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[REL] Hack to stop battle crashes (dismasting bug)


Storm Modder
Included in GOF 1.1.x

Most battle crashes are due to a bug popping when a ship is dismasted. We have hope about it being solved in GOF 1.2 but I decided to post this hack for GOF 1.1.

The hack is very dirty, as the only way I've found to stop the bug is stopping the masts from falling, reducing the efficacy of one of the most used tactics.

With the hack in place some ships can have her sails worked down till 80% while some others only to 60%. To the best of my knowledge no ship can have her sails worked down to zero, and some ones will maintain a good amount of speed and maneuverability.

Anyway, even totally dismasted ships can spin like crazy electrons in COAS, so the hack is not so disbalancing.

And the game doesn't crash like before. (Of course, crashes for other reasons are not stopped.)

- o -

ADDED: If you are not experiencing crashes when the ships are dismasted don't install it, it degrades the game experience and fixs only the dismasting bug.

- o -

The hack can be used with or without Commodore in Command or Mates Voices.

Copy the file in Program\SEA_AI.

buho (A).


  • AIShip.c
    146.2 KB · Views: 209
So it's savegame compatible, aye?

Interesting and great work buho all is appreciated if it makes the game more stable... I'm not sure about that but in my last 3 gaming sessions (all +2 hours) I never had a crash I mean I've noted all my crashes before to find out where the most occures.

So sea battles and very often as I use the quick save function. Well in the mentioned sessions I never used the QS function and always the menu save... and I didn't had any problems, I'm unsure if this could lead to a conclusion that the QS function seems to produce some instability but it might be a possibility. I'll test some more and will have a look if my therory can be prooved that playing and saving without the QS gives you a more stable game.

By the law "proving you wrong" of course in my next gaming session I will see 5 CTD eventhough I didn't use the QS function.... we'll see.
Yes, it is savegame compatible; it is only a change in a couple code lines, very minimal.

If you are not experiencing crashes when the ships are dismasted don't install it, it degrades the game experience and fixs only the dismasting bug.

buho (A).
Yes, it is savegame compatible; it is only a change in a couple code lines, very minimal.

If you are not experiencing crashes when the ships are dismasted don't install it, it degrades the game experience and fixs only the dismasting bug.

buho (A).
Thank you for that extra information. Infact I can't recall having crashes realted to fallen masts in battle... had quite many battles where masts fell and I really can't say I had a CTD in those fights, so I guess I leave that file out for now.

Maybe that's limited if certain ships are involved I simply hadn't in battle? If one of those lost a mast = CTD?

Thanks for your work buho

Not every ship will crash the game. Till 4th rates no one will. There are some 4th rates crashing the game, most will not.

3th and 2th rates is where things start to turn weird. Still can't say about first rates.

buho (A).
Thank You ! :onya

Yep works great ! From 2-3 crashes from encounter to 0 in 3h of play. If only downfall is that sails can't go more then 80-60% down no problem, as i rarely use that kind of ammo. Lifesaver hack !

I badly need feedback here, mates.

The fix is working very well for me, and apparently for Hologramm too.

On the other hand, it is not stopping Joe Dagger crashes.

Can some other player add feedback, please?

buho (A).
I guess it's highly related to the ships you are useing or facing in battle. The Lydia for instance crashes your game with or without this fix. I've got no clue... some other players should be playing with her too and we could see if for you guys it's the same thing or just me.

I'll attach a savegame to this post later so you all can check it... you only have the Lydia in this save you are at the worldmap and fight some other vessels you certainly will have CTD. I had very many of them, more than I was willing to count :(

Here's the savegame

Just drop it in your save folder and pick Lydia as profile load the save.
It is not the dismasting bug, Joe, my bet is the Lydia having a bug herself. Horrible bug.

TYVM for the save.

buho (A).