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Unconfirmed Bug Peter Blood error.

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
I have a problem with the 2nd part of the Peter blood side quest at Port au Pitre. It involves Jean Dusac, the man you need to talk to outside the brothel who tells you what happened there.

The town drunks err soldiers keep killing him before I can get to him from the store. In the last game it glitched one time and then worked. Now it does not work at all.

In the save, go into the tavern and move Peter Blood to the active list and then exit.


  • compile.log
    223 KB · Views: 283
  • error.log
    5.8 KB · Views: 286
  • system.log
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  • -=Player=- Guadeloupe.7z
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No, that is not a problem I've encountered whenever I've done the "Peter Blood" quests before. Also, have a look at that "error.log", because there's something odd going on. There are repeated blocks like this:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: islands\islands.c; line: 17
invalid index -1 [size:24]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: islands\islands.c; line: 17
function 'GetIslandByIndex' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\shipyard.c; line: 5140
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\shipyard.c; line: 5140
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\shipyard.c; line: 5140
null ap
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\shipyard.c; line: 5140
null ap
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\shipyard.c; line: 5142
uninitialized aref

@Hylie Pistof: do the soldiers attack anyone else? And does Jean Dusac fight back, or does he just stand there and let the soldiers hit him?
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Weird! Try pressing F11 and see if that goes away.
Probably not, but worth a shot.
No the soldiers do not attack anyone else and one time I did manage to get to see the fight. Jean Dusac drew his sword and was killed with one blow. All of the other times he was shot before I could get around the corner to see it happen.
Something is seriously messed up with AI group relations in that savegame.

I tried playing it and indeed, Jean Dusac gets killed. I managed to fix that by putting a line into "quests_reaction.c" to assign him to group "FRANCE_CITIZENS". But Jean Dusac was just the start of the trouble. After talking to him (and to Cecile Bienbonne), I was able to bribe guard Etienne Dupuis to let me into the prison to see Tkixi Pijuan - who is sometimes, but not always, cowering in "afraid" mode so I can't talk to him. If not, I can talk, he's drunk and incoherent, so I retire to the tavern. Next day I return to prison and, if he's not in "afraid" mode, Tkixi (how do you pronounce that? :p) tells me about his ship. I'm then supposed to talk again to Etienne Dupuis, but he refuses to start a dialog. Not a blank dialog, but no dialog at all - he just stands there inert. I tried moving him to "FRANCE_SOLDIERS" but all that did was make him consistently go into "afraid" mode, so I still couldn't talk to him. At that point I gave up, not least because if AI group relations are this badly messed up then they'll probably get in the way again later.

The questbook shows that @Hylie Pistof has done some other quests, but none that have caused any side-effects as far as I know. The only ones which I've almost never done myself are the "fetch" quests and I doubt they're what affected AI group relations. The other difference is that @Hylie Pistof has installed @DeathDaisy's music pack, which again is unlikely to do anything to group relations. (The sound associations set up by the music pack must be stored in the savegame because one thing I tried was going to sea, getting clear of Guadeloupe in the hope that would reset local AI groups, then returning. It didn't help, but on the way back into Point a Pitre the background music to sailing was Pachebel's Canon, and normally the only time you should hear that is during Ardent's wedding. There were, of course, also a lot of messages in "system.log" about being unable to find the rest of the music files called for by that pack.)

For comparison, I then loaded up one of my own savegames and blitzed through the "Rescue Peter Blood's Crew" quest, then went straight to Guadeloupe and completed "Search for Peter Blood's Ship" without any similar trouble. So there's nothing inherently wrong with the quest code.
I think if something unexpected happens somewhere during play, the "no AI group" can become hostile with another group.
That then causes massive trouble, such as this.
The only oddity in my game has been that right from the start the soldiers in the taverns and the Dutch soldiers at Philipsburg are always drawing their swords and once in a while will attack someone sitting at a table, like the smuggler. This sometimes makes the bartender cower so I can not talk to him. Come to think of it, it is only the French and dutch soldiers who behave badly. I wonder if that is because I always go into no mans land on Marigot one time for each side and watch them fight each other and then harvest their weapons for quick cash. I never keep their weapons.

Yes the music used in the last game is saved. I replaced the 3rd track in day sailing with Pachelbel, and also replaced 2 jungle tracks with more appropriate music. Now instead of playing with the headphones laying on the desk I actually wear them and listen to the music.
Some other oddity at Philipsburg ,and maybe in the other town to, is that you can draw your sword
at the the townhall, I haven't tried to kill the Governor yet :dance
Now this is odd. :nerbz

I just went to Point a Pitre and happened to have Peter Blood in my shore party. Forgot all about this side quest. We arrived in the middle of the night but he still ran into the store. Knowing it is broken I replaced him with another officer and then went into the tavern and spent the night. The next morning PB was gone but the sailor he found in the store was still there. So, I put PB back in my shore party, exited and reentered the store and the dialog went normally. I then took off to the brothel expecting to find Jean Dusac dead as always but he was still alive! :8q

I then continued the quest normally by talking to the woman, going to the prison and bribing the soldier, and Pixie (who knows how to pronounce that name?) was happily singing about being king of the world. I left the jail, saved, and came here to report. :dance


  • compile.log
    26.1 KB · Views: 235
  • system.log
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  • -=Player=- Guadeloupe. Pointe a Pitre Port. April 2nd, 1621.7z
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I now have a new officer and a new ship! :keith The only hitch was on the beach before boarding the Arabella. That has always been a bad spot so it is a good idea to save after talking to Pixie. I have no clue as to what got it going again but maybe there is a clue in those files somewhere.
I have the same issue here. Jean Dusac is always killed, but was able to revive after I enter and exit any house or building. However, the game breaker for me is I cannot speak with Etienne Dupuis after speaking with Tkixi Pijuan for the 2nd time. What makes the matter worse is that you cannot leave the port until PB's quest is done. So if you only have one save here then you are screwed.
This quest is working under the newest mod version. The only bug is when you follow Peter Blood into the store, the NPC you are supposed to talk to will not spawn. You have to remove Blood from your shore party, go get a sleep at Tavern and then put him back in the group. That way the NPC will spawn in the store.
This quest is working under the newest mod version. The only bug is when you follow Peter Blood into the store, the NPC you are supposed to talk to will not spawn. You have to remove Blood from your shore party, go get a sleep at Tavern and then put him back in the group. That way the NPC will spawn in the store.
That sounds REALLY weird!

@Bartolomeu o Portugues...?
I wonder if this is yet another NPC who goes to bed in the evening? If so, it was probably nothing to do with whether Peter Blood was in your shore party. Going to the tavern for the night, then going to the store in the morning, is perhaps what made the character appear.
No, this one is different. I landed in the morning hours. Also, if it is evening then the store won't be open, right? Somehow sleeping in Tavern resets things.
Looking at the definition for Francisco Cruz, he is set to be active between 8:00 and 20:00. The store opens at 6:00 and closes at 22:00. So if you were in the store between 6:00 and 8:00, you would not see him. I believe sleeping in the tavern takes you to 10:00 next day, at which time Francisco Cruz is active.
I see. But would it be possible to set Francisco Cruz to be between 6:00 and 22:00 as well? New players who accidentally step on the time gaps would definitely be bewildered and take it as a "bug". Because Peter Blood would tell you to talk to the guy regardless if he spawns or not then you look around and see nobody.