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Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
@Levis' new files include a new priest for Marigot, whose dialog files appear to be based on "Father Abbott_dialog.c/h". Four other priests actually use "Father Abbott_dialog.c/h" and none of them is Father Abbott! The one in Alice Town might once have been Father Abbott, judging by the comment in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\Eleuthera.c", until someone renamed him to Father Buzzard. xD (Probably better than "Father Abbott", which is the clerical equivalent of an officer named "Captain Commodore" - an abbot is a senior monk, the head of an abbey.)

"Father Abbott_dialog.h" contains similar confession text to "pater jourdain_dialog.h", though when you confess to sinking ships and taking lives, the priest asks "But there were no Holland among them, were there?" That should, of course, be "Dutch", though in fact it should depend on the nationality of the priest - Father Buzzard wouldn't care about Dutch ships but might care about British. Not that it matters because "Father Abbott_dialog.c" contains code for the confession but no link to it, so it's never used.

Pater Dominic is the priest on Guadeloupe. His dialog is basically a copy of "pater jourdain_dialog.c/h", with the code for Elzire Ayarai removed, though I left all the text in place because I couldn't be bothered to renumber everything in the code. I've now done the job properly; this version has everything relating to Elzire Ayarai removed, the 'DLG_TEXT' lines in the code are renumbered accordingly, and the confession now uses 'GetNationDescByType(sti(NPChar.nation))'. That means these files can be copied and used for any other priest and, provided the priest's character definition includes a "nation" attribute, he'll ask about the relevant nationality of ships and people for whom you're confessing.

@Pieter Boelen: what is the Dutch title for a priest? English is "Father", Spanish and Portuguese is "Padre", French (at least in the game) is "Pater" - what's Dutch? Probably not "Father", which means Father Derksen, the priest in Willemstad, needs a correct title.

He's one of those who uses "Father Abbott_dialog.c". If I replace "Father Abbott_dialog.c" with a copy of "pater dominic_dialog.c", he'll allow you to confess and then ask if there were any Dutch among them; likewise, Father Buzzard will ask about English, while Padre Iguaran on Hispaniola will ask about Spanish - at least, he will if I add a "nation" line to his definition. (I tried to include a condition so that the priest won't give the confession option if he has no "nation", but it seems that a nationless character is assigned to Britain somewhere. So when I tried my dialog on a priest with no nation, he asked if there were any British among your victims, which he shouldn't have done because he's French. xD)


  • pater dominic_dialog.h
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  • pater dominic_dialog.c
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@Pieter Boelen: what is the Dutch title for a priest? English is "Father", Spanish and Portuguese is "Padre", French (at least in the game) is "Pater" - what's Dutch? Probably not "Father", which means Father Derksen, the priest in Willemstad, needs a correct title.

The dutch name for them is "Vader". It's pronounced almost the same as the english Father.
If that really is a Dutch priest's title, I am going to have to give him his own dialog. Somewhere he is going to have to say "I find your lack of faith disturbing". xD (The first time anyone in Holland saw the first "Star Wars" film in 1977, they must have all been wondering "Whose father is he?")
The dutch name for them is "Vader". It's pronounced almost the same as the english Father.
It could also be "Pater", though indeed "Vader" allows for more comedy value. :cheeky

If that really is a Dutch priest's title, I am going to have to give him his own dialog. Somewhere he is going to have to say "I find your lack of faith disturbing". xD
YES, YES, YES! Please do!! :rofl

The first time anyone in Holland saw the first "Star Wars" film in 1977, they must have all been wondering "Whose father is he?"
Indeed I imagine the big twist in Empire Strikes Back might've been sliiightly less shocking for Dutch audiences... :wp
Apart from the amusement factor, calling the Dutch priest "Vader" rather than "Padre" makes him distinctive from the Spanish and Portuguese priests.

Short of a complete Imperial-style rewrite of the dialog, the best I can come up with is if you've offered to make a donation, then realised you don't have enough money:

But first, right at the start of the dialog, he says "Welcome to the church, my son" and one of your possible answers is "You're not my father. Don't address me that way again". He then says "Why, you disrespectful heathen! Get out! You defile the house of God with your presence!" This is also in "pater jourdain_dialog", "pater dominic_dialog", and also in the dialog of any priest based on "pater dominic_dialog". Your next line to Vader Derksen is a little different to what you'd say to the others...
vader_apology1.jpg vader_apology2.jpg
Brilliant! :rofl

But first, right at the start of the dialog, he says "Welcome to the church, my son" and one of your possible answers is "You're not my father. Don't address me that way again". He then says "Why, you disrespectful heathen! Get out! You defile the house of God with your presence!" This is also in "pater jourdain_dialog", "pater dominic_dialog", and also in the dialog of any priest based on "pater dominic_dialog". Your next line to Vader Derksen is a little different to what you'd say to the others...
I think I'm missing the reference this time... :unsure
"The Empire Strikes Back". The Imperial fleet is chasing the Millennium Falcon, which turns round, flies straight at one of the star destroyers, and disappears - it's just landed on the control tower. The captain apologises to Vader for losing the Falcon.
Vader: "Apology accepted, Captain Needa."
Captain Needa: <drops dead due to telepathic throttling>

Having you drop dead is a bit harsh, so you just get zapped instead. (It's the same zap as when you keep swearing in front of the replacement Spanish priest after Padre Domingues is kidnapped, and sometimes also happens if you try to steal someone's trapped purse.)
Vader: "Apology accepted, Captain Needa."
Captain Needa: <drops dead due to telepathic throttling>
Ah, yes; that's the one!
In that case, could you make it "Apology accepted, Captain Lastname."?
That might make the reference a bit more obvious...
That had occurred to me, but Pater Jourdain never asks your name, and neither do any of the priests whose dialog is based on his, which is most of them, including this one.

I'll see if I can change it so that the first time, you can either say "You're not my father. Don't address me that way again", or you can introduce yourself. If you annoy Vader Derksen before you've even introduced yourself then he'll have to just say "Apology accepted". If it's a subsequent visit then he knows your name but still says "Welcome back to my church, <insert your first name>, my son". If you then say "You're not my father", he can say "Apology accepted, Captain <insert your last name>". (I did consider having him say "Look, I am your father", but it would be horribly contrived and wouldn't work if translated into any other language.)
That had occurred to me, but Pater Jourdain never asks your name, and neither do any of the priests whose dialog is based on his, which is most of them, including this one.
That's the beauty of it; he was using THE FORCE and that is why he does know! :razz
It's just meant to be a joke line, we're not trying to turn him into a genuine Dark Lord of the Sith. ;)

So, when you first meet Vader Derksen, he does not know your name, and if you annoy him right away then you have not yet introduced yourself and he doesn't know who to blame:
vader_intro.jpg vader_apology2.jpg

If you have introduced yourself then he remembers your name and uses it on subsequent greetings. And also if you then annoy him:
vader_return.jpg vader_apology2a.jpg
You are welcome to write a full Sith dialog for him if you want, as your re-introduction to modding. xD

Otherwise, perhaps a slight change to the no-donation dialog:
Vader: "I find your lack of gold disturbing."
Player: "So do I. Let's talk about something else."
You know I'm now going to make a sidequest where you have to help a dutch guy look for his father and he will find out that Vader Derksen is his father ;) :aar

The dutch guy will probably be named Luuk (the dutch version of Luke) don't know yet if I can make a nice pun on Skywalker
Go for it, says I. :cheers

If it's of any use to the quest, Willemstad is probably the only town in the game with two churches. Part of the town is cloned from Bridgetown and has the same church, which is where you'll find Vader Derksen. And part of the town is cloned from Sao Jorge, which also has a church included in the model. That one is currently unused; the door locator is not defined to go anywhere and there's no inside location defined.