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Cannot Confirm Reload bug


After loading game, still have to press F1 to function other buttons.. is this one of the problems that aren't easy to fix?


  • thfgh.jpg
    126.4 KB · Views: 87
After loading game, still have to press F1 to function other buttons.. is this one of the problems that aren't easy to fix?
Please elaborate. I do not understand what you mean at all. :confused:
2) After loading game, still have to press F1 to function other buttons.. is this one of the problems that aren't easy to fix?
Could you make a bug report of this with more info? I haven't heard this problem before. Do not that in the first 3 seconds or so after loading a lot is still happening so the game might be a bit slower. This only happens on first load for a location.
This issue only happens for reload (F6) .. not quite sure if it does when you load game from main menu or after you restart, but definitely happens on reload in-game.

Game functions won't work at all until you press F1 then exit that mode and then you can press ENTER, action button, or anything else.
But if you reload in-game, then try entering dock, go to ship, or whatever function you need from pressing ENTER... ENTER won't function until you press F1, then exit from that mode.

I've had this issue since last year when i first started playing. I think I mentioned it once but it could be this problem is hard to solve?
Or maybe someone didn't notice this issue before?
This sounds very strange. So after EACH location reload, you have to press F1 before being able to do anything at all?
Could you please test for me if you got the problem also when reloading trough the main menu?
I might have an idea.
Loading from main menu is fine as far as I know... it is only the reloading through F6 while you're in the middle of the game.
If you yourself can try it .. play a game.. save by F5 .. then reload that instant.. and most likely you will encounter this issue..

Nothing can function properly until you press F1 to go to options, then click back to game.. and you can press ENTER now or other buttons as you wish.

For myself, I've experienced it on 3 different computers so maybe it is an issue for everyone and not only me...
Just tried this and can't replicate it (on a windows 7 machine).
This is what I did:

- Start a new game in assassin
- Press F5
- Press F6
Not sure why is that.. i first started playing POTC on windows 7, then windows 8,1 and now windows 10 and this problem keeps persisting.

Maybe you should stay in the game for at least 5-10 minutes then do that again and see if you get the glitch as i always do..
Not sure why is that.. i first started playing POTC on windows 7, then windows 8,1 and now windows 10 and this problem keeps persisting.

Maybe you should stay in the game for at least 5-10 minutes then do that again and see if you get the glitch as i always do..
Can you confirm it doesn't happen on a new savegame?
Well generally it always happens in the middle of game whether you start new or are playing the same one for the past 2-3 days..

but i remember only ONE time in the past year that i had this happen when i first opened the game and loaded from main menu.

But when you are in the middle of it, it happens.. whether you reload by F6 or main menu.. as long as you have the game open and not shut it then restart.. then this glitch happens
So what's the latest news on this one? @A.H, have you had this recently now? How about anyone else?

If we don't get word on this by the end of the week, I'll archive it as "Cannot Confirm".
I was able to confirm something like this in a savegame of his. But this was only for 2 or 3 seconds, and when the perkproblem we had before was fixed I wasn't able to replicate this problem in his savegames anymore, so maybe this was due to the perk problem. it could have been because of the rush ability thinking it was triggered or something like that.....
I just run this quick time and I confirm it is an existent issue even from the first build.. maybe it is a complex thing that is near impossible to fix..
I just run this quick time and I confirm it is an existent issue even from the first build.. maybe it is a complex thing that is near impossible to fix..
When you say "first Build", which version are you referring to?