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[REL] Balls (cannonballs) invisible

Joe Dagger

Storm Modder

Right a straight forward invisible version of the "balls" file, so now you don't see them fly at silly angels at you. The only thing that is still visible in this version is the Exploding ammo has some sort of trail... much smaller effects and less annoying than the balls.

I wasn't able to locate the correct file yet (to remove the trail from the exploding ammo) so for now it stays that way. If you like the idea to not see the balls fly around then give it a try.


  • balls_invisible.rar
    6.2 KB · Views: 125
I've never really thought about it, but I suppose realistically you wouldn't see the ball until it's right on top of you, and by then you'd probably be dead.
Making a game for you appears to be fairly easy, mate: you need nearly nothing (and from that nothing you are going to remove a good amount if you can mod it).

buho (A). :d:
hehe might be true that... you know I remember a fellow buddy who went modding on another game and removed this and that feature from an add-on since he didn't liked it... someone said well why don't you simply skip the whole add-on and stay with the vanilla game.

Guess because that was to easy haha. Didn't want to o off topic but buho forced me to respond.

After all it's merely a matter of taste.

I've never really thought about it, but I suppose realistically you wouldn't see the ball until it's right on top of you, and by then you'd probably be dead.

I personally like seeing the moving rounds, but then I'm an old Redleg Artillerist.

Actually, you can see them for real depending on the angle you are observing them from. Their velocities are low enough that they can be observed by the human eye. I have watched hundreds of rounds with my naked eye during black powder cannon competitions.

Also I can tell you as an old artillery officer that it's even possible to see modern rounds in some instances. I have watched them fall almost on top of me during bunker shoots and I have also watched them leave the tubes of modern howitzers when I was a Commander.

Watch this. Have I ever mentioned that I've lost half my hearing.... MK


Also watch this. If you look closely you can see the balls flying - and I'm not talking about the slow motion parts. Play both the clips over again about five times and you will see them more and more clearly.

Yep you can see them, here's some screenshots. I couldn't capture the clear shot as it left the tank turret but i got the best shot i could take of it.

Yep you can see them, here's some screenshots. I couldn't capture the clear shot as it left the tank turret but i got the best shot i could take of it.

Nice screens Luke. :onya You can actally see the balls heading towards and hitting the target as well if you look close.

That actually isn't a tank, it just looks kinda like a tank.

It's a 155mm M109 Howitzer. The largest cannon in the US inventory at the present.

There's also lots of anecdotal writing about this if one digs concerning soldiers/sailors watching cannon balls. My favorite is one from the Battle of Waterloo: A young soldier marching forward in line could see the cannon crew to their front on the hill above ram the ball and fire their gun. He watched the round come out of the muzzle and stream straight for him. He resigned within himself that he musn't flinch and accepted his fate. The ball took off the heads of the man next to him and the heads of the two men behind that man.
