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simple ctd's


Ok, what i mean by simple crashes is this. When i go from one island to another and get a "land ho", sometimes a get a crash to error message and then i have to reload that scene. Then it works.It seems it happens alot when the scene changes into another. One time i was coming down the stairs in a tavern and bam a crash to error message.One time i was standing at the port street and i got a crash and that message error read it was a geometry.dll problem. To me all these things seem to be simple crashes and i'm to the point were i'm saving quite periodically so that i do not lose any progress i've made.Is it my computer(which is strong) or is the b14 patch 6 that is having issues. Anyway, any thoughts?
You should enable error log's so that we may understand the problem. Quote from the FAQ:

Please "Enable Error Logging":
- Open "engine.ini" in your main game folder.
- Find the "debuginfo = 0" line and change it to "debuginfo = 1".
- Find the "runtimelog = 0" line and change it to "runtimelog = 1".
- Find the "tracefilesoff = 1" line and change it to "tracefilesoff = 0".
- Start the game and wait until the error occurs.
- Now find compile.log, system.log and the possible error.log in your main game folder.
- Post their contents in Build Technical
It should look like this:

tracefilesoff = 0
debuginfo = 1
codefiles = 0
runtimelog = 1

Wait for a crash to happen. Then post the compile, system and error logs here.
this sounds like a really old CTD source. there have always been occasional CTD's when transitioning into another area, though i have to say that i haven't seen them lately. mine occur when initiating dialogue most of the time.
Yeah, I used to get a dozen CTDs a day but around 13 months ago they started petering out. Now they are rare, like once or twice a week.

What version of POTC are you using?
Yeah it does help us a lot if you post what version you are having the problem in cause older versions quite often have been fixed in the later versions
I am using b14 patch 6. I will post those error messages asap.It takes all the fun out when i have to worry each time about ctd's.
I'm going to go out on a limb and ask you where you set your screen resolution, and if it is your monitor's native resolution. Having that set wrong can cause CTDs.
I am using nvidia card.The card is nvidia geforce 210 w/ 3068 ram. Current settings are 1024x780 and monitor is correct at 60hz.I do not know what resolution setting is best for this build version.Have you read the error log and if so what cha think?I sometimes get colorful geometrical shapes when i am at sea, like if i am pointing my cannon at an ship i get these crazy shapes.When i lower my sails it goes away.I am using blue and white striped sails and crimson red sometimes. But ctds is my real concern.
I looked at your logs and nothing jumped out as me as being the culprit. Did you run "rename.bat"? Sometimes it will run, but badly if you didn't.

POTC should be set to your monitor's native resolution in "engine.ini". Setting it to something else can cause ctds. In your case it looks like that would be 1024X780.
yeah i doubled checked my tv resolution and it's correct. By the way i am using my tv as an monitor and i was wondering if having my tv cable service on in the background was causing this problem. I like switching over to tv sometimes when i know i'll be sailing for a period of time. Last night while i was watching tv a disruption occurred and sure enough it had crashed while making the transition to another island. Anyway, i will post the latest error log.
Here they are and i do believe i ran the rename.bat that came with the patch 6 file.99% sure


  • error.log
    951 bytes · Views: 100
  • compile.log
    29 KB · Views: 98
  • system.log
    16.3 KB · Views: 86
If it is not in your main folder anymore it has been run :yes

There is something about surrender code in the compile, so it may have something to do with that
I do not understand what surrender has to do with it. It's mostly when i'm sailing from island to island when i get a ctd. Although, at times it happens when i'm in a tavern just looking around, nothing else and it will crash. Just yesterday i was coming in from the jungle and as soon as i got into the town, it crashed. Also, this may not have anything to do with my problem, but when i am at sea, i get these graphical geometric colored shapes and sometimes i have to lower my sails to get them to stop or sometimes when i point the cannon at another ship they appear, maybe that problem is with my graphics card, but i got a couple of ctd's from that.
Yep that is not a problem I have had with my game at all :facepalm

I cant remember the last random CTD I had Im afraid, please take a look at the link to the FAQ in my signiture to see if any of those help ;)
You aren't going to like this, but I am starting to think it's either a buggered install or you have hardware problems. What video card are you using? Sometimes nvidia drivers will crash for a second and then recover. That is enough to cause a ctd.