• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Q. after a 1 1/2 yr. absence.

Sirten Deth

I have been away from this game & forum for about a yr & a half due to Comp. (broken), software (lost), & moving (I HATE moving) problems. Now I am back to reinstalling games, inc. mods & updates, into my ( I HOPE) fixed Comp.. But...where are all the small mods ? They cant ALL be included in the latest version of THE mod. I have DLed & installed the latest stable version, 13.3 (?). It is my B-day today (60 yrs) & I suffer from a bad case of CRS ALL the time. I THINK I managed to finish installing Silent Hunter 3 ( W/ GWX, et al) yesterday. Have been working on PotC today. Will work on 'Oblivion' tommorow. Or maybe I will go for a motorcycle ride, to take a break, instead.

Thank You very much & it is GOOD to be back.
What I suggest you do is get the absolute latest version (Build Alpha 9.5 Patch 4)

Although this is still an Alpha the game hardly ever crashes (and when it does for me its cause of code that I have done myself ;))

Some of the new features are truely amazing, we have a period correct mod which adds period correct island names and governers right

Also the different flag mod incorpirates this with period correct flags on the ships (also has to types of flags on each ship [pennants and ensigns])

The storyline mod is wicked as well.
- Hoist the Colours (a storyline that actually makes the game worthy of the title PotC)
- Devil, Dutchess & Duke (a navy storyline about Horatio Hornblower)
- Bartolomeu (a Portuguese swordsman storyline)
- Assassin (a former Dutch military man goes into smuggling and then something a bit more)
- New Horizons (the original storyline)
- Blaze and Beatrice Devlin (not finished and I havnt played them yet :no)
I think all the small seperate mods have disappeared by now,
but pretty much all of it is included in the Build 13 mod,
together with a lot of other additions.
The only small old mod that I know is not included is the slaves one.
Other than that, pretty much everything should be in as far as I'm aware.
Thank you for the quick responce. I dont usually do alpha mods as I prefer wait for them to become stabalized. I guess I will try this one & see what happens. the worst thing I suppose is a reinstall. I tend to do the same thing when it comes to new games too. I wait for a yr or so then buy one. By then the price has gone down to about half & there is enough support ( like this) to make it a better game.

Thanks to all.
It's still called "alpha", but it's really quite playable in the most recent editions.
I'm being rather reluctant to name it "beta" stage yet until we've got ALL our WIP mods included and working for the most part.
But that point is VERY close indeed, with the imminent release of Build 14 Alpha 10,
a WIP version having been released earlier today. From my testings with this version,
it is really quite playable, though we need some help in hunting bugs in it.
It definitly comes recommended to try it out; you can always reinstall with an older version if you REALLY feel the need.