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Fixed Sidequests for Additional Storylines

Find the missing son of the Spanish Admiral, works fine and it is OK.
@ANSEL and anyone else: Any chance of continued testing on the sidequests?
They're properly separated now and all fixes are included in the latest update from my signature.
Some that were reported "broken" should be working now and not everything has been tested yet.
Would be nice to be able to write this feature off as being completed. :cheeky
OK. I will continue testing the sidequests. Is it still the free play storyline, who comes first, or
can I take some of the other storylines as well?
OK. I will continue testing the sidequests. Is it still the free play storyline, who comes first, or
can I take some of the other storylines as well?
Since the code is now shared, you can take whichever one you like. Any bugs in one of the storylines should apply to them all.

One thing I'd be curious about is the Patric Cardone one in Hownblower because @Grey Roger reports that one behaves differently from normal and I see no reason for that. :facepalm
Playing "Patric Cardone" during the "Hornblower" storyline - actually doing as many of the quests in St. Pierre as possible, as I won't be there very often:
Talk to Milon Blaque, initiate "Saga of the Blaque Family". Talk to Orable Caron, progress "Blaque", initiate "Help the Boatswain". Talk to Turpin Cabanel, offer to help with smugglers, also progress "Blaque".
Near store, talk to Rachel Blaque, progress "Blaque".
Main town area, talk to Patric Cardone, initiate "Patric and the Idols". Talk to tavern keeper about smugglers and a scar-faced Spaniard. Tavern keeper tells you about Lucien Bsecanceny, also points to Andre Juliao, who refuses to help with smuggling. Tavern keeper says talk to a docker.
Patric says Teodoro went into house by church. Talk to Raoul Calmes, read his letter.

And now it goes wrong. At this point I'd go to visit Lucien Bescanceny and discuss stolen statuettes. If I do visit him, all I can do is comment on his drunkenness. Whether I visit him or not, I can now tell Patric that I found the statuettes and the thief - I don't need to go anywhere near Lucien's house, I can go to Patric right after dealing with Raoul Calmes and report having found the statuettes.

On one occasion I tried missing out everything else and just doing the Patric Cardone quest - same result. Also, in earlier versions I did the whole combination like that while playing "Tales of a Sea Hawk", and the Patric Cardone quest went as it should, so it's unlikely that other side quests are messing it up.
If I recall, when I tested Patric I could also skip on visiting Lucien Bescanceny and that was outside the Hornblower storyline.
I'm not sure if that is actually a bug; looked to be intentional. Basically as soon as you have the proof from Calmes, you can talk to Patric, then Aufort and finish the story.
Trying to complete Nigel Blythe too. I cant find the pirate frigate at Grenada.
Error log:

SEA: Error: Sea_LoginGroup sGroupID = Ethilrede Claar, but group doesn't contain any quest ships!
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If I recall, when I tested Patric I could also skip on visiting Lucien Bescanceny and that was outside the Hornblower storyline.
I'm not sure if that is actually a bug; looked to be intentional. Basically as soon as you have the proof from Calmes, you can talk to Patric, then Aufort and finish the story.
Yes, that seems to be true for "Hornblower" as well. If, after leaving the tavern, I don't talk to Patric and instead go straight to Lucien's house, the normal conversation about statuettes happens.

Which means the quest is broken. Calmes has no proof regarding statuettes, unless a stranger running through the house counts as proof, in which case a lot of police investigations are probably going to be much simpler. xD Patric says he saw Teodoro enter the house. Raoul denies knowing anyone by that name but confirms someone went through the house and left by the back door, and you're unlikely to catch him. That's the end of Raoul Calmes' involvement with the "Patric and the Idols" quest.

The letter which you find in Calmes' possession ties him to smuggling and is for Turpin Cabanel's attention, not Patric Cardone's. He's probably part of the "Smuggling for Thomas Reilly" quest as well - "raoul calmes_dialog.h" includes some references to Andre Juliao, who is definitely part of that quest.
From what I understand, if you give the letter to Aufort instead of Turpin Cabanel, that works to complete the quest as that proves Patric's innocence, right?
But it is basically a "shortcut" to close the quest without actually going to the bottom of the mystery.
I'm not sure if this is broken, since the quest DOES finish. Right? Perhaps a bit of a lapse in logic, but I'm not even sure it is that.
It just seems like an option to let the player "take the easy way out".
I don't think you give the letter to Aufort, since you still need it to proves Raoul Calmes' involvement in smuggling. It's certainly at least a lapse in logic, though not broken enough to prevent completion - you tell Patric that you've found the statuettes and the thief when in fact all you have is the tavern keeper's statement that someone fitting Patric's description of Teodoro, though not called Teodoro, was seen talking to Lucien Bescanceny. Again, if that counts as conclusive evidence, many police investigations are going to be a lot shorter. :D
From what I remember:
1. Talk to Calmes
2. Talk to Patric
3. Talk to Aufort
4. Talk to Patric/Quest resolved

Admittedly not quite logical. How about you make aBug Tracker issue for Patric's lapse of logic?
Do you have a save just prior to that point?
No, I deleted That savegame. I just started the quest again and you will have the savegame, when I come to
that point.
Well now I have done it, still missing Frigate, so here is the savegame.


  • -=Player=- La Grenade. SÝo Jorge Port November 2nd, 1746.zip
    782.7 KB · Views: 72
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Well now I have done it, still missing Frigate, so here is the savegame.
Yup, looks like another character that wasn't moved out of the Standard storyline yet.
Rectified now, fix will be in the next update. Thanks for catching! :cheers
That is a lot of quests! :guns:

In Devlin Opera I have completed the Son of the Spanish Admiral, Rys Bloom (under a different name), Baldewyn Coffier, Sabine Matton as a good guy, Vigila Mendes and his navigator, then broke Patric and the Idols. :facepalm

I talked to Patric, then the tavern bartender who mentioned Bouncingninny. Went there and confronted him and then needed to talk to Oldfhart. But on the way I decided to rob a couple of town guards. That went well but when I tried to talk to Oldfhart all he did was grrooaann. :wp For several days. So I left and will see if he is better after a few months of rest and recuperation. :drunk