = 0
    party = 1
    ship = 1
    shipclass = -1
    fleetsize = 1
  freeskill = 0
money = 10
  quest = 0
quest = 
  meeting = 0
  officerprice = 0
ship = 
  type = Fort
  pos = 
    x = -488.0989990
    z = -430.9800110
  crew = 
    quantity = 602
    morale = 45
    minratio = 1.0000000
  idx = 261
  tune = 
    cplates = 
      on = 0
    bcannons = 
      on = 0
    gchasers = 
      on = 0
    nsails = 
      on = 0
    ltopmasts = 
      on = 0
    stays = 
      on = 0
    rhull = 
      on = 0
    flushed = 
      on = 0
    tack = 0
    tackmod = 0
  hp = 54000
  sp = 100
  ang = 
  cannons = 
    borts = 
    charge = 
      type = 5
    type = 7
  cargo = 
    load = 7677
    goods = 
      ration = 0
      rum = 0
      balls = 900
      grapes = 510
      knippels = 500
      bombs = 33999
      gunpowder = 35161
      sailcloth = 0
      planks = 0
      gold = 0
      silver = 0
      cinnamon = 0
      chocolate = 0
      coffee = 0
      wheat = 0
      medicines = 0
      paprika = 0
      wine = 0
      sandal = 0
      ebony = 0
      mahogany = 0
      sugar = 0
      tobacco = 0
      ale = 0
      silk = 0
      linen = 0
      fruits = 0
      clothes = 0
      bricks = 0
      oil = 0
      cotton = 0
      copra = 0
      leather = 0
    recalculatecargoload = 1
  name = Grand Turk Fort
  blots = 256
fort = 
  cannons = 
    charge = 
      type = 5
    type = 
      1 = 7
      2 = 13
      1.quantity = 6
      2.quantity = 14
  mode = 0
  playerdamage = 0.0000000
chr_ai = 
  hp = 211.0000000
  hp_max = 211.0000000
town = Grand Turk
index = 1028
dialog = 
  currentnode = First time
  tempnode = First time
headmodel = h_50Grey1
abordagemode = 1
issoldier = 0
fakelevels = 0
perks = 
  list = 
capacity = 
  max = 10.0000000
facegroup = 0
faceid = 159
tmpperks = 
  turn = 0
  rush = 0
  gunman = 0
  basicdefence = 0
  advanceddefence = 0
  toughness = 0
  criticalhit = 0
  swordplayprofessional = 0
  improveaiming = 0
  gunprofessional = 0
  gunfighter = 0
  longrangegrappling = 0
  musketsshoot = 0
  grapplingprofessional = 0
  instantboarding = 0
  highstakes = 0
  disguiser = 0
  improvesmuggling = 0
  advancesmuggling = 0
  brander = 0
  troopers = 0
  basiccommerce = 0
  advancedcommerce = 0
  basiclandowner = 0
  ironwill = 0
  sharedexperience = 0
  cooking = 0
contriblist = 
  rush = 0
  gunman = 0
  basicdefence = 0
  advanceddefence = 0
  toughness = 0
  criticalhit = 0
  swordplayprofessional = 0
  improveaiming = 0
  gunprofessional = 0
  gunfighter = 0
  longrangegrappling = 0
  musketsshoot = 0
  grapplingprofessional = 0
  instantboarding = 0
  highstakes = 0
  disguiser = 0
  improvesmuggling = 0
  advancesmuggling = 0
  brander = 0
  troopers = 0
  basiccommerce = 0
  advancedcommerce = 0
  basiclandowner = 0
  ironwill = 0
  sharedexperience = 0
  cooking = 0
tmpskill = 
  commerce = 0.1000000
  leadership = 0.6000000
  sneak = 0.1000000
  defence = 0.4000000
  grappling = 0.1000000
  sailing = 0.1000000
  repair = 0.1000000
  fencing = 0.9000000
  accuracy = 0.9000000
  cannons = 0.7000000
I found out why the leveling was giving a little error (something had to be a NOT statement instead of a normal one), but it doesn't seem to be the cause of this problem.
I'm getting closer tough

@ANSEL did you change anything in the perk list yourself?

The problem was that some perks where missing from your "ChrPerksList" and thats why the game didn't recognise them...doing an F11 solved your problem...
@Pieter Boelen do you have any idea how that could happen?
This is how your perklist looks. If you go to your perks in the character interface you will also see it being weird.
Could you tell me if you did anything strange @ANSEL which could have caused this?
list = 
  rush = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  gunman = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  basicdefence = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  advanceddefence = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  toughness = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  criticalhit = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  swordplayprofessional = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  improveaiming = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  gunprofessional = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  gunfighter = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  longrangegrappling = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  musketsshoot = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  grapplingprofessional = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  instantboarding = 
    disable = 
    condition = 
  highstakes = 
    disable = 
  disguiser = 
    disable = 
  improvesmuggling = 
    disable = 
  advancesmuggling = 
    disable = 
  brander = 
    disable = 
  troopers = 
    disable = 
  basiccommerce = 
    disable = 
  advancedcommerce = 
    disable = 
  basiclandowner = 
    disable = 
  ironwill = 
    disable = 
  sharedexperience = 
    disable =
That would be the fort commander and not a ship captain at all.

None that I can think of. Perks are ALWAYS initialized now, right? Regardless of Realism Mode?
Yes, but for this savegame its completly erased. there are no descriptions of perks anymore either etc.
I've checked all instances where the perklist is called and I can't find anywhere, where this could happen so I'm awaiting @ANSEL his post first to see if he did something himself. For now he seems to be the only one who has this problem too. If others do have it, doing and F11 fixes the problem
This is how your perklist looks. If you go to your perks in the character interface you will also see it being weird.
Could you tell me if you did anything strange @ANSEL which could have caused this?
No! I havent touch the perklist or chance anything with the perks.
If you go to your perks in the character interface you will also see it being weird.
This is my perks, I cant see anything weird? seadogs2_0017.jpg
those are you skills
I'm talking about your perks/abilities
O yes. Do you mean the order the comes in, I have notice different orders for a very long time,
and I think It changes for time to time.


  • seadogs2_0009.jpg
    314.3 KB · Views: 87
O yes. Do you mean the order the comes in, I have notice different orders for a very long time,
and I think It changes for time to time.
Not only the order. they are also costing 1 all and they are missing theire description and what other perks they need. Also some of them are just missing.
If you press F11 it will fix itself.
If you start a new game do your perks look like this instantly?
Not only the order. they are also costing 1 all and they are missing theire description and what other perks they need. Also some of them are just missing.
Alright Levis I have a look in my internal settings, and both perks toggles was set to zero.
I forget to set them back a while ago .
@Levis Dam! I played the savegame again And NO PROBLEMS there anymore.
Dont know what to say, sorry for the troubles I was given to you.
Well I dont think its all over now, still got some weird logs.
And I have played with the toggles set to zero before whit out any troubles at all.
But now I am:ko no more testing this night.


  • compile.log
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still something weird is going on but I really can't find why that should happen ... if someone else gets the problem too I'm going to look into it. else I'm going to call it a fluke. Escpecially since one F11 fixed it...
Well I dont think its all over now, still got some weird logs.
And I have played with the toggles set to zero before whit out any troubles at all.
But now I am:ko no more testing this night.
have you done an F11 now already?
Like I said your whole perkarray was corrupted so doing an F11 should fix that. if you did that already and it happens again now please tell me what you did in between
Yes I dont know waths going on, have the same Problem at Kralendijk just before
it was on a governor quest and some pirate ships was involved to.
Another thing when saving the girl from bad guys in the jungle, some numbers
like 1200 was coming up at the screen?
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Yes I dont know waths going on, have the same Problem at Kralendijk just before
it was on a governor quest and some pirate ships was involved to.
Another thing when saving the girl from bad guys in the jungle, some numbers
like 1200 was coming up at the screen?
So you did F11 and everything was okay after it.
Then you went straight to kralendijk and there the problem was back?
Or did you do other things in between?