Sea battles are certainly cool and should play a major part in the game, but sea battles would also become fairly boring after a time.
After all, what is the difference from one battle to the next?
So first of all, there should be enough chances for different things happening to make (almost) all sea battles interesting in one way or another.
Reasons for these could include:
- Player and enemy skill level
- Player and enemy officer skill level
- Player and enemy crew skill level
- Weather conditions and changing weather conditions
- Ballistics and chance (eg. a stray cannonball killing your helmsman or disabling the enemy's rudder)
  These events could be advantageous or not and you should be able to influence this by ordering your crew to aim for certain targets aboard the enemy ship.
- Strategic choices and being able to fool your enemies. I'm thinking of the Horatio Hornblower stories here, where frequently battles are won not by skill or by sheer numbers, but by outwitting the enemy. That should also be an option!
- There should be a seamless transistion between sea battles and boardings, if possible.
It would be cool if you could influence an ongoing boarding, for example, by continuing to fire cannonballs at the ship.
Also, especially if there's multiple ships involved, the other ships shouldn't suddenly "disappear" from the world as soon as boarding commences.
- Relatively free motions in boarding scenes, so you would be able to jump, climb up the rigging (and shoot at enemies from above), have swordfights with the enemy captain on a yardarm and possibly being able to use your surroundings.
Joined with the previous point, imagine during a boarding a stray cannonball hitting the main mast, which would come crashing down upon the deck!
But even with all these different events that could take place, doing just sea battles will get boring in the end.
Therefore there should also be enough variety in things to do ashore.
After all, what is the difference from one battle to the next?
So first of all, there should be enough chances for different things happening to make (almost) all sea battles interesting in one way or another.
Reasons for these could include:
- Player and enemy skill level
- Player and enemy officer skill level
- Player and enemy crew skill level
- Weather conditions and changing weather conditions
- Ballistics and chance (eg. a stray cannonball killing your helmsman or disabling the enemy's rudder)
  These events could be advantageous or not and you should be able to influence this by ordering your crew to aim for certain targets aboard the enemy ship.
- Strategic choices and being able to fool your enemies. I'm thinking of the Horatio Hornblower stories here, where frequently battles are won not by skill or by sheer numbers, but by outwitting the enemy. That should also be an option!
- There should be a seamless transistion between sea battles and boardings, if possible.
It would be cool if you could influence an ongoing boarding, for example, by continuing to fire cannonballs at the ship.
Also, especially if there's multiple ships involved, the other ships shouldn't suddenly "disappear" from the world as soon as boarding commences.
- Relatively free motions in boarding scenes, so you would be able to jump, climb up the rigging (and shoot at enemies from above), have swordfights with the enemy captain on a yardarm and possibly being able to use your surroundings.
Joined with the previous point, imagine during a boarding a stray cannonball hitting the main mast, which would come crashing down upon the deck!
But even with all these different events that could take place, doing just sea battles will get boring in the end.
Therefore there should also be enough variety in things to do ashore.