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Fixed Pirate ambushers do not attack player character


It's one of those random land events, that only happen when the player is accompanied by crewmembers like soldier patrol, enemy soldier ambush, native ambush and tavern brawl.
When the I enter an area, there might be a pirate ambush. In ealier versions the pirates attacked everyone and fough to the death (theirs or everybody else's). Now they only attack the soldiers in the area (at least in a town, I haven't experienced it in the jungle yet) and then stand still, when all of those are dead. It's very like the behavior, my own crewmembers showed in an ealier ambush situation: fight the enemy and go completely inactive, when said enemy is gone. I can't talk to them. But they do react with violence if I attack one of them.
I'll need to see if I can find the code which controls attacks due to taking extra crew. Personally I never bother with them, they're more trouble than they're worth and the random attacks have been known to break quests when a key character of the quest is caught in the crossfire. But pirate attackers certainly should not ignore you. (Are you a pirate yourself? Press F2 and check the "Questbook" part, where you should find your served nation highlighted in yellow.)
Update: found the code in question. Raiding parties have two settings for reactions, one for you and one for everyone else. The pirates were set to be neutral to you and hostile to everyone else.

First thought: easy enough to fix, swap the reactions round so they're the same as all other raiding party types.
Second thought: perhaps the change was intentional. These are pirates raiding the town so they should be hostile to the locals. They don't bother with you unless you get in their way.
Third thought: the gameplay purpose of these raiders is to make trouble for any player who brings crew ashore. The pirates' motive is that they're here to plunder the town. You're not part of their gang so you're plunder fodder. Make the pirate raiders hostile to everyone. With that many people drawing weapons and fighting, there's a good chance that either a local or one of your mob will hit the wrong target, at which point it becomes a free-for-all, total chaos. And since pirate raiders only appear at night, the locals will probably all be soldiers. Good luck!

Put the attached file into "PROGRAM\LandEncounters".


  • LEnc_monsters.c
    72.7 KB · Views: 63
It works just fine. Now the pirates attack both soldiers and me. I haven't kept an eye out for the citizens of the town. But as the pirates also like to be early birds (I've experienced three attacks between 06:00 and 08:00, when many people are about, but the street merchants are not), I better check, what happens.