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Reputation Bug!


Hey Pirates,

I have a it of a conundrum with Build Alpha 6...

There seems to be a glitch with my reputation. For the first part of the game everything was fine; I was steadily going from 'Neutral' up to 'Bloke' and higher. I did a bit of privateering for the Spanish and made my way up to Vicealmirante capturing pirates only. I also accumulated over $200,000 gold in personal wealth and quite a bit of land. I checked on my 'Relations' page and it says 'Known As' and 'Infamous Pirate' even though I only ATTACKED pirates. I thought nothing of it until my good reputation plummeted all the way to 'Bloody Terror' in about 10 days (game time). I hadn't sunk any ships at all, though there were a few captains waiting in my hold. When I went to the church I paid 97,000 gold coins and nothing changed. Now no one will sell me anything and I have trouble getting side quests. Can you help me?

Thanks... I mean... Yarrrr!

The one thing that might explain this is if you took a loan from a loanshark and did not repay it. That will cause a sudden drop in reputation. Also: Paying money at the church does work, but if you have a really low reputation or really high reputation, it hardly has any effect. Only if you're just under or just above neutral it works well. Try to save crewmembers after an enemy ship sank and do generally good things in the towns and jungles. If your reputation remains low, you can choose to enable the cheatmode and reset it that way.