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Polacca by De Zeeroovers

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
This ship has been added to the latest WIP Beta 3.2. The ship is still being worked on but is pretty good already.

So far raising the waterline to -0.6 helps a lot.

beta3 2014-04-29 11-14-45-04.jpg beta3 2014-04-29 11-20-21-16.jpg
After bouncing back and forth between a waterline of -0.6 and -0.7 I have settled on -0.7. I personally like a taller ship.

I am still tinkering with the sailing qualities. Right now she is fast and can sail pretty deep into the wind. Maybe too fast. I recently got chased by a 7 ship fleet while I had empty holds and the only one that could keep up or catch me was a fast war galleon.
With the wind, most other square-rigged ships of a similar size should be able to keep up and even outpace the Polacca, but against the wind she should have the advantage, I'd say.
Right now she has the speed of a light fluyt and the ability to go into the wind just a smidgeon less than the Hoy. Also this particular one is a small fast version and the larger ones are up to 1 knot slower. Methinks I'll knock her speed down just a touch.
Methinks I'm done with the Polacca. This is a good all around ship that should be popular. She is slightly slower than the square sail ships in one wind and slightly faster in another wind.

beta3 2014-05-01 11-27-29-34.jpg
I have raised this ship up and the bow wave separates from the hull looking ugly. The proper way to raise the ship out of the water is to reset the waterline in the model.
I just managed to get the repainted version in the game. It shows up in the shipyard and I can repaint the old one to look like the new one. Now to put the package together.

POTC4 2015-11-10 20-47-19-99.jpg POTC4 2015-11-10 20-47-22-59.jpg POTC4 2015-11-10 20-49-15-92.jpg POTC4 2015-11-10 20-49-20-08.jpg
I just managed to get the repainted version in the game. It shows up in the shipyard and I can repaint the old one to look like the new one. Now to put the package together.
She's looking good! Nicely different from her original skin. :onya
@Hylie Pistof: I've got your variant working almost right in the game, but I'm missing texture files "DECKPLANKSU2_E.TGA.tx" and "NOOD.TGA.tx".
Can you please upload that one?
Here is deckPlanksU2_e.tga.tx.

There is a mystery involving NOOD.tga.tx as I can not find it, and a search in the polacca GMs does not find it there either. This is a double mystery to me as I remember seeing it recently and thinking what an odd name it is and what ship might it belong to. The problem is that now I can not find it anywhere. :shrug There is no call for it in my .log files either.


  • textures for polacca.7z
    181.2 KB · Views: 186
There is a mystery involving NOOD.tga.tx as I can not find it, and a search in the polacca GMs does not find it there either. This is a double mystery to me as I remember seeing it recently and thinking what an odd name it is and what ship might it belong to. The problem is that now I can not find it anywhere. :shrug There is no call for it in my .log files either.
Maybe it was another ship then. The missing deck planking was the bigger issue anyway.
Thanks! :cheers
@Hylie Pistof: Would you consider your "Polacca_N" texture to be more French, Spanish or Portuguese?
The "Polacca" is used as a promotion ship for all three nations and since we have two varieties now,
we might as well use them both instead of just that default one for all three nations.

Additionally, should the different schemes have different encounter chances per nation?
Or does that not really matter?

Up to you. :doff
Eh? No idea. I was just slapping different textures on it trying to come up with something less used up looking. If it needs to be assigned to a nation I suppose the white paint would be closest to Portuguese. Since it is not a naval vessel but a privately owned merchantman it could be painted anything or nothing depending on the owners whim.
If it needs to be assigned to a nation I suppose the white paint would be closest to Portuguese.
I'll set her as Portuguese and Spanish promotion ship then.
That also means she's now the default starting ship for the pre-defined Portuguese Naval Officer.

Since it is not a naval vessel but a privately owned merchantman it could be painted anything or nothing depending on the owners whim.
All-right, I'll leave the national encounter chances alone.