• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Playing with the latest version - 24.10.2005 update

About the cheats: For all I know, they should actually be turned off by default, but I might have made a mistake there. I'll make sure they <i>are</i> turned of next time. However, if you get a skill increase every time you draw your blade, then your controls are messed up. I dare say you didn't reset your controls to default before starting to play the latest modpack? I would recommend doing so next time. Weird things happen if you don't.
Pieter, I installed completely all the game anew for trying this newest version. And after I switch off this enabling of cheats this incontrolled increasing of skills levels stoped working which is good. But Nathaniel is immortal and I don´t know what to do with it. And I think it was immortal from the beginning of all the game but I don´t noticed it first because I didn´t think something like that ever could happen in this game. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />
Rico, I started play new game and I deleted all these experimental saves with 201 level so that I am on the second level only now. But you are talking maybe one of the cheats remained activated. But for practical purposes those cheats could be somehow described somewhere in game in the style what button belong to concrete cheat and so on. I can reset all the keys buttons and set them anew. But one more question. For what purpose was added these cheats into the game? This game never was so difficult so as I and I think anybody else was compelled to use any cheat. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />
Even if you install the modpack new, you should reset the controls to default. Otherwise things will be messed up, such as the E key both triggering the "draw blade" and "level up cheat" code. I hope resetting them isn't overly inconvenient for you, but it really is nescessary, I'm afraid. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />

To set Nathaniel mortal again, try this: Enable the cheatmode again (in BuildSettings.h), then press the 0 key on the numpad until the godmode is turned off. Then, after saving and quitting the game, set the cheatmode off so that it won't happen again.

I added the cheatmode because it's very useful when you're just testing the game, not seriously playing it. For example, if I want to see what happens if the main character is level 25, I can just set him easily to level 25 ingame when I have the cheatmode enabled. However, because it isn't usually needed, it should be turned off by default. If it is turned off, the cheats should not be triggered ever.

Edit: I just checked if I accidentally turned the cheatmode on in one of the modpack downloads, but apparently not. Beats me why you're having trouble with them then. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/modding.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":modding" border="0" alt="modding.gif" />
Hi, Pieter. I just uninstalled all the game and I will be installing it all anew. And I will try it again. But I am used to always use the numpad keys for my game for example num pad 0 for cannon firing, num pad 4 for drawing the sword, numpad 1,2,3,5 for changing ammunition. It is very useful for me and fast because I use constantly arrows for movement and all those keys are very close to them which is very practical and operative. I will be trying to do what you suggest here and I will see. I hope my system of numpad keys will be working for me in the future. And I can understand for testing some places in the game those cheats can be very useful for help. We used something similar in Sea Dogs but it didn´t block anything else. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />
I performed all my instalation anew and first thing I did was controling the cheat mod if it is disable. Then I performed reset control to default and only after then I adjusted my keys by my usual way. I implemented my saves from my previous playing but they didn´t work and was still immortal by using them. So I deleted them all and started completely new game and only after that my game have started work properly ( I hope at least). Sometime roads are really thorny. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />
well i may be a bit slow but i decided to try out the island mod as well, so started a new game an all, and i like it <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> now if we just can get some uniqe cities only <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />
In this latest version I can´t adjust my cannons the way to be satisfied with them completely. This aimimg cursor is not too much visible and all smaller ships have only guns of calibers 4 - 9 pounds so that they are quite unusable for a fight with a hope for any positive result in encounter with any better armed ship. I think in this golden area of pirates even merchant ships were quite heavily armed so as they could defend against pirates. But this caliber armament of these all smaller ships rather correspond to ships of Napoleonic era. I think this realistic cannons could shoot even farther than it is now, because real long barel cannons especially culverines shot at the distance about 1550 meter. If you put to spyglass some a little more distant ship in the game you will find out that your cannons hardly reach to distance of 700 yards! And if the sensitivity of aiming cursor could be increased it would be fine. At larger distance this cursor can hardly detect any ship. And I am not sure if carronades was used in 17th century. It seems to me they started to be used later but I don´t know it surely. I will try to find out it. There is some historical table about parameters of British Ordnance from middle of 17th century. Interesting table is the second one from 1639 with max ranges of cannons and further parameters. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />

<a href="http://www.portsdown.demon.co.uk/ord.htm" target="_blank">http://www.portsdown.demon.co.uk/ord.htm</a>
Yes, you're right. Carronades were used in the late 18th century.

Here is something I found about Carronades.

<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->THE CARRONADE was a short gun developed by the Carron Company, a Scottish ironworks, in 1778. Known as a "Smasher" it was half the weight of an equivalent long gun, but could throw a heavy ball over a limited distance. Because of irregularities in the size of cannon balls and the difficulty of boring out gun barrels there was usually a considerable gap between the ball and the bore - often as much as a quarter of an inch - with a consequent loss of efficiency. This gap was known as the "windage". The manufacturing practices introduced by the Cannon Company reduced the windage considerably. The carronade was mounted on a sliding carriage with ropes to restrain the recoil. Lack of range against an opponent who could keep well clear and still use his long guns, led to its disappearence.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

But there are 18th century uniforms in the MOD so I think it will be ok to have those guns in it, too.
I don't know about the cannons. There have been no changes in cannon-related mods recently. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":?" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />

Have you tried what I suggested in my previous post about setting Nathaniel mortal again in your old savegame?

About you using the numpad keys: I reckon that'll work fine. As long as the cheatmode is turned off. If you turn the cheatmode on, I'm afraid every time you'd press one of the numpad buttons, some cheat will be actived. So make sure it'll remain turned off. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_mrgreen1.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":cheeky" border="0" alt="icon_mrgreen1.gif" />

I could add the cheats to the options screen, where you would be able to change the keys that control the cheats. Shall I do that? I didn't want to at first, because I didn't want the cheats to be very obvious in the game. After all: The <i>are</i> cheats. Theoretically, these control options could be made to show up only if the cheatmode is enabled, but I don't know how to do that, I'm afraid. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" />

You could change the cheat buttons manually in the PROGRAM\CONTROLS\init_pc.c file. I reckon it's reasonably easy to do that. Search for "Cheats" in the file and you'll find the appropriate code immediately. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":yes" border="0" alt="yes.gif" />
Hi, Pieter, Jack and others. This new cannons aren´t too bad because as you can remember in close past those cannons shoot really on a very short distance. But this "real cannons" could be better anyway. With every my new games I must do some my combination of old and new cannons and furthermore I am doing my own manual correction yet. As I already told I think these cannons should reach farer yet and both verical and horizontal angles should be increased yet. Try please to go to the game take some good spyglass aim it at some distant enemy´s ship and try to hit it by you cannons and watch her distance in your spyglass. The best long barrel cannons ( the best were culverines) shooted at the distance about 1600 meters by using max appropriate vertical elevation. But those realistic cannons don´t ever reach such distances. And this aiming cursor has a little low sensitivity and isn´t able to detect ships at larger distance and I think it should be improve if it is possible. I am glad there are old canons here too and please don´t remove them in the future.
Many ships has too small calibers 4 -9 - sloops, luggers, shooners, brigs, flauts, pinnaces, brigantines, goelets and so on. I think in 17th century they wouldn´t any chance against pirates. I think even those merchant ships those times used heavier calibers as it is in original game ( Akela boys aren´t any boneheads). The difference were rather in the number of cannons and shooting and aiming skilfulness between merchant and pirate crew. So I would be glad if those heavier caliber would be give back because the first good ship for any fight are fregates or corvettes for me now. What about smashing carronades concerns I don´t mind they didn´t use in 17th century I am not for reality too much but problem is I never use them. These short barrel guns were used for smashing hulls or crew but only on small distance. Maybe anybody like them but I would personally doubt about it. I like very shooting on long distance and I like front chasing cannons too but now most of these bowsprit sails quite substantially hinder aiming and shooting. I would be happy if this sails after approaching them could become somehow transparent so as those chasing guns could do their job better. But I don´t know if it would be possible.

I am sorry Pieter I didn´t try it exactly what about Nathaniel immortality concerned because I was a little frustrated and I decided to reinstall all the game anew. But now everything works fine what about this problem concerns. After complete installation I pushed button of default control settings then I checked whether my cheats are switch off and only then I adjusted my keys by my usual way. But as you ask me, personally I would remove this cheat option from BuildSettings.h and I would put it at some more hidden place which would be known rather to modders only for their fast testing of the game. Many people could have some problems with those cheats because once they switch on them and after some time switch off them even after disabling them people can receive this unpleasant cosmic improving of Nathaniel and his immortality as I have although those cheats were switched off already.

But I have some quite serious problem yet. I talked about it several times already here but nothing happened so far about it. This problem concerns of boarding. There are several types of capturing of hostile ships as you know. First case is that you can be invaded by hostile ship or you can hostile ship without any or almost any preliminary crippling of this ship. If this hostile ship is strong enough the fight on the board and other decks will start. The second case is when enemy is somehow weak or decimated first by our cannons, so, in this case hostile ship will surrender usually. And the third case is instant boarding. But I would like to talk only about the first case because the second two cases work good in this latest update ( I hope Because I didn´t try instant boarding yet). Whilst in the course of using the Build 12.1 only this first type of boarding works well here, in the Modpack version this first type of boarding never worked and it is pitty and bad. After skirmish on the upper deck and after killing of all enemies is finished, some small icon of opened padlock in upper left corner of the screen must appear. If it is so, everything is OK and you will push spacebar and proceed either on the lower deck or directly into the captains cabin ( in the case of smaller ships) where classical table will appear where you can capture this ship, take her goods, capture hostile captain and so on. This table is the same in all types of boarding. This way it works in the game with Build 12.1 only. But in version with Modpack this icon of opened padlock in upper left corner of screen never or amost never appears and instead of that your crew and officers are in rush mode and all the boarding is lost, you can go nowhere, do nothing and you can only load the game. So, I would like if you could solve and resolve this problem with modders here. I think I describe it quite clearly here and I hope that it will be resolved at last. Maybe this automaticly appearing rush mod after fight can block everything ? I don´t know. If you didn´t understand anything what I described here, please ask me about anything for that reason.

And Jack thanks for interesting information about carronades.

<img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hi.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":gday" border="0" alt="hi.gif" />
i dont know if its possible but i think it would be great if one could set caliber deck by deck, because in the 17th century ships werent armed soley with one caliber. especially not Man o War's. typically ships would be armed with the heaviest cannons on the lower gundeck and light cannons(6 or 9 pounders) on the uppermost gundeck.
<img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/me.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":onya" border="0" alt="me.gif" />
<!--quoteo(post=134175:date=Oct 27 2005, 10:39 PM:name=Swindler)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swindler @ Oct 27 2005, 10:39 PM) [snapback]134175[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=134162:date=Oct 27 2005, 09:08 PM:name=Buccanero)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Buccanero @ Oct 27 2005, 09:08 PM) [snapback]134162[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
I visited Greenford, went through the town gate, turned left into the street till the end, turned left again to the wall and suddenly I was in another part of the city, without any gate....ups....
I tried it a second time but nothing happend, i stood in front of the wall.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Yeah, that's because of CCC's Greater Oxbay. Is a bit strange though.
The gap between wall and houses is supposed to be an alley to the new suburb. True, it looks odd, but as I had to make do with the original townmodel I could find no better locator. But I can disable the automatic reloading so that you are not teleported against your will. If you want you can easily do it yourself already. Open locations\init\oxbay.c , find this section

Locations[n].reload.l21.name = "goto1";
Locations[n].reload.l21.go = "Greenford_suburb";
Locations[n].reload.l21.emerge = "reload_3_1_back";
Locations[n].reload.l21.autoreload = "1";
Locations[n].reload.l21.label = "Suburb";

and disable autoreload like this

Locations[n].reload.l21.autoreload = "0";

(Takes effect only after restart)

<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=134162:date=Oct 27 2005, 09:08 PM:name=Buccanero)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Buccanero @ Oct 27 2005, 09:08 PM) [snapback]134162[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
In the catacombs of the maltese church i'm fighting alone and my officers die in a unvisible fight which i neither can locate nor influence.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

That's a bit annoying. Maybe CCC could add officer's reload locators to his added locations? How about it, CCC? <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/whistling.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":wp" border="0" alt="whistling.gif" />
Another limitation of the original model: the 'crypt' has the templemodel which Akella has not supplied with officerlocators. But I can add them by means of Ines' tool. I must only find a way to tear myself away from creating my fascinating NEW mods to reworking the OLD ones <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" />
<!--QuoteBegin-Rad+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rad)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Many ships has too small calibers 4 -9 - sloops, luggers, shooners, brigs, flauts, pinnaces, brigantines, goelets and so on. I think in 17th century they wouldn´t any chance against pirates. I think even those merchant ships those times used heavier calibers as it is in original game ( Akela boys aren´t any boneheads).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

And that's not true. Here are some historical corrections.
Most of the Merchantships were not armed very well. They mostly use small calibers. They try to seek protection if they joining some bigger convoys with a well armed escort. Because for every additional gun they load, they can't load additional cargo. And that was a lot of gold they had to lose.
Otherwise most of the Pirates even don't use big ships like a Fregates or Galleons as their favourite ships as it shown in most Hollywood movies. They mostly use small and fast ships like the sloop or the schooner.

<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The Typical Pirate Ship

An English "Hoy" or work sloop dating from around the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th Century.
The sloop is square rigged with a gaff sail, also typical of the time.

Such ships were seaworthy craft used for hauling cargo over a short distance and also for fishing. (as well as smuggling and piracy).

All ships of the time were armed in some fashion. A ne'er do well pirate hoy would lash 6 to 10 cannons (depending on the size) to the top deck which would act as the gun deck. A brace of swivel guns could be mounted fore and aft. The typical cannons would range in sizes between 4 and 8 pounders.

The pirates would sleep below deck (or perhaps on deck) along with their contraband. The typical crew would be twenty or eighty on a cramped sloop, depending on the number of cannons and just how big the sloop could be..

Once they would find a target they would quickly make haste back to safe waters and find a place to stash the loot. These were not the vessels to be used for long voyages and numerous strikes. These were hit and run ships.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

The only known exception is the notorious Edward Teach aka Blackbeard, who has turned a captured 16 gun merchantman into a 44 gun Battleship, the "Queens Anne's Revenge".

And the unfortunate Captain William Kidd use a very unusal ship to hunt Pirates in the Red Sea.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The ship, the Adventure Galley, was well suited to the task of catching pirates; it was equipped with 34 cannons, oars, and 150 men. The oars were a key advantage as it would enable him to manuver in a battle when the winds had died and other ships were floating free.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

It was much more a galley than a regular Ship of this century. And with 34 guns it was not more than a corvette class vessel and not a huge battleship.

And I discovered a type of vessel, that didn't apear in the game. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" /> (maybe someone could put it in <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":))" border="0" alt="smile2.gif" />
It has been called "snow".
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Much like the naval, square rigged brigantine, the Naval Snow was distinguished by her for and aft trysail. This was a prefered ship for the Royal Navy in that, for a 90 ton, 60 foot ship, it could manage well in a light quartering wind. The crew of up to 80 had at its disposal 8 six pound guns that rested behind the canvas strung amidships over the open bulwarks. This was a common patrol ship when the navy finally set to deter pirates from their self determined duty.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<img src="http://www.inkyfingers.com/pyrates/ships/navsnow.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Snow
A small sailing-vessel resembling a brig, carrying a main and fore mast and a supplementary trysail mast close behind the mainmast; employed as a warship. The snow was the smallest of the warships. It was a common warship used in the American Colonies and the Caribbean.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You know Jack I read many times something different. We probably hardly find out how all was in those times. Maybe it was different from case to case. But in 17th century no schooners existed yet. Anyway personally for me by using those low caliber in the case of so many ships the game is loosing part of good playability for me becase these smaller ships can´t compete with any frigates, corvettes and larger ships in the game now. By my opinion this Snow looks like classic brig from 18th century. But I miss here complete another ships in game. Some good 2 or 3 deck war and line ships which sailed on the high seas in 17th century. Dutchmen had such great ships in those time too. Galley weren´t used in Caribbean and at high seas for their low hulls. But they were very frequently used in Mediterranean.
Have a look at this if you want and if you don´t know it. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

<a href="http://www.nmm.ac.uk/mag/pages/mnuExplore/BrowseByDate.cfm" target="_blank">http://www.nmm.ac.uk/mag/pages/mnuExplore/BrowseByDate.cfm</a>
About the boarding problems: It is known there is something wrong there, but, like usual, there's nobody around who knows how to fix it. Does it really happen that often? I believe I once heard somewhere that if you set the SURR_GLOBAL_SCL scalar in InternalSettings.h to 0, ships won't surrender anymore before you board her and this problem won't occur anymore either. Not sure it that's true, though. Might be worth a try. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dunno.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shrug" border="0" alt="dunno.gif" />
There occur sometimes a small bug in sea battles, when other ships uses the firedrill.

Suddenly all smokeclouds disapear and the music stops and didn't start again, until the battle has ended. So the rest of the battle must be fought in silence without any music. It's nothing, that prevent me from playing but it is a little loss of atmosphere, when you can't hear any music during the seabattle. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dunno.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":shrug" border="0" alt="dunno.gif" />
Pieter, even if it would work what you or someone suggest here it wouldn´t be good. Because the good thing is that weak ships surrender and powerful ship fight with you. If you would completely disabled surrendering it would be bad because when you will decimate the hostile crew to almost zero and the ship wouldn´t surrender it would be absurd and strange. This isn´t good solution. But this situation happens to me practically in the course of every regular boarding after which fight appears. But you are in contact with many modders, so I can´t believe that they wasn´t be able to resolve it. I think the clue is in removing of rush condition of Nathaniel and officers after fight on the board. They stay in rush mod and maybe it causes all the problem. In game with Build 12.1 Nathaniel and officers don´t stay in rush mod after the fight. Maybe CCC or Swindler could help with it? Could you contact them about it? <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />
and idea i had about cannon smoke, its not quite realistic in stock POTC but its still not right in build12/post build

its too smoky, the cloud is too dense and large. what one should really have is a long plume from the cannon spouting out, a long one and have the smoke develope not quite as much as currently, oh and btw is adding a new flare or something to the cannons possible?
I think the canon smoke is still exaggerated and I talked many times about it. But I think it was reduced a little lately already. I am able to reduce it by myself at least the time of duration of this smoke. And I think too if some flare from shooting barrels would appear if would be nice and impressive. <img src="http://www.piratesahoy.com/forum/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mybad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":facepalm" border="0" alt="mybad.gif" />