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Problems escaping from prison


Master Mariner
wow, Ardent storyline is bugged in this latest release from the start. When you exit Havana town after escape from the prison, the Indian warrior won't talk to you anymore.


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wow, Ardent storyline is bugged in this latest release from the start. When you exit Havana town after escape from the prison, the Indian warrior won't talk to you anymore.
According to "compile.log", you never triggered case "guards_dead". How did you get out of the prison without defeating the guards?
According to "compile.log", you never triggered case "guards_dead". How did you get out of the prison without defeating the guards?

Exactly! Of course, I must have killed the guards. I reinstalled the march2020 version, it works like a charm. Also in the latest version, the 1st 3 guards came so fast that I failed 5 times before I was barely able to release the Indian warrior on my last try. Play it yourself and see if it happens to you. Btw, every time I have a try with a different version, it is a clean install.
Exactly! Of course, I must have killed the guards. I reinstalled the march2020 version, it works like a charm. Also in the latest version, the 1st 3 guards came so fast that I failed 5 times before I was barely able to release the Indian warrior on my last try. Play it yourself and see if it happens to you. Btw, every time I have a try with a different version, it is a clean install.
I have played it, frequently, either to test things or for fun. The guards don't even start their attack until you've reached the Indian, so you must be taking a long time to talk to him - I always have time to talk to him, release him, and then hide behind him so the guards fight him first.

That part of the code has not changed for ages. You release the two officers, you get to the Indian, then the soldiers move in to attack. It should certainly be no different now to what it was in March.

But it will change slightly in the next update. Not the part about talking to the Indian and then fighting the guards. But everything which should happen when you escape from the prison should happen even if you manage to dodge rather than kill the guards - thanks for reporting that one!
So if I want to enjoy Ardent, the safest bet is still with March, 2020 version, correct? Right now I am stuck with not being able to talk to Two Dogs Fighting outside the town. This is not happening to you in the latest patch?
1. I know the climb-cannon trick. The first deck is not a huge problem. After the first deck, there r 2 more decks before you face the cap. I am always killed at the 2nd or 3rd deck. My crew die too fast and it's always me and Two Dogs Fighting left at the 2nd or 3rd deck
2. I don't quite understand your 2nd timer. Do you mean this: you talk to the cap, the first timer starts. It runs 2 weeks before the ship sets sail. Then another 2 weeks before the ship safely arrives in port. Did I get this right?
3. No time for a 2nd broadside. When you are reloading, the fort would most likely blast you into pieces or de-mast you.

I have re-started the storyline anyway. This time, I am using the 2 week time to grind a bit. Now I have level 7 sailing and level 4 melee. Hopefully I can crack this tough nut this time.
1: The fights should be tough but not unwinnable. You can practice your fencing in Port Royale dungeon (this is also a good place to grind by going back in repeatedly and it doesn't cut into the timers). You might also have had to fight thugs or highwaymen in the jungle on the return from the slave camp to Havana.
2: Correct.
3: True, I very rarely get a second broadside, and if I do, cannon fire from the fort and return fire from the Siroco probably do more damage to my own crew. Occasionally I get a second shot without taking much damage in between.
It didn't happen in any patch. The problem is that you escaped from prison without finishing off the guards, so various things which were supposed to happen outside the prison never triggered. The dialog with Two Dogs is one of them. Start again and this time make sure all the guards are dead.

If you choose "action, adventure, romance" right at the start, and you do not kill the warden, then as soon as you leave the prison, one of your officers should comment on that. If you did not kill the warden and no officer talks to you, Two Dogs probably won't talk outside town either - both of these are triggered by wiping out the guards.

The safest version is the 2nd September version - get it here:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

That's just a newer update archive. You can either do a whole clean install or just copy this one on top of your existing game. It doesn't have the fix to allow you to escape without killing all the guards, but it does fix some other bugs - and not just in "Ardent"!

Incidentally, I've moved all the posts about this problem into the "Ardent" section. Please report any other issues with the storyline in this section.
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There is no way you can escape without killing all guards. The prison is so small and narrow. The 1st wave has 3 guards. You cannot go around it. The last one, prison commander. If I don't kill him how did I get the letter and start the payroll quest? I always kill them all.
In that case, I'm stumped. The commandant doesn't matter, he is not part of the same group as the soldiers and does not attack you until you move further along the corridor. Incidentally, did you choose "action, adventure, romance" right at the start, or did you choose "black-hearted sea robber"?

@Pieter Boelen (or anyone else who knows coding in detail): why would this:
           LAi_group_FightGroups("SPAIN_SOLDIERS", LAI_GROUP_PLAYER, true);
           LAi_group_SetCheck("SPAIN_SOLDIERS", "guards_dead");
...fail to trigger case "guards_dead" when group "SPAIN_SOLDIERS" is wiped out? At this point, in the prison, only the guards should be in that group. The other Spaniards in the area are the warden and the commandant, who aren't in "SPAIN_SOLDIERS" precisely so they don't join in the fight - the warden should either be stunned in a cell or dead, and the commandant has his own duel with you after you get past the guards.
Yes, I always pick "action adventure, romance". Still doesn't work. I tried again and again. Even though I killed all the guards, I still cannot get the dialogue with Two Dogs Fighting. There are 3X guards and 1X prison commander, totaling 4 people, correct? Btw, does it matter who killed them? Does it have to be you, not Two Dogs Fighting? Of course I killed the warden at the beginning to get his keys.
You do not need to kill the warden at the start. Stun him and rob him. It should not make any difference to the fight, but you've chosen to play a hero and when you get outside, one of your officers will comment favourably if you spared the warden. (You will lose some reputation for robbing the warden. You'll get it back when that officer talks to you.)

It does not matter who killed the three guards. In fact, your best chance of survival is to let Two Dogs kill them.

The commander is a different unit and is not involved in triggering "guards_dead". This is why the icons aren't flashing red and the music has changed when the guards are dead and the commander is not. This is not a group fight, it's a duel - you can let Two Dogs kill the guards but nobody is going to help you with the commander.
This is so weird. Must be something that was changed between March and this update. Because my March version is fine. Also, when you test-play this new version, this never happens to you?
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Since you're playing as the hero, see what happens if you don't kill the warden - just stun him and steal his equipment.
Ok, I got it. Yeah, if I don't kill the Warden then everything works fine. Also my office talked to me right outside the prison. So your first action has to match the play style you select initially.
@Pieter Boelen (or anyone else who knows coding in detail): why would this:
LAi_group_FightGroups("SPAIN_SOLDIERS", LAI_GROUP_PLAYER, true);
LAi_group_SetCheck("SPAIN_SOLDIERS", "guards_dead");
...fail to trigger case "guards_dead" when group "SPAIN_SOLDIERS" is wiped out?
Wished I could tell you...

My first thought would be to check if it REALLY does or does not get triggered by checking compile.log at the appropriate time.
Perhaps it does; but something else is interfering with the execution?
For example: a character doesn't talk because of ActorType?
I did another few tests. The bug is caused by killing the Warden. Regardless of what play style you choose at the beginning, "hero" or "non-hero", if you kill the Warden, the quest will bug out. Two Dogs Fighting will not speak with you outside the town. You must have changed something since the March version that makes the Warden's death to un-triggered "guards_dead" somehow. Also, killing the warden, you will not see the soldiers of the search party any more.
What has changed is the rules on pickpockets. If someone picks your pocket, you catch him, and he refuses to return the money, you can get it back in several ways. Robbing him with a thief's knife, or stunning him and robbing him, both cost you reputation. Stunning him and killing him, then looting the body, does not cost you reputation. I always thought that was the wrong way round. So in the new version, counter-robbing a pickpocket non-lethally, with thief's knife or by stunning, does not cost reputation; whereas killing a stunned victim attracts the same penalty as killing an unarmed victim, which is -3 reputation and any nearby soldiers attack you. Nearby soldiers are put in a different group so that they'll react but soldiers further away do not.

I hadn't thought about Ardent when I did that, and as I normally play as the hero and do not kill the warden, the problem did not show up when I tested the story. I've now fixed it by temporarily marking the guards as not soldiers, so they don't react if you kill the warden. (The difference between "hero" and "villain" is merely that, when you leave the prison, one of your officers will talk to you if you did the right thing. "Hero" is rewarded by a reputation gain for not killing the warden. "Villain" is rewarded by a reputation loss if he does kill the warden - he wants his reputation to drop!)

By way of thanks for reporting the problems so I could fix them, you can be first to try out the fixed version. Download this file and put it into "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\quests". As well as fixing the problem with the soldiers, it also fixes the problem you found with boarding the Tonina after selling the tartane. Hopefully there won't be any more bugs, but if you do find any, keep the reports coming! :cheers


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1. Would this new fix affect my current saves?
2. Btw, I just found another bug. This is more like a game glitch than story line bug. If you go deck mode on the armed Tartane you steal in Havana, the use of telescope would cause your game to CTD. Sometimes it happens immediately. Sometimes it would happen a few minutes after the telescope use. I believe it only happens to Armed Tartane.
3. How do I counter-rob? I have never been able to catch people pocket-picking me.