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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Pirate Ports


i always figured tht the pirate havens were neutral, and yes the forts dont seem to mind me but the citizens all swarm and try to kill me when i dock. this kind of stops me frm continuing with th "black frigate' quest. i dont hav a letter of marque for any nation and havnt been to harsh towards th pirate clan. is this a glitch or hav i done something wrong? care to share some advice?
Pirates are always hostile to you, except if you fly the skull and crossbones. (and if you are entering tortuga and the ladies are doing this, it's just the way it goes there)
People in pirate towns attacking you on sight? That's a new one. Even when I AM hostile to the pirates (or any other nation), the people in the towns never attack me. The ships, yes, the forts, yes, but the people, no.